daily studies (2)

by Tonja Taylor  

8 O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good! Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him.--Psalm 34:8, AMPC

I was feeling a little weird, because Dad had transitioned to Heaven about 5 years ago, and my husband and I were going to take my disabled 80-year-old mom to visit his grave the next day.

God had delivered me of many wrong roots and negative emotions the past several years, and I knew Dad was at rest, and rejoicing, healed

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Daily Devotional: A Public Example

by PamFord Davis  



No one likes to be made a public example for bad behavior.

My husband Norm has often shared a story from his school years. Students were talking amongst themselves in the school auditorium. They were chatting when they should have been listening to a presentation by the school principal. Annoyed, the principal looked out among the crowd; he pointed to my husband and told him to come up to the platform.

Norm just happened to be wearing a bright red shirt that day. He stoo

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