christian living (1417)


Christian hip hop artist and poet, Shy Speaks shares her inspiring journey and unwavering commitment to expressing her faith through her art. She also gives us an exclusive sneak peek into what’s next including her collaboration with Adrion Butler. And hosts get real about evangelism and the nuances that impact our ministry.


Shy’s Journey: From Secular to Sacred

Early Influences and Musical Background

Shy’s journey in music began long before she fully embraced her faith. Growing up in a m

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Welcome to a special real talk episode of Da Fixx. Our hosts, DJ Focus and Dice Gamble have a profound conversation about the often-overlooked trials and tribulations that come with success. This discussion revolves around the concept of people wanting to sit at your table without enduring the trials that come with it. If you are looking to achieve success while staying true to your values this is the episode for you!


Understanding the Concept of “Thieves” and “Leeches”

The Nature of Thieve

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Scripture: "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." - Deuteronomy 31:6




In the midst of life's challenges and obstacles, it can be easy for men to feel overwhelmed and discouraged. But as Christians, we have a source of strength and courage that is unwavering - our God.


The Bible reminds us that God is always with us, and He will never leave or forsake us. This means tha

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Don't Let Your Circumstances Dictate Your Self-Worth


Star Trek was a groundbreaking science fiction TV series of the 1960s. A matter transporter was one of the technological wonders the show employed in many episodes. An object or a person could be teleported from the Star Ship Enterprise to a transporter on board another spacecraft or a nearby planet.


Imagine that the fictitious transporter worked. You could teleport yourself from your current location to anywhere else on earth. You could l

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Brothers, as we step into a new week, let us ground ourselves in the unwavering strength of our faith. The world may throw challenges our way, but our hope lies in the Lord.

Joshua 1:9 reminds us, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

This week, let's go forth with courage, knowing God is by our side. Let's face our challenges with unwavering faith, trusting in His plan and purpose f

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Purging Digital Distractions for Increased Productivity


Productivity means different things for different people. It is usually related to activities and experiences that are important to a person. Productivity isn't an issue when you are doing your laundry. If you don't enjoy this task, you couldn't care less how efficient the experience is.


You want to be productive when you are engaged in an enjoyable process. That makes sense. The problem is that when you are unproductive at anything, wh

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Discovering Your Divine Design: A Journey to Purpose

Every man has a unique journey, a path that is carved out with the intention of leading to a greater purpose. It's a belief that resonates across cultures and faiths: the idea that there's a divine design, a blueprint for what we are meant to accomplish in our lifetime. This concept is not just inspirational; it's motivational, pushing us to explore the depths of our potential.

The search for purpose is a deeply personal endeavor, one that ask

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The Power of Intensity and Humbleness


In a world that often encourages self-promotion and the pursuit of personal goals, there's immense value in cultivating a balance between humility and intensity. These traits, seemingly opposite, actually complement each other perfectly, creating a powerful synergy that fosters genuine confidence and propels individuals toward their aspirations.


The Value of Humility


Humility is a trait often misunderstood as a lack of ambition or drive. Yet, those who

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In this episode of Da Fixx, DJ Focus and Dice Gamble welcome Sports Analyst Chris Broussard for an eye-opening spiritual detox discussion on faith, hip hop, and how he’s uplifting the community with his King’s Movement organization. Our hosts also get real about the complexities of marriage as they address infidelity, faith, and commitment. Let jump right in family!

The Controversy of Art and Faith

One of the most poignant moments of their conversation came when Chris Broussard sh

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In the tapestry of life, each thread has its unique significance, its role to play in the grand design. Among these threads, the role of a godly man stands out for its potential to influence and shape the family, the church, the community, and society at large. The godly man is not just a figurehead but a cornerstone, providing strength and stability to all he supports.

A godly man understands that his role extends beyond the walls of his home. He is a steward of faith, a beacon of hope, and a t

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Welcome to another episode of Church on the Block family. On a recent episode, Pastor Phil, Pastah J and DJ Ruckus explore the pulsating heart of Christian hip hop, exploring its roots, its message, and the undeniable influence of street life on this vibrant genre. Our hosts welcome CHH artists Daryl and Thre from Chicago, who bring their authentic experiences to the table, shedding light on the essence of their ministry and music.

The Street’s Imprint on Ministry and Music:


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In the journey of life, there are moments that test our strength and shake our foundations. It is in these times that we can turn to our faith for guidance and support. As men, we often feel the pressure to be strong and unyielding, but it's important to remember that true strength comes from within, and often, from a higher power.

Consider the story of David, a young shepherd who faced the giant Goliath not with overwhelming force, but with unwavering faith and a single stone. His victory was n

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Winston Churchill once said, “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” 


The problem is, enthusiasm can be hard to come by, especially when yours has taken a beating. Setbacks and disappointments have a way of knocking it down. We start doubting ourselves and lose sight of who we really are. Without confidence, it becomes impossible to try, guaranteeing failure. 


Thankfully, we know one thing for certain: confidence can be reclaimed, as every successful person

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The resurrection of Jesus Christ as chronicled in the gospels stands as the cornerstone of the Christian faith, offering believers a glimpse into the promise of eternal life. At the heart of this event lies a foundational verse from the Gospel of John, chapter 11, verse 25: "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die."


This verse encapsulates the essence of the Christian belief in the resurrection of Jesus. It speaks to the power and authorit

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Today, on International Women's Day, we celebrate the strength, achievements, and resilience of women around the world. This day serves as a reminder of the progress women have made towards gender equality, while also acknowledging the challenges that still lie ahead.


Throughout history, women have made significant contributions to society in every field imaginable. From science and technology to politics and the arts, women have demonstrated their capabilities and broken down barriers. Yet, d

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Brothers, as Christian men, we're called to be pillars of strength in our families, churches, and communities. But let's be honest, there are days when we feel like anything but giants. We face challenges, doubts, and pressures that can leave us feeling weary.

That's where our faith comes in. In Ephesians 6:10-18, Paul uses the metaphor of a spiritual armor to remind us that we're not alone in this fight. We have God on our side, and He equips us with everything we need to stand strong.

Here's a

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Scripture: 1 Corinthians 16:13-14




Leadership is a calling that extends beyond titles and positions. As Christian men, we are called to lead in our families, workplaces, and communities. In today's devotion, we will explore what it means to be a godly leader and how we can embody Christ-like leadership in our various roles.



1. Leading with Love and Humility:

  • Reflect on the example of Jesus, who demonstrated servant leadership by washing His disciples' feet.
  • How ca
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There have been a number of research studies supporting the fact that living a life of gratitude can provide you with numerous health benefits. There are some physical and mental health benefits from having an attitude of gratitude which we will discuss in this article.


When you make a transition to a gratitude based life it will take time, effort and persistence so when you are aware of these health benefits it will inspire you to keep on going. We think that you will be pleasantly surprised

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What does it take to motivate yourself? You set goals, make plans, get excited, but then procrastinate when it comes time to do something. Many of us are cursed with the ability to feel good about the planning process, but awful about acting on those plans. There’s a disconnect that few people understand how to address.


Master this ability and you can do anything. However, if your ability to tie your planning and action phases together is poor, you’ll struggle immensely.


Enhance your motivat

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Are you feeling overwhelmed by the challenges and struggles in your life? Do you sometimes feel like giving up or losing hope? If so, I have some good news for you: God is on your side and He will fight for you!

The Bible tells us that God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). He is the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of heaven, who has power and authority over all things. He is able to deliver us from any enemy, any problem, any situation that we face.


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