christian living (1408)

I gave birth to my son in October 2014. Within the first few weeks of mommy-hood, I began to experience behavior and emotions that did not seem normal, although my doctor said as long as I didn't want to harm myself or my baby, I was fine.

But I did not feel fine.

I was arguing with my husband constantly over the most insignificant things and I felt like I had no support, even though that couldn’t have been further from the truth because my husband is the most supportive and selfless man I

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by Thelma Smith  

Our inner beauty is from God. We have His love, compassion, power, and heart within us. It's up to us as mighty women of God, to activate these unfailing(DNA) traits. We are virtuous women, our price is far above rubies. You can't put a price on God's daughters. We have the mind of Christ! The joy of the Lord is our strength. Our roar is as the Lion of Judah. We see others and ourselves through the eyes of God. We thank you, heavenly Father, for graciously giving us our inner

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In Matthew Chapter 6:5-6, Yeshua Is not concerned about whether we pray. This is more about the how. There is a right way and a wrong way to pray. I bet you didn’t even know what huh. You can pray with the wrong motives and you can have your prayers not heard by God.

The Wrong  Motive Is Praying To Be Heard By Men.

When you pray, you are praying for Yahweh to hear you, this isn't for anyone else but him. Of Course, he knows what you need before you ask ( 2 Chr. 16:9,  Is. 65:24 )

In Matthew Cha

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1. Faith. She loves Jesus with all of her heart. A Virtuous Woman serves God with all of her heart, mind, and soul. She seeks His will for her life and follows His ways. (Proverbs 31: 26, Proverbs 31: 29 – 31, Matthew 22: 37, John 14: 15, Psalm 119: 15)

2. Marriage. She is a faithful bride. A Virtuous Woman respects her husband. She does him good all the days of her life. She is trustworthy and a helpmeet. But first and foremost she is the bride of Christ. You do not need an earthly husband to

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Experience the power of the resurrection through this special presentation produced in partnership with RightNow Media. We want to thank RightNow Media and Harvest House Publishers for the use of the content filmed on location in Israel and excerpted from Tony Evans’ Bible Study: “The Power of Jesus Names.”

We also want to thank Anthony Evans, Jr. for directing and producing the portions filmed on location in Texas. And a special thanks to Kirk Franklin and his group of amazing singers and m

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7 Words of Encouragement

We’ve seen the local and national news and, like you, our timelines and newsfeeds are filled with sad videos. However, it is important that we keep in mind that there is indeed light at the end of the tunnel. And even when times get hard, it is important to remember that God is always in control. So, with that being said, our staff has provided some brief words of encouragement that we have found to be helpful during difficult times. Stay strong!


1. Things are never as bad as they seem.


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By Shakura Reed

There have been many books, conferences, plays, shows, revivals, posts, MEMES, and FB lives concerning how to be a Proverbs 31 woman. This is not one of them! What is it you ask? This is to show you how you are already a Proverbs 31 woman. This article will be a 4-part series for the month of November.  I am going to show you how you have been walking in it. The problem is you have been giving it to the wrong man. I will be giving examples on how we as women have been casting o

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BE YOU By Shakura Reed


By Shakura Reed

There is no one else in the world like you. Some may come close, yet they are not you! You have every right to LIVE YOUR YAHWEH TRUTH! Now, this, that when you accept it; He will prune or purge everything that does not line up with the truth HE placed in you. Be truthful, real with yourself.  Look at the person in that mirror that is in front of you. Accept that there is something that must change for you to go forth in the truth that has been put before you! It will save you fr

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At  the beginning of any other new year, when the clock strikes 12, many people will put into action what they call their “New year’s resolution.” These are goals people set for themselves that range anywhere from losing 10 lbs to saving money, but by March those goals fizzle and die; they become just a little more than talk. Why? Lack of discipline, and whether we want to admit it or not, lack of discipline is a sign of an immature mind. Just because there is physical growth, that does not nec

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Love don’t you ever let another being tell you that your standards are too high! Clearly the are delusional!  
Your standards will never be to much for the right people! As a matter of fact the people around you will begin to raise theirs! If you like to get nails and feet done every 2 weeks do it! If you like to dress nice, eat pizza every Friday with a nice glass of Chardonnay, our favorite chic flick; girl  by all means do it!  
My honey (that’s my name for him) love
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How we live, interact and move in our community and neighborhoods is very important. People are watching and listening to you and you might not ever realize it. What type of influence do you have? When people see you, what do they see. Do They see a person that spreads lies about other people or flirts with another man's wife. How does that make your neighborhood a better place?

If You Are Full Love Love You Can Not Lie On People

Romans 13:9 teaches that if we are full of love, we can not lie

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So, keep believing, trusting and depending of The Highest God who is seated in the 3rd Heaven! Know that it is truly working for your good! It may not look, feel or even smell like it! Just know down in your praying soul that it is!

Romans 8:28

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”




About The Author 

Shakura Was Born in the beautiful summer of 1978 in Texas yet raised in Lo

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By Shakura Reed

What is your name? No, not the name that’s on your Birth Certificate. Your God ordained name. It’s that name that you should know. That very name will remind you of who and whose you are. It’s not by accident that you were named that. Know the difference between your name and what people have labeled you as. Oh yeah, there is a huge difference!

Some may have labeled you as damaged goods, yet YAWEH sees you a classic that cannot be duplicated. You may know the name as a hustler,

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By Prince Malachi

There is a certain way Yahweh wants us to interact with the people we live near and around. It is clearly mapped out in His Word.

I believe the most powerful element in existence is love. What kind of world would we live in, if everyone that claimed to be a Christian made moves in love?

Romans 13:8-10 teaches us that when we really love we will not…

  1. Go beyond the bounds of the moral law (v 8, 10)
  2. Deny a man his wife (v 9)
  3. Rob any woman of her virtue/power ( v 9)
  4. Murder (
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Just last week, it seemed OK to have lunch out or maybe meet up with friends for a game of pickup soccer.

Now, in the fast-moving world of the coronavirus response, that’s no longer the case. More and better social distancing is required. But what’s still acceptable?

We reached out to public health experts, who, admittedly, vary in their recommendations. But their main message remains: The better individuals are now at social distancing to slow transmission of the virus, the better off we’ll

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The Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow’s “pulpit” for his worship services. Photo courtesy of Bruce Reyes-Chow

On Sunday (March 15), the Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow, a Presbyterian minister, began the Christian celebration of Communion as he always has: by reciting prayers over the breaking of bread, recalling a covenant sealed in blood, and invoking the forgiveness of sins.

Except instead of standing at an altar before a congregation seated in pews, he spoke directly into his computer, where members of First Pr

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by Jessica Gerald  

One day, as I was thinking of some different areas that frustrated me about my life, I came to a startling conclusion. Many of my so-called problems were simply a lack of self-discipline. I made a little list of improvements to incorporate. Maybe something here will help you, too. These may seem
oversimplified, but sometimes I need to get back to simplicity!

1. Regular Bedtime and Wake-up time.

When I work during the week, I am forced to comply with this. But as a teacher

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Let me be 100 percent real with you. This one was hard to write. I’m a person that struggles with trusting our government in general. When it comes to the government I think more like Malcolm X than Martin Luther King. I definitely have issues with our current president.

So what is a Christian's relationship to the government supposed to be? Well, I'm glad you asked. The answer is found in His Word. 

Yahweh expects us to do what is right while being a citizen on this earth. He expects us to se

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By Shakura Reed

This month lets reflect on the women who made history throughout the world and in our families. We all know a woman that has been a positive influence in our lives. It’s that influence that has caused us to walk in our purpose and destiny. That has motivated us to go above all hell and fire. Now that’s a woman who deserves to be remembered through out history. Look within your circle and give her props. Even if that women are no longer on this side of heaven. Still give her the

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By Shakura Reed

"Sisterhood means always having someone to go to and never having to worry because your sisters always have your back. It's knowing that through thick and thin you'll always have someone on your side. it's late night talks and laughter. You never have to worry about anyone judging you because your always accepted for who you are." – Alpha Phi, Akron OH

Old sisterhood.

Remember back in high school when you had your girls. You all would dress alike, share lip gloss, be on the pho

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