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Terrell Owens played his last NFL game on Dec. 19, 2010. But the five-time All-Pro wide receiver still thinks he can play at age 40. (Nelson Chenault/USA TODAY Sports)

Terrell Owens sees NFL players making the police blotter and shakes his head.


Somehow, T.O. was the bad boy?

“You look at some of the stuff guys are doing now, domestic violence, players killing players, just everything,” Owens said in an interview with The Associated Press on Thursday. “You have so many guys with off-the-fiel

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Right now, if you google "Terrell Owens on 'Iyanla Fix My Life'" you'll find a list of articles detailing the athletes who need to appear on her show. Well, they put it into the universe. Because according to Owens himself, he's set to appear on Iyanla's show soon. He tweeted this about the experience:
Minutes away from meeting @IyanlaVanzant on the short  journey to #fixmylife. Lord knows I need somebody's help. lol! Lord bless this day.
Been an emotional
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