womens (4)

by Olawale Ogunsola


"Sometimes, when you see how caring another woman's husband is, you may be tempted to poison your own."

This was a frightening statement from a woman in August 2014. I never expected a statement like this from her. 


She is an attendee in her church programs. She appears as a Christian by all standards. 

This woman became ill and her friend's husband, a medical practitioner took care of her. This man used to call her to know her state of her health regularly. She received o
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The Woman Who Fears the Lord

by Mduduzi Mbiza


Genesis 2: 21- "so the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. 22 - And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man."

There's one important reason why women are celebrated DISCIPLINE!

When God took out one rib from Adam and that rib which was placed into a woman was discipline. Many women don't know this, but women are the most disciplined cr
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by Stephanie Reck


We live in a society where worth and value is measured by our possessions, position, and power. So many women struggle against the strain of trying to keep up and compare themselves to other women who seem to have it all. As women, we feel we are not worthy and valuable when what we do would be looked-down by most of society, hence the all too familiar game of comparison and feelings of being unworthy crouch upon us.

Especially for women, we can struggle as we try and find
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Luxeed U7 LED Keyboard

Luxeed U7 is the newest version of the famous LED keyboard that features no less than 430 LED lights. The keyboard stands out with the unique capability to change the keys colors dynamically, allowing users to create custom layouts with preset buttons. For example, you can set a glowing skin for your favorite game.

Luxeed U7 measures 15 x 7.5 x 1 inches and connects to the computer via USB. Using the Spark mode, the keys illuminate only when pressed, which makes it even cooler.

Another key fea

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