christian living (1410)

So if failure is normal, and the fear of failure is a huge roadblock to success, why are we still afraid of failing?


Fear of failure is one of the most common fears in humans. Unfortunately though, if you have this fear, you’re unlikely to experience a lot of success. It might be challenging to conquer this fear, but necessary if you want to reach the highest levels of success.


Let’s look closer at this fear.

Fear of failure has several components:


1. Fear of looking incompetent. If you fa

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One way you can develop more discipline is to use challenges. This makes it more like a game and less like a chore. Also there can be the element of competition with others and having others help hold you accountable which improves your odds of success. 


Challenges are very popular and you can find them in many places. Or you can make up your own and share it with a group of people. You also can make your own challenge or use one from someone else to just challenge yourself. However you end up

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Trust is a necessity in both human and spiritual relationships. We lean towards people who have our best interests at heart. Trust is simply the ability to rely on something or someone. God is our maker and our heavenly father in the same way that a child would put all their trust in their parents to guide them. That's why we, as Christians, should put our trust in God to guide us. There can be no relationship without trust. Trust Works hand and hand with faith, because we can't have faith in so

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Do Jehovah Witnesses believe in the Divinity of Jesus? Sean Olivera sits with DJ Focus to discuss the effects of religious doctrine and how it causes division in the Church. How important are Christian events like the Infiniti Project and Flavor Fest to the Church? Hear Sean talk about why we need large scale events…







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Your Life is Worth Living

"You know, there are two good things in life, freedom of thought and freedom of action." by W. Somerset Maugham. 

This is an amazing and powerful quote that everyone should stop and really think about.  There’s nothing better than having your own freedom in your life.  This can be accomplished by taking action and learning to manifest your life to its fullest potential.  One shouldn’t have to put their needs, goals, and dreams aside simply because you don’t think they’re important or worth the

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Few words elicit an emotional response more strongly than the word “failure.” One of the biggest obstacles to success is a fear of failure. In fact, most people are more motivated to avoid failure than they are to achieve success.


Most people don’t even have written goals because of a fear of failure. When you set a goal you’re defining success, but you’re also defining failure!


However, failure is a necessary part of success and successful living. Failure is a common result. It’s a lot more

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Sin has caused an eternal war between man and his maker, Yahweh. Sin is the complete opposite of everything our God stands for. The first man and woman created by God, sinned against him in the Garden of Eden by eating the tree of knowledge, which God had instructed them against sin, is complete disobedience to laws and rules. It can be caused by several reasons, traced to selfishness, lust greed, anger, pride and laziness. A sin is an immoral act, considered a transgression of Divine Law.


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As music industry veterans, DJ Focus and Dice Gamble share free game, what they have learned over the years to help independent artists who are just starting out. How do you navigate the music business? What are the keys to becoming a successful Independent Artist? Understanding the music industry is not always easy. 







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Husband and wife duo Agape Music Group joins Da Fixx for a candid conversation on all things Agape. The duo share the story of how they first met, making authentic music and what it's like working together as a married couple.







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Have you made several, unsuccessful efforts to achieve spiritual wellness? You can probably relate to how difficult it can be to achieve. Spiritual wellness takes effort and introspection.


There’s indeed a road you can take that leads to spiritual wellness. The journey may be long, rough, and trying, but it's achievable.


Review this helpful guide for building a foundation of spiritual wellness. While you may want to adopt one element at a time, you'll be better off attempting a full transf

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My determination is strong

I persevere until I see results. I overcome obstacles. I accept reality and face challenges head on. I look at roadblocks as opportunities to try a different approach. I reevaluate my strategies. I am flexible and innovative.


I exercise patience. I slow down.  I remember my purpose and remain calm. I let little things slide off my back.


I build my confidence. I appreciate myself as I am. I make choices that align with my values and priorities. I stand up for my principles. I master new skill

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Life is full of the unknown. We cannot know what will happen tomorrow or next week. One of the biggest shockers that most people got in this generation is probably the coronavirus and the lockdown that had to happen. No one saw it coming. This is how unpredictable life can be. Only God is referred to as the Alpha and the Omega. This means that only he knows what will happen at the beginning and the end life will always be filled with unpredictable events. No one expected the war in Ukraine and R

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Photo by Jo Szczepanska on Unsplash

At some point in the business lifecycle, expansion becomes essential. All the current large companies funnelled tons of money toward expanding their business operations. However, expansion doesn’t have to be large-scale or involve millions of dollars. Your expansion strategy can involve small projects like rebranding your business or increasing your inventory.

This article will discuss the benefits of expanding your business. It will also prov

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Discovering Your Life's Purpose



There is a purpose for your life, whether you believe it or not. You may have to take several paths, but with a little digging, you can find where you're meant to be.

The first thing you want to do is pray for direction. Next, you want to get into your Bible, study and let the Holy Spirit speak to you. You also want to to consider what natural talents, gifts and abilities you're born with. 


  • Are you artistic or musical?
  • Is it easy for you to talk to people?
  • Are you a natural communicator?
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At the end of each day, are you baffled by the fact that you’ve accomplished absolutely nothing of value?


It’s so easy to get caught up in the thick of things that you forget to really pay attention to the things that produce identifiable returns.


Whether you spend your days working in an office or taking care of things at home, it’s important to inject value in your tasks to avoid monotony and reassure yourself that you’re making the most of your time.


Luckily, it’s fairly easy to determi

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If we're being honest, we would realize that many things are fighting for our attention. In life, we have relationships to manage Financial burdens, to settle businesses, to work on career goals, to meet and other things that draw our attention. Unfortunately, many of us put God in the last place on our list of preferences. We don't spend enough time with God.  We try to use God to satisfy our other needs, but this isn't meant to be, while those other needs are valid and need our attention, God

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14 Habits To Live A Wonderful Life

Positive habits are powerful tools. They allow you to accomplish meaningful tasks with little thought or motivation required. With the right set of habits, you can accomplish nearly anything and be on autopilot much of the time.


Those people that put forth herculean effort are admired by our society. We love the runner that crawls the last mile of a marathon. However, a surer path to success is to do the necessary things each and every day. A little each day adds up to a lot.


See how your ha

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Do you have toxic friends? Are there people in your friendship group that seem to be intent on bringing you down instead of lifting you up? Your toxic friends can be damaging to your health and your self-esteem. 


How can you tell if a friend is toxic?


  • Do they focus on your weaknesses or bad points, even if it’s “only joking?”
  • Do they criticize your clothes, appearance, choices or actions?
  • Do they let you down, like “forgetting” to show up for dates?
  • Do they borrow money, but don’t pay it ba
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Today's topic is relatable and applies to so many youths at this age. Let me share the story of one of my closest female friends. For this illustration, I'll call her CL. So CL is a vibrant young lady who passionately loves God. She sought to please him and live in his love for her. She had a male best friend, who also loved God extremely. CL, and her best friend would challenge themselves, go on evangelism, win souls and get them saved and disciplined. They did so many great things togeth

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There is No Time Like Now

Most people in our culture today are so busy running around trying to arrange their lives to be somewhere else. We all want to be somewhere else geographically or financially or in our relationships. We want to be anywhere but here as we've been led to believe that if only we can be somewhere else then our lives would work. This escapism acts like a drug that only gives temporary relief to a chronic problem.


Apart from wanting to be somewhere else, most people today also live by a philosophy o

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