living (267)

The World Is Not Your Friend

by Henry Miranda


John 15:19 (NKJV) 
"If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. "

If you were like the world, vain, earthly, sensual, given to pleasure, wealth, ambition, the world would not oppose you. But because you are influenced by different principles then the world the world hates you. You are different from them therefore the world is not your friend. You are motivated by t
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by Henry Miranda


One phrase we are all too familiar with is" there is always tomorrow" we hear it use quite a bit. But this phrase "why put off for tomorrow what you can do today" is a better quote. 

We are all guilty of procrastinating at times. But most times, procrastination is the result of laziness. We have no reason to procrastinate. In short, procrastination is a bad habit that can have eternal effects. the Bible is clear that, because the Lord ordained work for us, laziness is a sin. 

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Stage One Of A Lasting Relationship

One area of God's work that suffers serious attacks is marriage. The home is the target of the regular and consistent enemy of man, the Devil. He knows fully that if a marriage fails, all members of that home are his potential disciples. They can easily fall prey to his antics. 

Every serious minded fellow craves a lasting home but are not aware of many things involved to achieve this. So, let us consider the first of the three stages of every marriage. Note that each stage demand's different ac
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Satan is Both Powerful and Powerless


by Gregory John Monroe 


We Christians acknowledge that Satan rules the world's culture. It is his influence that is causing strife, immorality, and the devaluing of life. In 2 Corinthians 4: 4, he is even referred to as the (small "g") god of this world that blindfolds the minds of unbelievers to the light of the gospel.

He has had and exercised world dominion ever since it was turned over to him by Adam when Adam sinned. This is evident in Luke 4: 6 when Satan takes Jesus to a high mountai
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by Segun Olumide


Biblical principles don't change, but methods can change.
For example, Jesus healed the sick with the same principle of faith, but different methods.
It may amaze us that if Jesus wanted to ministered to 3 blind people on the 3 different occasions, he may tell the first, "Go and sin no more." Then he put his hand in the eyes of the second and command: "Be ope

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Where is God Part 3


A few years ago a video surfaced that showed a stray wildebeest stalked and then captured by a group of lions. They dragged the helpless animal to the water where a hungry crocodile got into the act, hoping to steal a meal away. The wildebeest's tragic fate appeared decided until, surprisingly, the herd of wildebeests returned, attacked the lions, and freed the captured wildebeest. I would never have believed the events that transpired if I had not seen that video.


What did the herd of wilde

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I was once at a Bible Study where one of the members remarked how God was with him that morning on his way to work. He had been running late and began to pray for green traffic lights. Sure enough, most of the lights he encountered were green, and he was able to make it to work on time. 

I openly questioned his interpretation of the events to the group and was surprised to hear them agree with him. God somehow altered the lights to allow the man to make up lost time. I continued to argue, saying

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After every catastrophe, tremendous loss of human life, or national crisis, someone asks the inevitable question: "Where was God?"

There are three possibilities for God's role in humanity. The first is that God is in complete control of everything that happens. The second is that God does intervene but only at select times. The third possibility is that God for whatever reason has no role in humanity, and we control our own lives. Let's examine all three.

From at least the Christian perspective,
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10 things People Should Do Everyday

1. Treat others as you would have them treat you:

Treat other people in the manner that you want them to treat you. This is a hallmark of Christianity. Be kind to people, even when they are unkind to you. That way, you set an example for them, you become a representative of the Christian faith.

"So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you" - Jesus, as quoted in Matthew 7:12 (NIV)

2. Help people:

In Matthew 25:34-40, Jesus tells us that we are to give food to those who are

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by Luella Campbell

"So after I have completed this task and have made sure that they have received this contribution, I will go to Spain and visit you on the way. I know that when I come to you, I will come in the full measure of the blessing of Christ." Romans 15: 2829.

Paul related his plans with such confidence! It sounds so easy, as though he would hop on a plane in Jerusalem and disembark in Rome before catching another flight to Spain a few days later. But that was not the case

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by Wayne Davies

Have you considered lately what it means to be a Christian? What essential beliefs must a person embrace to be a genuine follower of Jesus? I'm convinced that the answer to these questions can be found in Matthew's account of the virgin birth. The story of Jesus' birth can become so familiar to us that it is easy to miss three of the most breathtaking truths of the Christian faith.

Truth #1: Jesus is God in a human body.

"They will call him Immanuel" which means, "God with u
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Faith vs Doubt

by Henry Miranda


Matthew 14:31-32 (NKJV) 
And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" 
And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased.

When you doubt you are not showing faith. Faith is believing God without wavering, without doubting, and without questioning what He says. It is taking God at His Word and believing that what He has promised He is able to deliver. 

Hebrews 11:1 (NKJV)
"Now faith is the substance
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The NFL, Controversy, and Christians


By now you’ve undoubtedly heard about the horrific video of Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice knocking his then-fiancée unconscious inside a casino elevator. The Ravens have terminated Rice’s contract, and the NFL has placed him on indefinite suspension.

Rice’s actions were reprehensible, and the NFL’s handling of the matter at this point has been questionable at best, and shameful at worst.

Now, what should Christians make of all this? The first thing is perhaps the hardest but certainl

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It is what it is


By Donny Wright PhD

This morning I am mindful of a place that has existed for a long time yet it seems that I have only now discovered it. Its home is in a space between what is right and what is wrong; between what was and what is to come. It does not surpass understanding but rather is understanding. It is a place where troubles are forgotten, anxiety is relieved, depression is released and ego is defeated. I call this space "What it is".

Many have discovered this space before me. Rich and poo

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The Biblical Principles for Living

by J. Rubino

Life is so hard sometimes and being a Christian doesn't mean that life's problems will go away. We can rest assured though that if we apply the six principles of living found in 1 Chronicles 28:9-10to our life that our problems will be dealt with easier.

Principle #1 Develop a personal relationship with God. 

We must realize that God wants a relationship with us. We should want a relationship with him as well. It is vital that we set aside time every day to pray and read our bib
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By J. Rubino

consistency - constancy: the ability to maintain a particular standard or repeat a particular task with minimal variation

Christian -believer in Jesus Christ as savior: somebody whose religion is Christianity

Christianity - religion that follows Jesus Christ's teachings: the religion based on the life, teachings, and example of Jesus Christ

Now that we have established what these words independently mean, let's define what it means to be a "Consistent Christian". Based on the defin
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Anthony Bradley

This summer I made a visit to Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia, and on a tour of churches, I heard a fascinating explanation of how society functioned when the church was the place where the poor had their material needs met, not the government. The Bruton Parish Church in Williamsburg is one example.

According to church records, Burton Parish formed in 1674 following the merger of several colonial parishes originating as far back as 1633. As a Church of England congregation

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The Woman Who Fears the Lord

by Mduduzi Mbiza


Genesis 2: 21- "so the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. 22 - And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man."

There's one important reason why women are celebrated DISCIPLINE!

When God took out one rib from Adam and that rib which was placed into a woman was discipline. Many women don't know this, but women are the most disciplined cr
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Dear Mason Betha aka Murder Ma$e aka S.A.N.E. Minister Mason Betha aka Pastor Betha of El Elyon International Church,

I’m trying so hard not to judge you right now, but what is you doin’ man? (I’m sayin’ this Atlanta style since that is where you have lived since 1999.) I just read on TMZ that you, the pastor of El Elyon International Church, up and dipped on your congregation and returned to the “rap game full time.” Where they do that at? I knew something was up when, while flipping throug

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“If I close my eyes,” Jennifer Hudson says, closing her eyes, “I can almost remember what it was like, what I was like, 15 years ago. I was at home in Chicago, still in high school, singing in church, living with my family.” She opens her bright brown eyes again, stares straight at me to answer my question. “But generally, no, it feels like another Jennifer life. I don’t look the same. I’m a mother now. So many things have changed. I sometimes think the only constant is my voice. That hasn’t

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