bible (317)

by Jelani Greenidge
The Christian rapper caused a stir by naming names in his quest to combat heresy. Here's why that could backfire.
When it dropped, the reaction that I saw across my social media feed consisted of a lot of raised eyebrows, tilted heads, and furrowed brows.
Wow... he really went there.
Shai Linne, the standard-bearer for reformed theology in hip-hop, released a song called "Fal$e Teacher$," in which he castigates the erroneous, prosperity-based, word-of-faith teachings of ma
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by Dr. Henderson Ward


Waiting is a test of patience but waiting on God is much more than that. Everyone at times has to wait and the normal thing is to fidget, look at our watches, sometimes stamp our feet if we are waiting too long while standing, cross and re-cross our legs while sitting and sometimes we do the disadvantageous and decide to wait no longer.

But we are not all alike while waiting.

Some people are so attuned to waiting that they prepare well for the stint. At the bank while waiti
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Reflecting the Image of Christ

by Toni Babcock

Does reflecting the likeness of Jesus solve all the challenges we face as Christian women? Not necessarily. Projecting Christ-likeness is no guarantee we will become a social magnet, or treated with respect in the world (quite the opposite is often the case), but there are positive steps we can take to avoid needless and destructive behaviors that mar the image of Christ in our lives.

It is important to remember God looks on the heart, but people are not God. They are looking
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Y'Shua is GOD!

by  Lyn Ventura


"He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted."Isaiah 53:3-4

Many people of Jesus' time despised Jesus. He represented all they were not; all they couldn't be, holy, righteous, kind, and full of love and forgiveness. He was (and is) God. Jesus i
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God or god?

by Alfonso Abels


Wondering who the real god is? "How do we get to know the true God?"

Do not worry. You are not only one seeking the answer to these questions. Many people struggle daily with these issues.

However, we must never conclude that all religions worship the same god. Studies of the various religions prove that they are by no means doing so.

There is merit in thinking that the True God certainly wants to reveal Himself to the world. The cultures of today worship a god on basis of realizi
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#Biblestudy Believe In Prayer

by Leonard Granger


Our Bible tells us in Matthew, Chapter 21, Verse 22, " And all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. We sometimes think we have the power to make things happen. Then we often find ourselves forgetting our gracious and loving Lord Jesus Christ whom we send our prayers, if it is His will , is the one that makes all things happen.

When I and my family were stationed with the Air Force in Athens, Greece my wife came down with polio in 1958. The pol
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7936053900?profile=originalby Ms Sequeira

Friends, are you struggling with hate, bitterness and revenge? Are you seeking justice towards those who have caused you tremendous pain and loss? Have you lost your peace and filled with sorrow and rage? You know to have to let go, but can't ... Do you forgive your enemies but cannot bless them? If your answer is "Yes" to some of them, or perhaps all of them, be assured, there are many who feel this way.

Our spirit wants to us to let go, but the flesh wants to hold on to bitter me
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Bible study: God or god?

by Alfonso Abels Wondering who the real god is? "How do we get to know the true God?" Do not worry. You are not only one seeking the answer to these questions. Many people struggle daily with these issues. However, we must never conclude that all religions worship the same god. Studies of the various religions prove that they are by no means doing so. There is merit in thinking that the True God certainly wants to reveal Himself to the world. The cultures of today worship a god on basis of
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Etymologically the two words, 'Knowledge and Wisdom' are interchangeable in meaning. According to Longman's Dictionary, 'Knowledge' means understanding, learning and information about something, while 'Wisdom' means quality of being wise. 'Wise' means one having large experiences and much knowledge. From the biblical point of view, however, the two words are totally different from one another in meaning and concept. In Colossians 2:3 Jesus is said to be the source of all knowledge and wisdom. 
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by Max Aplin


I recently met someone who has links with churches in Nepal. I told him that I had heard that the church was growing very well in Nepal, and I asked him if what I had heard was right. He replied quite simply: 'It's like the book of Acts.' 

What he meant, as he went on to explain, was that the church is indeed growing very well in Nepal, and that, in similar fashion to what we find in the book of Acts, God is using miracles to help cause this growth. (In this article, when I use the
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Editor's Note: The following is a report on the practical applications of Kary Oberbrunner's book, The Deeper Path: Five Steps that Let Your Hurts Lead to Your Healing, (Baker Books, 2013).
In this fallen world, pain enters everyone's life, so it's inevitable that you'll have to deal with pain. But if you respond to pain the way God hopes you will, pain will serve good purposes in your life.
You can get stuck in your pain if you deny it, numb yourself to it, or try to cope with it by
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by Anthony Weber


Whenever America experiences a large natural disaster or "act of God," in insurance company lingo - the inevitable question resurfaces in Christian circles: What is God angry about? What did we do?It's a popular topic every time a storm hits, especially if it hits where we don't live. 

Usually, the apparent target of God's wrath is a particular situation or people group about which the person claiming clarity happens to feel very strongly ("It's the homosexual abortion doctor!
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by John MacArthur
One of the major, early catalysts in the Protestant Reformation was a book by Jan Hus, a Bohemian Christian who preceded Martin Luther by a full century. The book was De Ecclesia (The Church), and one of Hus's most profound points was proclaimed in the title of his fourth chapter: "Christ the Only Head of the Church."

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Hus wrote, "Neither is the pope the head nor are the cardinals the whole body of the holy, unive
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Pastor asks,'Are you ready to meet your God?'

Life was pretty good in eighth century Israel. Trade was up. The economy flourished. The people worshiped God. There was peace throughout the land.

Although everything seemed alright in the Northern Kingdom, it was far from right.

It was into this setting of weal or prosperity that God sent Amos, a foreign shepherd and fig farmer, to deliver His message of woe.

Amos’ pronouncements are recorded in the book of Amos, a nine chapter book that is easy to overlook.

Yet it is that book of the Bible that R

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Perhaps most of you are accustomed to saying that the kingdom of God is "not yet" here and is "already" here. Not yet here in its consummation, but already here in significant fulfillments.
In fact, "fulfillment without consummation" was the scandal of Jesus's ministry. He claimed that the kingdom of God "is in the midst of you" (Luke 17:21), and yet Jesus was not overthrowing the Roman regime. Even John the Baptist was perplexed and asked, "Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for
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  What does God really require most from us as Christians; service or relationship ?. This is a mind searching question which I believe many has never reflected on. But this is an issue of concern for all and sundry in the body of Christ.

In the beginning of creation, God did not create servants or errand boys who will be at his beck and call, carrying out all sort of activities for him. God said "Let us make man in our own image...". It is never, "let us
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Christian Living: Marching On to War!

7936052853?profile=originalMarching On to War! 
by  Alan Allegra

In a rare moment of internet fever, I researched how many wars there have been in human history. Answers ranged from dozens to thousands, depending on many criteria. I suppose we could consider the conflict between Cain and Abel the first human war, unusual in that it was extremely short, one side was completely destroyed, and the other side suffered no losses.

The month of March was named after the Roman God Mars, the god of war. Originally, Mars was a

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7936052878?profile=originalby  Ngozi Nwoke

I have done everything I know and I believe that I have a right standing with God, yet I have not received my desire. How exactly do I act on God's word of faith? Acting on the Lord's words is a proof of your faith in God and it always delivers. Many people believe but lack the corresponding actions. This article is to give you an insight on how to act on the word in order to obtain results.

I have done everything I know and I believe that I have a right standing with God, yet I h

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by Ngozi Nwoke  

I have done everything I know and I believe that I have a right standing with God, yet I have not received my desire. How exactly do I act on God's word of faith? Acting on the Lord's words is a proof of your faith in God and it always delivers. Many people believe but lack the corresponding actions. This article is to give you an insight on how to act on the word in order to obtain results.

I have done everything I know and I believe that I have a right standing with God, y

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7936053282?profile=originalby Ralph Jackson  

Many people do not believe there is a Creator because for the past 3-4 decades the only thing that has been promoted as 'fact' in schools and textbooks is 'the theory evolution'. Today they do not even refer to it as a theory but a fact. Consequently with this teaching comes the removal of 'absolutes' when it comes to human conduct. 

Once upon a time in the not too distant past, the 10 commandments in Exodus 20 were the moral framework for living and the foundation for the

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