

Also referred to as the eight doctors that man can trust, they have been tested and proven especially by the Seventh Day Adventist, more specifically those from Loma Linda. For about one and a half centuries, these laws have been used in the treatment as well as the prevention of diseases and health conditions. Do you really wish to know who these doctors are? Then read on.

Bearing the acronym "NEWSTART," the laws of health and wellness are Nutrition followed by Exercise, pure Water and Sunshine. Others are Temperance, Fresh Air, and Rest and lastly, Trust in divine power. As Thomas Edison foretold that the future doctor would base the cure of diseases not on the use of the conventional drugs but on preventive measures, so will these principles act to protect you from diseases.


Nutrition comprises of what we ought to out and that which must be discarded. The best food for any organism is plant-based as proven in Genesis 1:29 in the Bible. Many will argue that a plant-based diet will not nourish the body with all the required nutrients but it is a proven fact that for the two thousand years from creation to the floods of Noah, people were healthier and of great stature yet they subsisted on plants alone. Vegetarians today are also a testimony that it is possible to subsist on plants only. All animal products bring about acidity in the system together with Low-Density Level (LDL) cholesterol. These two are the main causes of almost all the degenerative diseases in the world. The health state of the animals being used for food in most cases is also questionable.

Just to mention, the leading cause of death today are cardiovascular diseases which are largely as a result of cholesterol from animals. In a nutshell, subsist on a plant-based diet that is in as natural state as possible.

What about Exercise?

Most researches have dwelt their studies on the muscle exercise forgetting to mention the brain exercises yet they are needed in equal measure. People involved in sedentary activities mostly exercise their brains whereas those in blue-collar jobs mostly exercise the muscles. Hardly will it be possible for the brains not to be exercised since just having deep thoughts is always enough exercise. For the muscles, no exercise will ever be better than walking fast for thirty minutes at least four times a week. In addition to the removal of toxins, you will be able to develop lean muscles.

Water the Great Doctor

Pure water should be used both internally as well as externally. The purpose is to cleanse the system as well as regulating the osmotic pressure and body temperatures. At least eight glasses of water should be drunk on a daily basis. Together with these, hot foot-bath has been used in the treatment of most illnesses thus proving the statement that water is medicine.

Sunshine, Free of Charge

Sunshine is known to be the best source of vitamin D. In addition to strengthening one's bones, Vitamins are antioxidants that are given credit for reversing as well as preventing most degenerative diseases such as cancer and the likes.


Temperance is a virtue that is with only a small portion of the population. It means using the healthy substances in moderation whereas completely discarding the unhealthy products. How many will say that "For sure, I know that carbonated drinks such as Cola aren't healthy for me but I can't stop using them?" that's intemperance.

Oxygen From Fresh Air

Fresh air is vital for proper respiration to take place. Cancer cells only survive where anaerobic respiration takes place. It is therefore important for you to exercise in places with fresh air so as to ensure all your body cells respire aerobically. When attending to a sick person, it's in order to take them to sanitariums that are located in areas with many trees for fresh air.

What about Rest?

Work without sufficient rest is one of the greatest forms of intemperance being suffered by man. Eight hours of sleep, most preferably starting at least two hours before midnight is recommended. In addition, a thirty-minute nap in the afternoon is therapeutic. Also, ensure that you take a day's rest every week.

Trust in Divine Power

Lastly, after interviewing different groups of people, it was discovered that the Adventists from Loma Linda live up to eight years longer than other groups of people who follow only seven of the above laws but don't regularly go to commune with God.

In Review

These eight laws when followed to the latter, one will get to realize how therapeutic they are. In fact, you never know, maybe these are the eight doctors that will lead you to die a peaceful natural death and at the very ripe of age. They are the health and wellness principles that you have been looking for all along.

Japheth Albert Kagolla is an expert freelance writer having written hundreds of informative articles in all fields.


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