mothers day (3)

The Problem With Mother’s Day


Around this time each year, I see blog posts about the foolishness of Mother’s Day, about the lack of fairness in it all, about the gloating mothers and the grieving mothers and the women who wish they are mothers. And, I completely get it. I really do. Mother’s Day, in some ways, is a hard day.

I myself sat in a pew shortly after I learned that, once again, the child in my womb no longer had a heartbeat. I occupied my regular seat that morning while the Mother’s Day video played, thinking of

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by Karen Swallow Prior

“All women are mothers,” someone recently posted on Twitter, a statement that struck me immediately as well-meaning but misguided.

All women are not mothers, just as certainly as all men are not fathers. And I say this as a childless woman who occasionally finds Mother’s Day uncomfortable since I very much wanted to have children.

Yes, I understand the idea uses the term “mother” metaphorically, in the general sense of someone who is nurturing and creative. But I think t

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There is no one in the world like your mother. She gave you life and for that you should be eternally grateful. It’s nice to show your mom how much you care all year long, but on Mother’s Day it’s especially important to show your love and appreciation. Here are some ideas for affordable gifts from the heart.

From a framed photo to breakfast in bed, send a sweet message on Mother’s Day.

1. GOURMET TEA ($13)

More than a coffee alternative, tea is a ritual, providing time t

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