Prince Malachi The First's Posts (11697)

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The Bible has a lot to say about healthy eating. In fact, there are over 2,000 verses in the Bible that talk about food and nutrition.

Here are a few of the key things the Bible says about healthy eating:

  • We should eat to live, not live to eat. (Proverbs 23:2)
  • We should eat healthy foods that will nourish our bodies. (Deuteronomy 8:10)
  • We should avoid eating too much food or unhealthy foods. (Proverbs 23:20-21)
  • We should be grateful for the food we have. (Psalm 104:15)
  • We should share our food with others who are in need. (Acts 2:44-45)

These are just a few of the many things the Bible says about healthy eating. If you're looking for guidance on how to eat healthy, the Bible is a great place to start.

Here are a few specific examples of healthy eating habits that are supported by the Bible:

  • Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. The Bible says that "a healthy diet includes plenty of fruits and vegetables" (Deuteronomy 8:10). Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are essential for good health.
  • Eating whole grains. The Bible says that "whole grains are a good source of fiber and other nutrients" (Proverbs 3:10). Whole grains are a complex carbohydrate that can help you feel full and energized. They also contain fiber, which is important for digestive health.
  • Eating lean protein. The Bible says that "lean protein is a good source of protein and other nutrients" (Psalm 104:15). Lean protein is important for building and maintaining muscle mass. It also contains iron, which is important for carrying oxygen throughout the body.
  • Drinking water. The Bible says that "water is essential for life" (Genesis 1:29). Water is necessary for many bodily functions, including digestion, absorption, and transportation of nutrients. It also helps to regulate body temperature and lubricate joints.

These are just a few of the many healthy eating habits that are supported by the Bible. If you're looking to improve your health, consider incorporating these habits into your diet.










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We all have a purpose in life. But sometimes, it can be hard to find that purpose. If you're feeling lost and confused, don't worry - you're not alone. Many people struggle to find their purpose in life. But there is one person who can help you find your purpose - Yahweh God.


God created us with a purpose. He wants us to use our lives to glorify Him and to help others. When we live according to God's plan for our lives, we find true happiness and fulfillment.

There are many ways to find your purpose in life. One way is to look at your talents and interests. What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? God may have given you these talents and interests for a reason. He may want you to use them to help others.

Another way to find your purpose in life is to look at your experiences. What have you been through in life? What have you learned from your experiences? God may have allowed you to go through certain things so that you could learn and grow. He may want you to use your experiences to help others who are going through similar things.

Finally, you can also pray to God and ask Him to show you your purpose in life. He loves you and He wants to help you find your purpose. If you ask Him, He will guide you and show you the way.


Finding your purpose in life is a journey. It takes time and effort. But it is worth it. When you find your purpose, you will find true happiness and fulfillment. So don't give up. Keep searching. And ask God to help you find your purpose. He will not let you down.


Living purposefully is one of the most, if not the most enjoyable experiences you can have in life. You know that when you live with a purpose, life just flows. On the way, you’re able to carve your own way as you pass through the ups and down, with your purpose always holding you strong.  

This is the life you want to live. This is the purpose you want to  follow and these are the benefits you want to enjoy. A purposeful life is a meaningful life worth living. 











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by Tonja Taylor  

And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and  faint.--Galatians 6:9, AMPC

Almost all of us true Believers in Christ have felt discouragement; thoughts of "Why bother? What you're doing is not making any difference. You're just wasting your time and efforts," etc.

I’m sure even the LORD Jesus felt frustration, and was tempted to give up (Luke 9:41, John 14:9), but of course He did not, and overcame, and continued to do the right thing, using His gifts to preach and teach the Word and deliver and heal and restore—even to and through the cross, to pay for all the ways every other human could not overcome! Hallelujah, and THANK YOU, KING JESUS!!

Those are lies from the enemy--and proof that the opposite is happening. The LORD is using your gifts and efforts to expand His Kingdom!

He showed me this truth this morning, as I was gazing at the Word, meditating it (thinking about it, listening for His insight, speaking it): Not only does Galatians 6:9 mean that we are to do good by serving physically; giving money; sharing possessions; praying for others; attending Bible-based church; reading the Word of God daily; and worshiping Christ Jesus, but using our spiritual and natural gifts to bring glory to the LORD! 

A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men.--Proverbs 18:16, AMPC

Many times, we have been raised with a performance/work mentality, and have not been able to just enjoy the LORD expressing Himself through the creative and other gifts and talents He gives us.

I've had to learn to rest, and partner with the LORD to bring Him joy as He creates with me. (As one minister stated, "We're the Doers; the Holy Spirit is the Helper." Indeed, that's what the Word calls Him. 

But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you.--John 14:26, AMPC

Another way we can be even more effective in our efforts is to ask the LORD to reveal to us anything that's been diluting and/or polluting our gifts and talents. When the LORD reveals something--usually something we need to repent of, even behaviors and thoughts and plans that may not be wicked, but have been a hindrance to Him flowing through us as fully as He wants; like a pipe that's clogged with roots or other debris, causing the water to be restricted. He will be faithful to do so, and His gentle, loving Spirit will help us to repent and turn from those things. 

So whoever cleanses himself [from what is ignoble and unclean, who separates himself from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences] will [then himself] be a vessel set apart and useful for honorable and noble purposes, consecrated and profitable to the Master, fit and ready for any good work.--2 Tim. 2:21, AMPC

It may take a few times to break us completely free, but He is very patient, and knows our hearts are to please Him. His mercy keeps us, praise Him!

21 But this I recall and therefore have I hope and expectation: 22 It is because of the Lord’s mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His [tender] compassions fail not.23 They are new every morning; great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness.--Lamentations 3:21-23, AMPC

So, keep on doing good! It is so worth it, and the LORD promises to reward us. He will show us what to do, help us to do it, then reward us for using our gifts and otherwise doing good. He is so awesomely gracius to us, and He is the Promise Keeper, Hallelujah!

Behold, I am coming soon, and I shall bring My wages and rewards with Me, to repay and render to each one just what his own actions and his own work merit.---Revelation 22:12, AMPC





Tonja K. Taylor lives to exalt God. She and her husband of almost 18 years serve Him in many ways, including through the YouTube channel "River Rain Creative," and more. Tonja teaches kids online, and writes. The Adventures of Princess Pearl, P.O.W.E.R.* Girl, Book V is in the works!










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"This song is about living a separated life and fighting back in such a way in the spirit that God restores everything you lost in your foolishness. This will make the whole CHurch MoshPIT! Praising God! Openly!  . My prayer is that this ignites praise, smiles, and laughter again in the Christian Community because when praises go up Glory comes down!" 







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"You Knew" takes us on the journey from the my before Christ and the trials in it, to going through the trials in Christ and some of the issues we went through in the Church.  Then it brings us to the cross, and seeing all Jesus went through, knowing He would leave us with an example and empower us to follow. 







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Mediterranean diets claim that they'll keep you fit and healthy, and they've got centuries of evidence backing them up. 


Whether you prefer Spanish or Greek cuisine, this is one approach to eating healthy for life. Read on to discover the major benefits of eating like a Mediterranean, ways to get started, and tips for incorporating more of their healthy lifestyle into your life.


Major Benefits of a Mediterranean Diet


  1. Lower your risk for heart disease and diabetes. Like any healthy living plan, a Mediterranean diet helps fight metabolic syndrome. You'll lower your odds for developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other serious conditions.

  2. Improve your emotional well being. Civilizations around the Mediterranean basin have helped teach the world the importance of eating together to maintain social connections. They also demonstrate a constructive balance of physical activity and rest.

  3. Enjoy delicious foods. What's better than a diet that lets you indulge in a wide variety of your favorite foods? Dine on grilled fish year round. Sip lentil soup on a winter afternoon and serve hummus for an easy summer lunch.

How to Eat Like a Mediterranean

     1. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Get most of your calories from fresh produce. Aim for at least five to six servings a day. You'll get the vital nutrients you need and the fiber will help you feel full while eating      less.

     2. Choose healthy fats. Stock up on extra virgin olive oil and use it instead of butter or margarine. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are better for your heart than saturated fats.


     3. Substitute fish for meat. Fish is a great source for lean protein and it really is brain food. The high levels of vitamin D in oily fish like salmon and tuna improve cognitive functions. Serve fish at least twice a week.

     4. Stick to low fat dairy products. Liven up your old breakfast cereal by mixing it into low fat Greek yogurt. Buy skim or low fat milk. Careful portion control lets you enjoy cheese responsibly.

     5. Snack on nuts. Ditch the processed cookies and crackers in favor of nuts and legumes. They'll keep you satisfied and make it easier to resist donuts.



12144506256?profile=RESIZE_710xOther Lifestyle Practices


     1. Adjust your grocery budget. A Mediterranean diet can get a little pricey. Shop for seasonal produce bargains. Start your own vegetable garden. Master home recipes for hummus.

     2.  Schedule family dinners. Eat together as a family as often as possible. You'll model good eating habits for your kids and make it easier for them to talk with you. Studies show they'll even bring home better grades.

    3. Sit down to eat. Whenever possible, pull up a chair to eat. You'll be more conscious of the calories you consume and you'll digest your food better.

    4. Drink in moderation. It's okay to be a teetotaler. On the other hand, small quantities of red wine taken with meals may be good for your heart. The general rule is no more than one glass a day for women and two for men.

    5. Exercise regularly. Pick activities you like and incorporate them into your daily routine. A 30 minute walk each day with a few weekly sessions of strength training and stretching may be all you need. Increase that to 60 minutes if you want to lose weight.

    6. Manage stress. Find relaxation techniques that are comfortable for you. Listen to instrumental music, talk to your dog, pray and meditate.

A Mediterranean diet can help you lose weight and stay in top shape. In addition to all that nutritious and flavorful food, by adopting some traits of the Mediterranean lifestyle, you'll enjoy the company of your loved ones and strike a healthy balance between work and leisure activities.










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The grind doesn’t end once you discover your purpose. When you finally know what gives your life meaning, you are excited, pumped and passionate. But, is that enough? Well, actually no. It’s not. 

The next step in the process is to transition to your life purpose. This means making changes, perhaps lots of changes. So how do you transition? Here’s how: 

Set Your Goals 

After finding your purpose, you have to set your goals. If there are no goals or aims, your purpose is useless. It’s just an ideology that is not being put into action. You have to give life to this purpose. The transition state is the state where you start to give life to your purpose. This is when you need to plan how you’re going to show your purpose to others.  

As Carl Bard once said, ‘’Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now a make a brand new  ending’’. In your transition phase, you learn how to make your awesome ending. 

For example, you have discovered that your purpose is to blog and inspire others. What are you going to inspire others about? Are you going to start a self-help blog? Is your aim to be a fashion inspiration for others? 

You can’t just get a website and wait for things to happen. Instead, you need to start writing. Put on your working pants and get to work. You can’t be a successful writer with just an idea in your head.  What you need to do is to put this idea on paper.  

Likewise, you can’t transition to your life purpose without a vision.  If you don’t have a vision, there’s no way you can succeed. Your vision is what defines your purpose. If you have a well-defined goal and your purpose is clear to you too, the journey becomes way easier.

Without a goal, you are just wandering around aimlessly. You'll lose your purpose, your drive and ultimately, your dreams. 

This is exactly how you need to transition to your purpose. Tell  yourself that getting ten thousand readers on your blog will be your  reward if you work hard. This will keep your motivated to transition  to your purpose.  

You might not achieve what you wanted but it’s fine. At least, you’ve  started the transitioning process. You’ll get there sooner or later.


12143993282?profile=RESIZE_710xThe Fear Factor 

The major reason why most people fail to transition to their purpose is fear. The fear of disappointing yourself and those around you. Or the fear of not being good enough.  

There are these questions hanging like swords over your head. Will my passion make me a living? Am I really as good as I thought? Will I disappoint my family, friends and myself if I pursue my higher purpose? Will it matter? 

However, you shouldn’t let the fear of judgment, rejection or disliking stop you from being your true self. How true is that?  Aren’t these all the factors that stop you from being who you are? 

Things will be hard. When you are transitioning to your purpose, things won’t always be easy. There will be times when you may want to go back to your previous, miserable, meaningless life, or your comfort zone. In these times, you have to remind yourself why  you started in the first place. 

If things were going to be easy, then everyone would be doing it.  What’s the point of anything if it’s unbelievable easy? The fear of change stops you from transitioning to your purpose.

The fear of leaving your old life behind pushes you away from your purpose. There are so many people who have their purpose in front of their eyes. Yet, they are too scared to hold it or get it. 

Remind yourself why you took the first step. That will keep you going. It’ll be hard to steer clear of people who divert you from your  purpose. These are the people who have always been around you.  Ignoring them will take a while and some effort. 

Similarly, fear of deteriorating relationships stops the transition process. What you need to remember is that anyone who is sincere to you will support you. Once you let go of all your fears, transition becomes really easy.  

You realize that there’s nothing holding you back from achieving your purpose. Your current reality has formed a comfort zone around you. This is exactly what you need to get out of. You can only transition to your purpose once you leave your comfort zone.


How to Make This Transition 

This is the big question. Finding your purpose seems like an easier task compared to this. When you’re trying to find your purpose, you are just looking into yourself. You’re finding what you need to do in life. 

However, the transition phase requires action. It requires you to do something more than just contemplating. Financials are very important. Part of the reason why most people do not go for their dream job is that their dream job does not earn them enough. 

If you want to transition to your true purpose, you need to have a financial purpose. Your blog won’t start earning for you immediately.  So, how are you going to eat and live for the time that your passion is not earning you? This is what you need to plan before your transition to your purpose. 

You can start in steps. Get a part time job that runs the house. Now, you can spend the rest of the time on making your blog a success. Or you can keep your blog running with your current job.  

You can always leave your current job once the blog is earning you enough. It will be hard to balance the two. But isn’t that what following your purpose is all about? A few extra hours will make you feel more fulfilled than that nine-to-five work.  

12143994088?profile=RESIZE_710xSystems Are Important 

To transition to your life purpose, you need to have a system in place. If blogging is your purpose, you need to have websites and photo editors. You need to get in touch with other people from the field to guide you.  

Look around and find people like you. Socialize with them and make your own little family. This family supports your purpose and will help you transition to it.  

Your blog isn’t sufficient. Head over to social media and increase your presence there too. Get in touch with people and let them know about you. Part of the transition process is to make others aware of your purpose. 

Isn’t this what musicians, painters, authors, scientists and artists do? They don’t hide away their purpose. They bring it out to the world. Letting the world experience your art, music, inventions and words is the best way to transition. 

Slowly yet eventually, you will get there. The transition process is just as fulfilling as the final result. Give it your undivided time and attention. 










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by linzy bruno  




Learning to live above our circumstances requires a lifelong commitment to God’s Ways and a strong desire to mature and grow in Christ, and even with a degree of success, this countenance is not an easy one to sustain. Abiding under the safety of God’s Wing, as these Psalms so eloquently depict this spiritually sustaining metaphor, is an important key in reaching this life-changing pinnacle. For when we learn to trust Christ Jesus through all of our trials and tribulations and run to Him as our sustainer, our spirits grow large enough to keep us from growing weary in our troubles.

God-sustaining practices strengthen us, while allowing our circumstances to get the better of us can only weakens us….

“Because You have been my help,
Therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice.” 
(Psalm 63:7)

“Keep me as the apple of Your eye;
Hide me under the shadow of Your wings,” 
(Psalm 17:8)

Moreover, growing in our trust of God carries with it a freedom that is beyond measure, as unpleasantness, discomfort and even pain loses the power to control our outlook on the situation at hand.

God has laid it out plainly in His Word; believers must trust in Him. Being born again means giving God sovereignty over our lives, for not only does the One Who made us deserve that place in our lives, He is the only One able for such a task. With a foreknowledge of what’s going to happen, He can reconstruct the order and means of events and thereby alter outcomes for His children in accordance with His Will.

Oh how little we understand the boundless Almighty Powers of our Father in Heaven!

Only He is worthy of our trust and when we give Him that trust, we can abide in the joy of the Lord and be partakers of His strength:

Then he said to them, “Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10)

There are many benefits to putting our trust in the one who knows all, and even more exciting that God not only orchestrates His Perfect Will for us, He even uses our bad circumstances to open new doors to something good:

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

Furthermore, Jesus taught His disciples the futility of worry, for if we trust in Him, all cause for worry is negated.

30 Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?

31 “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6:30-34)

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.”
 (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Also noteworthy is the fact that not only does God’s Word declare the need for believers to put their trusts in Him above all else, it also discourages us from putting our trust in ourselves (as in verse above) and other people:

“Do not trust in a friend;
Do not put your confidence in a companion;
Guard the doors of your mouth
From her who lies in your bosom.” (Micah 7:5)


More Verses on This Subject:

Jeremiah 17:7-8, Psalm 56:3, Psalm 91:1-2, 2Corinthians 5:7, Psalm 16:11 & 62:7, Proverbs 10:28,  

James 1:2-4, Job 1:21, Philippians 4:7 & 4:19


Isaiah 40:31 Says that the Lord lifts us up on high even in our troubles, like the eagle flies above the storm, so God does lift us up over it.

Proverbs 15:15 Declares that God’s joy is possible even in the face of evil.

Acts 5:41 Tells us that joy comes from obedience, even when the circumstances are undesirable, joy unspeakable may abound, nonetheless.

2Corinthians 8:2 Is a testament to this truth, that joy in the Lord is not contingent upon circumstance, but is rather above circumstance.


As mentioned, this countenance of living above circumstance is a difficult one to sustain, but another noteworthy key is letting God be God in our lives, getting out of His Way and allowing Him to make the changes in us that He wants to make…(Sometimes we can override what the Lord is doing within us without even realizing it….)

And sometimes after a bit of success, we fall back into complacency without forethought the next time trails come. However, it can be helpful to recall your most recent success by reviewing memories and revisiting lessons learned.



I have been writing for many years. I really got serious when my 3 kids were still quite young, as they inspired me to write children's fiction. I now have 22 Amazon publications. Also, I've just completed a Bible study course. I am now a certified Bible Counsellor!









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Breaking Boundaries: Social Club Misfits on Hip Hop, Relationships, and Faith and Are Video Vixens and Porn Stars the New Role Model for Women?

Timecode references:

State of Hip Hop [00:00:13] Discussion on the impact of real hip hop and pushing the culture forward.

Role Models in the Entertainment Industry [00:03:41] Exploration of the controversial topic of video vixens and porn stars as role models for women.

Impact of the Pandemic on Kingdom Marriages [00:07:33] Analysis of why many kingdom marriages crumbled during the pandemic and the importance of a solid foundation in relationships.

Staying grounded in Christ during the pandemic [00:08:21-00:09:08] Discussion about the importance of staying focused on faith and maintaining strong relationships during challenging times.

The impact of the pandemic on marriages [00:09:08-00:10:42] Exploration of how the pandemic affected marriages, including the challenges faced and the importance of investing time and effort into relationships.

The importance of therapy and self-investment [00:11:00-00:12:38] Discussion on the benefits of therapy and self-improvement during the pandemic, and the role it plays in maintaining healthy relationships.

Note: The timestamps are approximate and may vary slightly depending on the source of the transcription.

[00:16:40] Embracing Authenticity in Music Discussion on the importance of making music that is true to oneself and embracing individuality as an artist.

[00:19:35] The Importance of Collaboration in the Music Industry Exploration of the significance of collaborations and providing opportunities for up-and-coming artists to be showcased.

[00:23:44] The State of Hip Hop Culture Reflection on the current state of hip hop culture, including the expansion of the genre and the various avenues available for artists to gain recognition and success.

Hip Hop Accessibility and Content Creation [00:25:06] The speaker discusses how hip hop is now easier to access and create content for, thanks to technological advancements.

Creating the Ultimate Supergroup [00:28:01] Social Club Misfits discuss who they would bring back from the dead to form the ultimate music supergroup.

Embracing Your Unique Journey [00:31:09] Social Club Misfits share their insights on embracing the unique journey that God has for each individual, rather than comparing oneself to others.

Importance of not taking creative gifts for granted [00:33:10] We emphasize the importance of not taking creative gifts for granted and encourages listeners to take full advantage of the opportunities given to them.

Time passing quickly and making the most of it [00:33:59] We reflect on how quickly time passes and urges listeners to lock in, minimize distractions, and work towards their goals, highlighting the potential for success during the pandemic.

Real Talk Topic: Are Porn Stars and Video Vixen the Role Models for Today’s Woman?

The role of video vixens and porn stars as role models [00:42:06-00:43:34] Discussion about the perception and behavior of male and female entertainers, including the issue of prostitution and promiscuity.

Changing mentality towards sex before marriage [00:43:06-00:44:46] Exploration of the shift in attitudes towards premarital sex and the lack of emphasis on sexual purity in contemporary society and churches.

OnlyFans as an alternative to the sex trade [00:49:57-00:50:47] Debate about the pros and cons of OnlyFans as a platform for adult content creators, including its potential impact on the sex trade industry.

The porn industry’s income [00:50:56] The speaker discusses the significant income generated by the porn industry, comparing it to other major revenue-generating industries.

Safety aspect of OnlyFans [00:52:15] The speaker talks about the safety aspect of using platforms like OnlyFans compared to engaging in risky behaviors like escorting or attending parties to earn money.

The importance of waiting on God [00:53:26] The speaker emphasizes the importance of waiting on God for relationships and sexual intimacy, highlighting the potential consequences of engaging in casual encounters.

[00:59:50] Setting Boundaries in the Home Discussion about the discomfort of allowing unmarried couples to stay in the house and the potential consequences.

[01:01:25] The Importance of Saying No Emphasizing the need to stand on principles and teach young boys to honor women and boundaries.

[01:02:49] The Impact of Technology on Children Highlighting the prevalence of young children having access to cell phones and internet, and the responsibility of parents to protect them.

The journey and ministry of Social Club Misfits [01:09:07] Discussion about the longevity and crossover appeal of Social Club Misfits, their ministry-driven approach, and their different rap styles.

Social Club Misfits’ upcoming remix album [01:10:28] Announcement of Social Club Misfits working on a remix project, with a reggaeton influence, and a recommendation to follow them on social media for updates.

Support for Kingdom brands and upcoming merchandise [01:11:14] Encouragement to support Kingdom brands, specifically mentioning University and the upcoming release of merchandise.








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Going through a place of finding who I am, I run into the world’s misconceptions, pain, heartbreaks, fear, and emotional unstableness! Identity Crisis is relatable to all, so I want all to know there is no GREATER PLACE THEN WITH JESUS! We ask ourselves “Who am I?” Jesus said you belong to me! 


“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.”

‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭3‬ ‭KJV

Click Here To Hear: Where I Belong









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New York (NY) – The 2023 Kingdom Choice Awards are excited to announce this years’ official KCA nominees. The KCA would like to thank all of the members of the KCA nomination committee for taking on such an arduous task. Choosing nominees can be a grueling task and takes time and perseverance. 2023 KCA NOMINEES 

The 2023 KCA weekend is set to nothing short of epic! The weekend kicks off with the KCA Pre-Show event ‘So You Think You Got Barz? on Friday September 29th live from Church City USA, Queens New York. The pre-show event will feature eight contestants who will showcase their lyrical skills in the hopes of winning an amazing artist package from Kingdom Time Entertainment.

The main event will take place the following day, Saturday September 30th, live from the Peter Jay Sharp Theater (Symphony Space, Broadway, New York, NY. Last year, KCA organizers took the leap of faith by moving the KCA to Symphony Space on Broadway. It was a move that proved to be a great  one as the event was absolutely epic! KCA CEO, Marcus Hall says ” Last year was a huge success, God truly blessed the event and we are encouraged to step out on faith again this year”.


The 2023 KCA is anticipated to be another amazing presentation of Christian Hip Hop. The KCA is without question, the nation’s premiere event for Christian Hip Hop and Urban Kingdom culture. So don’t delay, get your tickets NOW!  V.I.P tickets are limited, so if you want to experience the KCA up close and personal, we advise you to purchase your tickets promptly. TICKETS>>>

All roads lead to New York City for the 12th Annual Kingdom Choice Awards! Don’t miss it!








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There are so many simple things you can do to enhance your health that don’t require money or a trip to the doctor.


Healthy people make healthier choices each day than unhealthy people. Your health isn’t entirely under your control, but you still have a lot of influence on the matter. Simple habits, repeated consistently, can profoundly impact your health in a positive way.


Use these strategies each day and reap the healthy benefits:


1. Be active. Active people are healthier and live longer. That doesn’t mean you have to spend all day at the gym. It just means that you can’t spend all day sitting around. Get moving - your body will be so glad you did!


  • Have some activities planned each week that require you to think and move. For example: Plant a garden. Volunteer. Walk around the park. Learn to roller skate. Take a dance class.


2. Drink more water. Too many people fail to drink enough water each day. There are a lot of options more exciting than water, but water is what your body requires. Over half of your body weight is water, so drink more of it and skip the other beverages 90% of the time.

  • Some healthy options, such as green tea and watery fruits like watermelon, will help hydrate you as well.

3. Get sufficient sleep. Over one third of the adult population fails to get enough sleep. In a society that prides itself on working harder and getting less sleep than the next person, it can be challenging to make sleep a priority. However, getting enough sleep - 7 to 9 hours for most adults - will strengthen your health.

4. Manage stress. Stress is one of the primary obstacles of good health. It detracts from the amount and the quality of your sleep. The hormones and other chemicals produced during stress are damaging to the mind and body.

  • Find relaxation practices that work for you and use them each day. Healthy options include meditation, listening to soothing music, partaking in hobbies that make you happy, and warm baths.

5. Stay away from sick people. People with communicable diseases like a cold, flu, coronavirus, and more can make you sick. Some communicable diseases can permanently destroy your health.

  • When others are sick, stay away as much as possible and use precautions such as masks and gloves around them. Of course, washing your hands thoroughly when you’re around them and when you leave helps immensely to stop the spread of the germs.

6. Be sociable. With very few exceptions, everyone needs to have some social contact to stay emotionally healthy. How much social contact is needed varies greatly from one person to the next.

  • Find the right level for you and ensure that you’re maintaining it.

7. Keep your brain active. In today’s world, it’s easy to fall into the trap of mindless internet surfing, watching TV, and playing silly games on your smartphone. Do something that challenges your brain.

  • Playing chess, sudoku, Go, crossword puzzles, bridge, and other mentally challenging games can be a great way to keep your brain healthy and sharp.

8. Eat real food. Real food is anything you can buy and consume in its natural state. Fruit, vegetables, nuts, meat, and beans are examples of natural foods. Eat what your body was designed to eat, and you’ll be much healthier.

  • Cookies, chips, cereal, candy and other pre-processed foods are full of chemicals that are detrimental to your health.

9. Drop unhealthy habits. Your health isn’t just influenced by doing the right things - it’s negatively impacted by unhealthy habits. Smoking, overeating, staying up too late, drinking, and eating a low-quality diet are a few examples of bad habits that can harm your health.

10. See your doctor. See your doctor regularly, regardless of how you feel. That includes the dentist, too.

  • There are plenty of serious diseases that don’t impact how you feel until they’ve done damage to your body. Diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol are just a few examples of serious issues that frequently don’t present any symptoms at first.

You don’t have to exercise for hours, drink magical protein concoctions, or limit your diet to raw vegetables to be a healthy person. Do the simple and relevant things religiously and good things will happen. Good health can be a simple matter.










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You may have all the prerequisites for happiness, including a job, a happy family and a big house. But why is it that you don’t feel fulfilled? If you constantly feel that something is missing, then the missing piece of the puzzle could be your purpose.

At this stage, you need to sit down, pray and re-evaluate your life. Only by asking yourself, and Yahweh and looking into yourself, will you find the answers. No one knows you better than you yourself and God. So, it’s you and only you who can find your purpose. 

Your job is to find this purpose and polish it well. Because when you accomplish that, your life becomes so much more meaningful. 

Find What Excites You 

Most of the time, your purpose is what excites you. If you current job doesn’t excite you, it’s definitely not your passion. Do you have to drag yourself out of bed every day? Are you constantly looking at the clock during work? 

All of us are born with a talent. We all have something inside us that makes us different and special. You just need to find this thing.  

Just a little warning: You won’t be perfect at it the first time. You can’t really expect to be perfect at something, even if it’s your talent. 


You have to learn it, earn it. Even the best of artists and musicians have to practice and learn. 

But then how do you know what your talent is? It’s something that comes easy to you. It could be drawing. If you enjoy practicing your craft with a pen or pencil, love to learn more about art, admire great artworks and look up to fine artists, then being in a creative and artistic field could be your true calling. 

If it’s always been easier for you to draw than read or write, then look that way. Maybe you could draw straight lines and perfect circles without any tools, and your notes had more doodles than writing on them. Clues like these tell you where you real passion  lies and you shouldn’t hesitate to answer that call.  

Here’s something. Have you ever had that feeling when you do something for the first time, but feel like you already know how to do it? That is the feeling you need to look for.  

Steve Jobs has the best advice in this regard. He says that you have to trust in something in your life. It could be

‘’gut, destiny, life, the karma, whatever’’.

He says that this approach made a lot of difference in his life. 


Ask Yourself Why 

‘Why’ is one of the most powerful questions ever asked. You need  to ask yourself why you want to do a certain thing. Or why not? 

It’s important to focus on the clarity of purpose. If you know the why behind the things you do, you will find your purpose easily. 

As an example, consider the whys associated with your job - maybe you’re doing this job because it earns you a fine living. Maybe you’re  in this career because your parents pressured you. Or, you could be doing something just because all your friends were.  

If these reasons justify your whys, then you’re not doing what your purpose in life is. When you ask yourself ‘Why’ and the answer should be fulfillment. And that’s when you know you’re face to face with your purpose. 

You need to ask yourself “Why do I want to draw?’’. If the voice from inside tells you that it’s to get meaning and fulfillment, then  you’re on the right path. This path will take you to your propose. 


If the voice inside you tells that you are doing something out of fear or to ‘’fit in’’, then you need to let go immediately, for that isn’t your purpose.  

Once you figure out the why, follow Nike’s motto and Just Do It.  Because the more you act, the more things become clearer. So instead of overthinking whether something will work out or not, should you try it or what if you don’t make money at it, start taking small steps towards your calling.  

On the way there will always be people around you who will have discouraging words for you. They’ll tell you that your career path is unrealistic and useless. Or, there are those who will forcefully make  you believe that something else is your pursuit.  

You have to ignore all these voices and listen to yourself instead.  

Your true passion lies only in the things that you enjoy and love.  Don’t let others dictate this to you or allow anyone to tell you that your passion is useless. 

Since it’s something that defines you as a person, you shouldn’t care about others’ opinions or expectations. Just remember that you’re  doing it for yourself. Because you owe it to yourself.


Explore Your Options 

Many people also get stuck because they try to find the ONE thing that they’re meant to do. But in doing so, you may waste your time looking for the wrong thing, actually find something, and then realize that it’s not for you, or just become disheartened when that something doesn’t work out for you.  

But why limit yourself to this ONE mentality when you could do so much more? The idea that you have only one thing that’s meant for you can limit you from fulfilling your potential. For instance, you may be a life coach, who writes, travels, speaks, teaches, mentors and designs at the same time. You may enjoy every aspect of this job, being equally good at all of them. You may feel equally passionate about being in any of these roles which makes the whole experience of being a life coach more meaningful.  

So stop thinking that there’s only one singular purpose for you when you could be doing so much more with passion. So don’t  hesitate to jump in and try new things. Stop trying to resist the unknown, for maybe that’s where your calling is hiding.  

Do follow your passions to make your life more purposeful, for when you live a passionate life, it becomes your purpose as well. 


In fact, you only need to look for a purpose when passion is lacking from your life. This makes you feel disconnected from life so to fix this void, simply add in more passion.  

If you need help with that, look at people who inspire you for they can help you find your passion. and of corse praying to Yahweh  for direction is always key.

For instance, if an artist or a designer inspires you, their field could be your passion too. Do you find yourself spending all your time on social media pages of fashion bloggers or designers? 

Don’t Suppress Your Doubts 

Suppressing your doubts is something that can stop you from finding your purpose.  

By definition, doubt is a feeling you get when you have to do something, but there’s more than one course of action to choose from. You’re not sure which option you should pick, so you give in to doubt. 

Although doubt always involves uncertainty about which decision will turn out best, it’s not actually a bad thing to experience.  

If you let your doubts surface and come to terms with them, you’re  still making progress. But if you keep ignoring them, your life will become a mess. 

For example, do you have doubts about your current job? Do you feel like you could be much better at something else? Give this thought time and find what you are better at. Even when you do think you have found a purpose and you have doubt, let that come to surface too. 

Otherwise, you’ll be stuck with a false purpose. In finding your purpose, you’ll have doubts, fear and ambiguities. Always remember the final point and the joy you get once you are there.  With this thought in mind, you will definitely discover your purpose. 









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by Tonja Taylor  



“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!--Deuteronomy 30:19, NLT
You are more important than you may think. YOU are making history every day--with your choices!
As a parent and schoolteacher, I have often urged others to "make good choices," but God our Father (when we have truly repented of our sins, and asked His Son, Jesus Christ, to forgive and cleanse us, and become our Savior and LORD) said it first.
(In fact, every positive slogan or motto or saying comes from the Word of God, no matter to whom the credit is given!)
You are more important than you may think. YOU are making history every day--with your choices!
Once, I was teaching robotics to fourth and fifth graders in a public school. Some of the kids kept talking after a few warnings, so I pulled out the disobedient ones for a discipline writing assignment.  I decided to give them something different from the usual assignment, and hurriedly wrote down a few short paragraphs of an exhortation about choices: 

"There is a Great Plan for my life, as purposed by God.  It is a wonderful Plan, one I will enjoy very much. This Plan is affected by my daily choices. My choices are full of power—for good or bad, and like ripples on the lake of my life.  My choices affect my life, and many others’—so I decide today to make good choices and enjoy the Great Plan for me!"

I had felt that the LORD had given me this; one reason being that I was constantly seeking to brag on God and draw those around me to Him. So I made the choice to risk being "corrected" by a principal or such, but I wanted to plant a God-seed in these kids, who obviously needed more of Him. 

The kids got quiet, very busy on their assignment of writing what I'd given them, and I continued to monitor the rest of the class, as they worked in small groups on building their robots.

Shortly, a couple of them called to me, and said they were finished. I commended them for making good choices in getting quiet and doing what I asked, and told them they could go back to their groups. 

"Can I have a copy to take to my mom?" one asked. 

"Yeah, I want one too," said another. "Can I have more than one?"

The LORD was working quickly, and I was delighted! I had made the choice to overcome fear of being reprimanded for stepping outside the "box", by creating my own writing assignment with the word "God" in it--and God had honored that! His Spirit had touched the kids' hearts and helped them to be respectfully obedient--and excited about reading about Him and the power of their choices; now, He was multiplying my good seeds sown, too!

With God, it's always a win-win, and only He can accomplish such delightful and victorious situations! 

You are more important than you may think. YOU are making history every day--with your choices!
Most of us would like to be perfect in our choices. When we ask the LORD for wisdom, He is faithful to help us consider various factors, and make wise choices. He leads us to make wise choices based on His Word, more than anything! When His Word does not give us answers we can discern about specific situations, He leads us by peace in our hearts--or lack of it, as a warning to not do something. 
If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.--James 1:5, NLT
Thank you for making the wise choicie to get on, or read this in whatever publication you are looking at. You have allowed yourself to be strengthened in the victorious Christian living, and that will help you make even more good choices! Every time you make a good choice, you are bringing light--for yourself and others! Hallelujah!




Tonja K. Taylor lives to exalt God. She and her husband of almost 18 years serve Him in many ways, including through the YouTube channel "River Rain Creative," and more. Tonja teaches kids online, and writes.









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"Night Skies Over Knob Hill" is about the tension we experience while going through challenging seasons in this life and still being hopeful for the life to come. We can often feel the weight of our situations, the weight of regrets and the longing to make the most of the opportunities we have, but if we are wise we will stop worrying about the things we can't change, and learn to be content in trusting God through the process of growth. Knob Hill, and the surrounding areas, is a neighborhood in Colorado Springs where I have lived so much of my life. So many milestones, good and bad, have taken place in this little corner of the world. So Knob Hill represents the process of growth. A place to grow in, and grow beyond, the night sky is beautiful, but the sun is coming.








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Every Knee Shall Bow is an east coast boom bap face melter mixed with dub reggae atmospheres. The sample for the beat is taken from reggae legend Scientist's “Every Knee Shall Bow” from the 70's.  Cephas and Datin trade 24 bar verses with witty wordplay and heavy punchlines… all giving Jesus the glory due since we know in the end "every knee shall bow."

Stream or download at your favorite digital platform.







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We all know the importance of looking after our bodies. We need to live a healthy lifestyle that strengthens both mind and body. But what does this actually look like, and what can you do to ensure that your lifestyle is as healthy as possible?


The notion of overhauling your life in favor of healthier alternatives can feel overwhelming. 


Here are five ways to build a healthy lifestyle. 

1. Eat Fruits and Vegetables

Changing your diet is one of the key elements of living a healthy lifestyle. This means incorporating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to ensure that you are receiving the right balance of nutrients you need to stay healthy.


Filling your diet with fresh fruit and vegetables will also allow you to enjoy clearer skin, have more energy, and enjoy greater overall health.


Be creative when it comes to getting your fruit and veggies in - the internet is full of exciting recipes to help keep things fresh and delicious.

2. Stay Hydrated

Our bodies are made up primarily of water, and so it is important to maintain adequate levels of hydration throughout the day. Some of this will come from the water that we drink. According to experts, we should aim for around 8 glasses of water a day to stay healthy.


Carry a water bottle to encourage you to keep sipping throughout the day.

3. Move Your Body

Physical exercise is also a key ingredient in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This doesn’t have to mean going crazy in the gym. Instead, find a form of exercise that you enjoy, and that you look forward to. This is the secret to ensuring that you stick to your routine, and prevents exercise from feeling like a chore.


Why not join a dance class, go for a run, or head up to a hill for a hike? No matter what you do, moving your body is the number one goal.

4. Practice Mindfulness

Taking care of your physical body is important, but you also need to ensure that you are not neglecting your mind. Mindfulness is a way of grounding you in the moment and helping you appreciate and enjoy the world around you. It can also play a key role in alleviating stress and anxiety.


Why not, practice meditation, or just take a moment to stop and smell the roses? Your mental health will thank you.


5. Minimize Stress

One of the most important things that you can do to maintain a healthy lifestyle is to minimize your stress levels. Stress has a negative impact on your mental health and emotions, and it can also impact your physical health. Do your best to reduce stress through exercise, meditation, or mindfulness.


If you are really struggling to cope with stress, don’t feel ashamed to seek professional help.

6. Final Thoughts

Enjoying a healthy lifestyle does not have to be difficult. Just a few simple tweaks and adjustments can help you enjoy incredible results. You will enjoy short and long-term benefits for your health, happiness and wellbeing.









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Cephas launches GO! Records



Artist, producer, multi-instrumentalist, and vinyl collector Cephas launches his own record label imprint to fill what he calls the "gaps" in Christian music. "Christian music has come a long way," he states. "However, currently music heads who are more into underground genres like indie funk, soul, modern jazz, psychedelic rock, golden era hip-hop, drum n bass, and dub reggae seem to have nowhere to turn. I plan on changing that."

In launching GO! Records Cephas seeks to continue the heritage of record labels like Tooth & Nail, Lamp Mode, and Humble Beast who previously held down underground Christian music fans. "If you didn't dig DC Talk or Newsboys in the 90's and 2000's you had other options. I want GO! Records to be the other option for the Christian music fans of today who aren't into the mainstream sound."

Keeping lockstep with his faith the record label will serve as a counter balance to many of today's prevailing ideas within indie culture. "It's sad but the Gospel doesn't carry much space in the underground indie music scene," he states. "It's been embraced in the mainstream through athletes and pop musicians but unfortunately Satan dominates the underground.  Yet another reason something like GO! Records is needed."

The label's first release is appropriately titled "The Resistance '' and has been announced as Cephas's last album as a Christian Hip-Hop artist. "The Christian part isn't changing, just hip-hop" he says "after this album my sound will be more eclectic. Hip-Hop will always be the backbone but styles like funk, soul, jazz, reggae, and drum n bass will be more present."

In the meantime fans can look forward to the The Resistance LP dropping August 25th that features several CHH notables including: Social Club, Taelor Gray, Japhia Life, Datin, Will Cata, Alcott, C4 Crotona, Q-Flo & YP aka: Young Paul to name a few.  The album features artwork from legendary comic illustrator Alejandro Torrecilla and will be released via DSP's as well as limited vinyl and cassette tape runs.









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