woman (183)

How Women Can Handle Their Depression


Some people have a difficult time in managing their depression. Sometimes, their depression and fears can get best of them. As a result, here is a short list of techniques that a woman can use to help manage her depression.

One of the ways to manage your depression is to challenge your negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking. When encountering thoughts that make your fearful or depressed, challenge those thoughts by asking yourself questions that will maintain objecti

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Some of us take a lot of pride in who we are, the title we have, the position we are in, the amount of money we have blah blah blah. We love to make ourselves seem more important than everyone else. But in Romans 12:3-8 Yahweh, through the writing of  Paul is teaching us two key things.

  1. The first is found in verses 3 - 5. Think highly of yourself, but not too high.
  2. Use the gifts Yah gave you, found in verse 6-8

OK let's break this down starting with Romans 12:3 - 5. We are talking about humi

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Jennifer King, who served as a Carolina Panthers intern during the 2017 preseason, reportedly will join the Washington Redskins' staff as a full-time assistant coach, per Rhiannon Walker of The Athletic.

King will become the first full-time African American female coach in league history and the fourth woman with a full-time assistant job overall, per Walker. Collette Smith was the NFL's first black female coach, serving as an intern with the New York Jets in 2017.

King served as an i

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Through the Fire! By Shakura Reed


Shakura Reed  By Shakura Reed

Let me first start off by saying that, every trial that you go through is not about you! Yes, you are the one going through it. Yes, you are the one it is affecting! Yes, it hurts like hell! Yet, it’s still not about you! There is a group of people that are assigned to you. The reason they are assigned to you is because they need help, guidance and prayer as they go through the same fire!

Yahweh made no mistake strengthening you to go through! He knew you would make it through

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Shakura Reed  By Shakura Reed

Do These Exact 3 Things.

  1. Pray - make your request known unto God. No request is too big or too small.  Remember he owns everything! (Hebrews 13:15)
  2. Serve - while you are waiting for your breakthrough don’t forget to continue to serve Yahweh! In and out of season! (2 Timothy 4:2)
  3. Prepare - for what you prayed for. So that when you get it, you will have the wisdom to maintain it! (Proverbs 4:7)




About The Author 

Shakura Was Born in the beautifu

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Bible teacher and best-selling author Sheila Walsh believes prayer is the “single most underused weapon in the Church.”

“Over the last two-and-a-half years, I’ve had this burning thing inside of me that every morning I wake up with this word ‘prayer’ on my heart,” Walsh told The Christian Post. “I’ve been a Christian for many years, but I didn’t understand the importance of prayer.”

“I kept recalling the words of Corrie Ten Boom: ‘Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?’ In other word

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Waiting on God By Shakura Reed


By Shakura Reed

"Wait on the Lord, be of good courage and HE shall strengthen your heart. Wait for the Lord."


                                                                Psalms 27:14 CSB

I love this scripture! It reminds me that God knows what’s best for me. Too many times we have our own agenda, plans, list etc... When to get married, have kids, buy a house, what career we want, life in general. Yet we fail to acknowledge the one who made us. Who know us entirely? From the hair on our h

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 By Shakura Reed

Make sure that you live your words with clarity!  So many people currently are saying one thing and living another! Time is too precious to waste. Love yourself enough to live with integrity of action. Our lives are the testament that will be held against us. How did we live the life that was given to us by The Highest God? I pray that you seek His heart and go forth and live 2 Chronicles 7:14. So that the rest of your life can be glorious!



About Th

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34 Things A Righteous Woman Does


by Taylor  

Although I am sure there are more, here are 34 things the LORD showed me that a Righteous Woman (a righteous bride, a daughter of Yahweh, the King of kings) does:

  1. Refreshes others by sharing the goodness of God with them in the way she lives, what she says, and what she does and doesn’t do, according to His Word 

  2. Reveals the Truth to others--first by living it, then by speaking it or other means, as the LORD leads

  3. Rejects falsehood

  4. Returns to the LORD and helps others to do so

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Psalms 24 Look Up! By Shakura Reed


Shakura ReedBy Shakura Reed

Too many times we look at the negative before the positive. Why is that? Have we been conditioned by hurt and pain that its our first reaction? Does it come from being around negative people who always point out the obvious? There must be a better way! As a matter of fact, there is!

We as women of God, created to birth, nourish, and love mankind; have always been prepared for better or worse. I know it can be hard at times. Especially when it seems like everything is falling o

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Shakura Reed   By Shakura Reed


Whew child! Don’t get caught up with these sayings of the world! Remember who and whose you are! We are called to be set apart from the women of the world! While they are calling themselves DIVA, BOSS CHICK, A BAD B***H! Oh no love we are not those worldly things! We are the apple of YAHWEH eye! We are the Proverbs 31 Woman! A peculiar people! As you go about your day; seek YAHWEH in the Word to see just what you are!





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Women Wednesday Music

Artist – Jazmine Sullivan

Album – Reality Show

Song – Mona Lisa


About The Author 

Shakura Was Born in the beautiful summer of 1978 in Texas yet raised in Louisiana. She is the second of six children of her mother and the only child of her father. She is a mother of seven and a grandmother of one. Baking, dancing, listening to music and attending women conferences are just a few of her hobbies. She joined The Oracle in fall of 2019.

Also Peep This...

A Mother's Letter

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Beauty is Her Name By Shakura Reed


Shakura ReedBy Shakura Reed

What is your name? No, not the name that’s on your Birth Certificate. Your God ordained name. It’s that name that you should know. That very name will remind you of who and whose you are. It’s not by accident that you were named that. Know the difference between your name and what people have labeled you as. Oh yeah, there is a huge difference!

Some may have labeled you as damaged goods, yet YAHWEH sees you a classic that cannot be duplicated. You may know the name as a hustler

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Kobe Bryant went from pro athlete to Oscar winner thanks to his work on Dear Basketball, the animated short film that won in 2018.

Now, he could be joined by Matthew A. Cherry.

Cherry was a wide receiver in the NFL who shuttled between practice squads and active roster for the Jacksonville Jaguars, Cincinnati Bengals, Carolina Panthers and Baltimore Ravens after he had a great college career with Akron.

Since he left the league, he became a filmmaker who has directed music videos for some big

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APOLOGIZE By Shakura Reed


Never be to arrogant that you are not able to admit when you are wrong and apologize! Whew! I said what I said! Being a family member, leader, boss does not entitle you to walk around in error without repentance! It just doesn’t work like that! IT will cause you to live a miserable and lonely life. Yes, there will be times you will have to stand your ground of right. Should that right become wrong; admit that you were wrong! Strive not to repeat the same offense. Strive for better communicatio

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Dear Child of Mine,

              I want to start by saying you are an amazing human being! I never would have thought 

that I could raise such an inspiring person! From your laugh to your heart felt cry. You have 

managed to captivate my entire your heart! Everyday that I wake up I think of how I can improve myself,  that you may be great! I want to apologize for the times I yelled, went overboard or just didn’t see your  side of a situation. For when it seemed that I didn’t understand. I nev

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Shakura Reed     By Shakura Reed

Girlfriend! Let’s talk about this new you. Are you ready? Let’s go! Now you say that this is your year to start your business, get fit, live your best life! That’s what you say. Well all that is good and fine; what about your mindset. Yeah, your mind! You have a goal set, but you haven’t renewed your mind. YAWEH says that we are to renew our mind and become a new creature. 


Reason being is because old mind sets can’t produce a new outcome! So, while you are being brand

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Happy New Year!!! By Shakura Reed


Shakura Reed    By Shakura Reed

Blessings be unto you Women of YAWEH!! This year will only be spectacular if you want it to be! To want something is to work towards it! The best thing about working is the appreciation after you are finished! Nothing like a blessed reward for due diligence!

This year comes with an extra day. That’s right 2020 is a leap year! Instead of having 28 days in February we will have 29! That’s an extra day to accomplish your goal!! To go forth and be prosperous! Don’t waste that e

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Shakura Reed   By Shakura Reed

Woman make sure to make you annual exam to your OBGYN! It is most valuable thing you can do for yourself! Make sure that you also go to the dentist and have your eyes check! Also, if you need a break to renew your mind take it! Mental health is also very important! After all you are what you think!! How can you care for everyone else and you are not well? If you need help finding a Dr, contact your insurance customer care line or dial 211 for information on free health scree

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YOU MADE IT!!!    By Shakura Reed


Shakura Reed   By Shakura Reed

Deuteronomy 20:4 “…for the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory.”

When the odds were against you! When that divorce tore your heart out! That Dr. who said you wouldn’t live to see another Christmas! When your father didn’t acknowledge the love, he has for you! When that child or your mother died! Whew child; you made it!!!

YAWEH gave you the strength to overcome! I know it was hard and unexpected. Life has a way

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