motivation (427)

The Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow’s “pulpit” for his worship services. Photo courtesy of Bruce Reyes-Chow

On Sunday (March 15), the Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow, a Presbyterian minister, began the Christian celebration of Communion as he always has: by reciting prayers over the breaking of bread, recalling a covenant sealed in blood, and invoking the forgiveness of sins.

Except instead of standing at an altar before a congregation seated in pews, he spoke directly into his computer, where members of First Pr

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by Jessica Gerald  

One day, as I was thinking of some different areas that frustrated me about my life, I came to a startling conclusion. Many of my so-called problems were simply a lack of self-discipline. I made a little list of improvements to incorporate. Maybe something here will help you, too. These may seem
oversimplified, but sometimes I need to get back to simplicity!

1. Regular Bedtime and Wake-up time.

When I work during the week, I am forced to comply with this. But as a teacher

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Let me be 100 percent real with you. This one was hard to write. I’m a person that struggles with trusting our government in general. When it comes to the government I think more like Malcolm X than Martin Luther King. I definitely have issues with our current president.

So what is a Christian's relationship to the government supposed to be? Well, I'm glad you asked. The answer is found in His Word. 

Yahweh expects us to do what is right while being a citizen on this earth. He expects us to se

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Katherine Johnson spoke at the Oscars about her work depicted in the 2016 film ‘Hidden Figures.’
AP Photo/Chris Pizzello

Katherine Johnson, an African-American mathematician who made critical contributions to the space program at NASA, died Feb. 24 at the age of 101.

Johnson became a household name thanks to the celebrated book “Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians who Helped Win the Space Race,” which later became a movie. Her legacy provi

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By Shakura Reed

This month lets reflect on the women who made history throughout the world and in our families. We all know a woman that has been a positive influence in our lives. It’s that influence that has caused us to walk in our purpose and destiny. That has motivated us to go above all hell and fire. Now that’s a woman who deserves to be remembered through out history. Look within your circle and give her props. Even if that women are no longer on this side of heaven. Still give her the

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By Shakura Reed

"Sisterhood means always having someone to go to and never having to worry because your sisters always have your back. It's knowing that through thick and thin you'll always have someone on your side. it's late night talks and laughter. You never have to worry about anyone judging you because your always accepted for who you are." – Alpha Phi, Akron OH

Old sisterhood.

Remember back in high school when you had your girls. You all would dress alike, share lip gloss, be on the pho

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Oh, I already know people are going to have A problem with what you are about to read. But these are not my thoughts, ideas, and philosophies. This is from scripture. So don’t be mad at me. Blame God! (Kanye shrug emoji lol)

Yahweh expects all Christians to move in a decent way when it comes to dealing with people who are not Christian and even his “enemies.” A Christian is expected to control himself and have victory over his flesh. Yah expects us to give testimony to his love and be an examp

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Shakura Reed     By Shakura Reed

As I sit a think of a blog to write for Women’s Wednesday, all that comes to mind is for us women of God are to breathe. That’s all I have right now. So many times, we forget that we are human along with being a mother, wife, sister, aunt, cousin, friend, prayer warrior, etc.  We often forget to breathe. We forget to be human and put ourselves first. I am a witness to this. I have & children and I am always a mother first. I forget that I am also human. I deserve to breath

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New Creature! By Shakura Reed


Shakura Reed    By Shakura Reed

New Creature!

2 Corinthians 5:17-21 I love this scripture! Reason being is because I know that after every storm, trial or misfortune my mind has been renewed and made new. What a glorious thing for Yahweh to give us. That new mindset that you acquire, once applied can take you even further into your destiny. Be renewed and walk in the creation that Yahweh made you to be in Him!




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The Christian man should…

  1. Hate all evil (v. 9)
  2. Be glued and locked into good (v.9)
  3. Love with brotherly affection (v. 10)
  4. Be forward to honor others (v. 10)
  5. Never be lazy or careless (v. 11)
  6. Maintain zeal and excitement to the boiling point (v. 11)
  7. Put your life into service for Yah, even if you don’t receive personal gain and applause (v. 11)
  8. Show Patience during your problems and situations (v. 12)
  9. Live in constant Prayer to Yah (v. 12)
  10. Contribute and give to needy Christians (v. 13)
  11. Make A
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Photo courtesy of Crossroads Prison Ministries.

Richard Sifuentes was on the run. Determined to avoid a third trip to prison, he was dodging police who were tracking him on an attempted murder charge. Scared and not sure what to do, Richard called his mother.

“The only one who can help you is God,” she told him.

Richard didn’t think his mom’s God could help him, but he was at the end of his rope. He hadn’t prayed a day in his life. But that day, Richard got down on his knees and said: “God,

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Image: Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

Kelly Edmiston is the Youth Pastor at the Vineyard Church of Sugar Land/Stafford. She has spent the last thirteen years in ministry to students and families in domestic and international contexts. The views expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of BCNN1.

I have taught many undergraduate bible courses over the past couple of years. The feedback that I hear

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by Stan Popovich

There are times when people encounter fearful thoughts that can be difficult to manage. For some women, the more they try to get rid of the thoughts, the more difficult they become to manage. As a result, here is a brief list of techniques that a woman can use to help manage her fearful and obsessive thoughts.

The first thing a person must do is not to dwell or focus on the fear provoking thought when it comes. The more a person tries to reason out the thought or focus on th
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The Measure of a Man


by Stephen Kimball

It’s easy to believe that success or popularity equals “manhood”. But do not be deceived! The God who created you and knows you intimately, looks beneath the surface into the recesses of the heart, and what really matters is what he sees in there. Lose that perspective and begin to live your life with the ideals of the world, guided by your own selfish desires, and fall short of what God has planned for your life. On the other hand, live life with an undying deep desire to

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Dear Successful Women of The Mountain   

                               Look at you! You made it! Against all odds, shame, sleepless nights and no social life! You have accomplished your dream! CONGRATULATIONS!!! How is the view from up there! Was it worth it? Is it everything that you thought it would be? That’s good to hear! I have a question for you. With everything that you learned; what was the hardest sacrifice? Did you ever just want to stop and say, I’m done! The reason why I am asking

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Help is on the Way! By Shakura Reed


Shakura Reed   By Shakura Reed

I know I know! Just breathe in, now let it out. Breathe in and now let it out. I have been there myself. Church, work, kids, spouse and repeat. It gets stressful! Trying to be SUPERWOMAN. Really trying to be a woman at all. I say that because the world wants us to be more than a woman! You know I’m right! Dress like this, talk like that, stay fit, don’t work too much, your not working enough, support your spouse’s dream, work on yours and while you are doing that nurture the

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When you need to study for examinations and tests, you need extra motivation to perform well in your academics. Some students, though, have a hard time trying to do so and that is usually manifested in their grades. That makes it important to find out what is the best way to be motivated when studying in college.

The key trick is to find methods that will help you retain the academic content you take and improve the concentration levels you have.

Here are 10 tips that will help you be motivate

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Shakura Reed  By Shakura Reed

With the death and suicide being more present now than ever, I would like for to encourage you to check up on friends and love ones! Text, email or call them. Yes, they may seem strong but trust me they need someone to lean on also! We are our brother and sister keeper! Show love on today! Even if it is just asking someone how they are doing. Trust me that one question alone can open a window of fresh air in someone’s life! Should you meet someone who needs help or just someo

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How Women Can Handle Their Depression


Some people have a difficult time in managing their depression. Sometimes, their depression and fears can get best of them. As a result, here is a short list of techniques that a woman can use to help manage her depression.

One of the ways to manage your depression is to challenge your negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking. When encountering thoughts that make your fearful or depressed, challenge those thoughts by asking yourself questions that will maintain objecti

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