daily devotional (570)

How do you see yourself? Do you see yourself as, strong or weak, capable or incapable? Do you believe that your past has to always affect your future. Do you believe that God loves you, do you believe today that you're special. Maybe all your life you've been treated like the tail end of everything? Maybe you had siblings and  it seemed to you like your mom and dad always preferred all the other kids over you maybe you had difficulty learning in school and you always got the worst grades. Maybe

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Is there any woman more confusing in all of scripture than the Proverbs 31 Woman? Many people use the extensive list of this woman's qualities as a rigid rule book for how every woman should act, and some people just toss the entire chapter aside, since no woman could possibly achieve all of those attributes. I want to read to you the entire chapter, and I want you to meditate on the scripture in your heart, as I read when one of the verses pops out to you hold on to it as a gem that God is givi

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Exodus 15:20–21 Music plays a huge role in our everyday lives. Songs highlight important moments such as a first wedding dance, a nighttime lullaby, or a final goodbye at a funeral service. There is one song that should never end, a song to the Lord. Such songs are highlighted through Scripture and carried into our churches. But why is music so important to our spiritual lives? Watch today’s video for insight.
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Philippians 2:5–8 What’s the theme of your life? For many of us, it can change based on our circumstances. For new moms, the theme might be “overwhelmed.” For a student, it may be “under pressure.” And for a person growing in their career, it could be “the hustle and bustle.” Over time, themes can become taglines that express our life’s mission. If Jesus had a theme for His life, what do you think it would be? Watch today’s video to find out.
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Proverbs 21:2 “My way or the highway!” Sometimes we can have that attitude when making decisions. But what is driving that mindset? We may not always know why we act this way. But God does! He checks the motive of our hearts. When we’re planning our lives and making decisions, we should ask God to reveal our hearts and flush out our motives.
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How do you feel about change. If you're like me, the answer to that question depends on the kind of change we're talking about. Upgrading your living room, furniture buying a new car, getting that long-awaited promotion at work. now Those are changes that we can get behind, but change isn't, always easy and it certainly isn't always welcome. Is it the reality is that life is full of change? You know this change is the one thing that our world and your life will never be short of  maybe you miss

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So this devotion was birthed out of honesty. This past week, for me, I found myself in a mental space. That was just I don't know how else to put it but overloaded. Okay, so just with everything going on, everything being exposed, I was doing a ton of research, all good things to be researched. You know, doing your research, being informed, asking questions. All of those things are amazing. However, I felt like I had pieces of my mind and this topic and this topic and this one and this one this

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John 14:27 Peace is a gift from God. But oftentimes our definition of peace may not align with heaven’s definition. Peace is strength, but it is also the ability to remain under control amid chaos. As we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day let us be encouraged by his example of peaceful living.
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John 16:7 Loss in any form is tough. Whether it’s the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or leaving a job you love, it can be challenging to find hope in “losing” situations. But when you follow God, there is always good to be found. Today’s video shows you how to alter your perspective and see God in everything.
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Daily Devotion: The Book of Sadness

Do you have a movie that makes you #uglycry? The irony is that even through the hurt and pain of these stories, a beautiful truth speaks to our souls. Lamentations is that book of the Bible. The author expresses pain, but within those verses are the fingerprints of God’s faithfulness that are comforting to us in any situation.
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Daily Devotional: Believing is Seeing

Things aren't, always what they seem. Like when we meet someone with a bad attitude, and we do n't know that last night they didn't sleep well. Or maybe we see someone give a generous gift to someone else, but we don't know that they actually gave more than they could afford, sometimes there's more going on under the surface of their lives or our lives than we realize, but through faith. God can give us a new vision to see the things that at first we might miss a famous christian leader once sai

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Today we are going to be talking about what to do when life feels totally out of control. Have you ever felt that way before you are doing all the things that you know how to do? You're having a quiet time, you're praying you're. Reading your Bible, you're, going to church you're hanging out with friends that support you and encourage you, but life seems to be falling apart all around you. It may seem like everything you touch just crumbles and you're, asking the Lord, “ Lord How long? When are

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Before the Lord Jesus ascended to heaven he said that the Holy Spirit would come and dwell within us, and I urge you to hold on to the words that Jesus spoke concerning the Holy Spirit in John 14:16. Our Lord said I will ask the Father, and He will give you another helper who will be with you forever. That helper is the Spirit of Truth. The world cannot accept him, because it doesn't see him or know him. You know him, because he lives with you and will be in you. Our Lord promised us a helper, a

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Obadiah 1:3 Does it bother you when good things happen to people who do you wrong? It doesn’t seem fair when others are rewarded for seemingly bad behavior. It can even make you question God. However, in our limited understanding we can fully trust God, knowing everything He does is intentional.
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1 Timothy 4:8 We put a lot of time, energy, and money into our physical appearance. Whether it’s a gym membership, new skincare products, or a fresh haircut, the price adds up. But what is it really worth? Maybe it’s time to take our focus off of things that don’t guarantee a return on our investment and to turn toward the one thing that does. Watch today’s video for biblical insight on spiritual disciplines.
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Good morning sweet friends of mine!!! This morning's devotional is all about pausing, taking a deep breath, and allowing yourself some space to re-focus and re-center your heart on God's goodness. I hope you leave it feeling more encouraged, inspired and fueled with hope for your day!
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Joshua 1:8 gives insight on how we can have good success. The verse says that we must meditate in the Word day and night. Meditation is the process of chewing on the Word. To ponder, think aloud, consider continuously and utter something repeatedly. As you do this, your life will be blessed with increased faith, wisdom, success and victory over sin.
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