Studies (970)


By Shakura Reed

This month lets reflect on the women who made history throughout the world and in our families. We all know a woman that has been a positive influence in our lives. It’s that influence that has caused us to walk in our purpose and destiny. That has motivated us to go above all hell and fire. Now that’s a woman who deserves to be remembered through out history. Look within your circle and give her props. Even if that women are no longer on this side of heaven. Still give her the

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Oh, I already know people are going to have A problem with what you are about to read. But these are not my thoughts, ideas, and philosophies. This is from scripture. So don’t be mad at me. Blame God! (Kanye shrug emoji lol)

Yahweh expects all Christians to move in a decent way when it comes to dealing with people who are not Christian and even his “enemies.” A Christian is expected to control himself and have victory over his flesh. Yah expects us to give testimony to his love and be an examp

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Shakura Reed     By Shakura Reed

As I sit a think of a blog to write for Women’s Wednesday, all that comes to mind is for us women of God are to breathe. That’s all I have right now. So many times, we forget that we are human along with being a mother, wife, sister, aunt, cousin, friend, prayer warrior, etc.  We often forget to breathe. We forget to be human and put ourselves first. I am a witness to this. I have & children and I am always a mother first. I forget that I am also human. I deserve to breath

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New Creature! By Shakura Reed


Shakura Reed    By Shakura Reed

New Creature!

2 Corinthians 5:17-21 I love this scripture! Reason being is because I know that after every storm, trial or misfortune my mind has been renewed and made new. What a glorious thing for Yahweh to give us. That new mindset that you acquire, once applied can take you even further into your destiny. Be renewed and walk in the creation that Yahweh made you to be in Him!




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The Christian man should…

  1. Hate all evil (v. 9)
  2. Be glued and locked into good (v.9)
  3. Love with brotherly affection (v. 10)
  4. Be forward to honor others (v. 10)
  5. Never be lazy or careless (v. 11)
  6. Maintain zeal and excitement to the boiling point (v. 11)
  7. Put your life into service for Yah, even if you don’t receive personal gain and applause (v. 11)
  8. Show Patience during your problems and situations (v. 12)
  9. Live in constant Prayer to Yah (v. 12)
  10. Contribute and give to needy Christians (v. 13)
  11. Make A
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by Stan Popovich

There are times when people encounter fearful thoughts that can be difficult to manage. For some women, the more they try to get rid of the thoughts, the more difficult they become to manage. As a result, here is a brief list of techniques that a woman can use to help manage her fearful and obsessive thoughts.

The first thing a person must do is not to dwell or focus on the fear provoking thought when it comes. The more a person tries to reason out the thought or focus on th
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Dear Successful Women of The Mountain   

                               Look at you! You made it! Against all odds, shame, sleepless nights and no social life! You have accomplished your dream! CONGRATULATIONS!!! How is the view from up there! Was it worth it? Is it everything that you thought it would be? That’s good to hear! I have a question for you. With everything that you learned; what was the hardest sacrifice? Did you ever just want to stop and say, I’m done! The reason why I am asking

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Help is on the Way! By Shakura Reed


Shakura Reed   By Shakura Reed

I know I know! Just breathe in, now let it out. Breathe in and now let it out. I have been there myself. Church, work, kids, spouse and repeat. It gets stressful! Trying to be SUPERWOMAN. Really trying to be a woman at all. I say that because the world wants us to be more than a woman! You know I’m right! Dress like this, talk like that, stay fit, don’t work too much, your not working enough, support your spouse’s dream, work on yours and while you are doing that nurture the

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Some of us take a lot of pride in who we are, the title we have, the position we are in, the amount of money we have blah blah blah. We love to make ourselves seem more important than everyone else. But in Romans 12:3-8 Yahweh, through the writing of  Paul is teaching us two key things.

  1. The first is found in verses 3 - 5. Think highly of yourself, but not too high.
  2. Use the gifts Yah gave you, found in verse 6-8

OK let's break this down starting with Romans 12:3 - 5. We are talking about humi

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Pastor Evans’ Tribute Sermon for his beloved wife, Lois Irene Evans, preached on Sunday, January 5, 2020.

Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative, chaplain of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, and author of over 100 books, booklets & Bible studies. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on more than 1,300 US outlets daily and in more than 130 countries.


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Through the Fire! By Shakura Reed


Shakura Reed  By Shakura Reed

Let me first start off by saying that, every trial that you go through is not about you! Yes, you are the one going through it. Yes, you are the one it is affecting! Yes, it hurts like hell! Yet, it’s still not about you! There is a group of people that are assigned to you. The reason they are assigned to you is because they need help, guidance and prayer as they go through the same fire!

Yahweh made no mistake strengthening you to go through! He knew you would make it through

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Shakura Reed  By Shakura Reed

Do These Exact 3 Things.

  1. Pray - make your request known unto God. No request is too big or too small.  Remember he owns everything! (Hebrews 13:15)
  2. Serve - while you are waiting for your breakthrough don’t forget to continue to serve Yahweh! In and out of season! (2 Timothy 4:2)
  3. Prepare - for what you prayed for. So that when you get it, you will have the wisdom to maintain it! (Proverbs 4:7)




About The Author 

Shakura Was Born in the beautifu

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First Peep This...

Are You A Conformer Or A Transformer Part 1 By Prince Malachi

If you are a follower of Yeshua (Jesus), and his teachings, if you are a follower of Yahweh, you are to be transformed. That’s not optional. It’s not only if you want to. Yahweh demands it. Be transformed! What does that even mean? Well looking at the Greek text this was originally written in, the word used here is metamorphousthe (or metamorphoo in some text) This is where we get the word metamorphosis from. If

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Ok so, “the body” Your body! You are to present it to Yahweh as a living sacrifice. It will be his body. Now let me tell you something that might trip you out. Yahweh is not interested in your money, your time or your skills, Nah homie, He is interested in you, your body. There is only one gift that makes the redeemed creator happy, and that is the redeemed creation.

Ok, now when you do this, give your body to Yahweh, you will not be conformed or molded in the ways of this world. Conformed. Le

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The Bible says a lot about entrepreneurship. So, if you're thinking about becoming an entrepreneur, take heed. This article covers some of what it says about launching, growing, and maintaining a successful enterprise.

What the Bible Says

  • Count the costs.
Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won't you sit down first to estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it (Luke 14:28)? Simply put, count the cost before you launch. Know what it tak
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Bible Study For Men by Prince Malachi: You Are Not A Goon Part 1

7936053282?profile=originalI know I'll get called a hata’. But the truth is, this is not hate. It’s love. I could not tell you the truth if I didn't love you! The truth is, it’s the enemy's goal to keep you dumb, blind, and in bondage.…

Ok, Now Let's Get It Crackin

Once We Make the choice to follow Yeshua (Jesus name is the language He actually spoke), things change. At Least it should. See, from that point, it’s not abo

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7936053282?profile=originalI know I'll get called a hata’. But the truth is, this is not hate. It’s love. I could not tell you the truth if I didn't love you! The truth is, it’s the enemy's goal to keep you dumb, blind, and in bondage. Then he can control you. So he uses B.E.T, movies, and music to make you think that if you read books and try to better yourself you’re a “lame” or you’re trying to be white. That’s a lie! The enemy wants you to think if you call yourself a nigga, and the baddest b****, you’re keeping it

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Shakura Reed  By Shakura Reed

First Please Read Breakdown of Proverbs 31 Part 3 By Shakura Reed

In this final segment of King Lemuel his mother is teaching him on how his wife should be able to speak, work and take care of her household well. Most of all that she when looked upon she is well respected through the gates just like her husband.

Proverbs 31:24-31

It takes a mighty strong woman to work well with her hands and provide for her family. Not only that but she walks in her strength so well that peo

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This excerpt is adapted from The Lord’s Supper: Answers to Common Questions by Keith Mathison.

Why did Jesus institute the Lord’s Supper on Passover?

As the book of Exodus begins, Israel has been in Egypt for more than four hundred years (cf. Ex. 12:40). They are now in bondage under an oppressive Pharaoh. The early chapters of Exodus describe the calling of Moses to be the one who will lead God’s people out of slavery in Egypt. He comes before Pharaoh demanding that Israel be allowed to go an

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