motivational quotes- quotes (2)


``Character, Intelligence, Strength, & Style...That's What Makes A Gentleman``

Being a gentleman today is not much different from many years ago…

Sure – some of the old school “hat tipping” may seem cheesy, but overall three things have remained timeless…

  • Manners
  • Style
  • Mindset

Manners of A Gentleman

#1 He never makes others feel beneath him: in fact, a gentleman’s goal when interacting with others is to bring out the best in them. This is seen in the genuine interest he shows when pe

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Since this country began more than 240 years ago, people of color have had to fight for justice and equal rights. Although the struggle isn’t over, we can all be inspired by the men and women whose courage and sacrifice have made this country a better place. From former slaves Sojourner Truth and Booker T. Washington, to civil rights activists Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr., to those who were pioneers in their fields, such as Mae Jemison, the first black woman to travel in space, and

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