
Thousands of black men from around the nation, including dozens from Baltimore, came to the National Mall Saturday to honor the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March — and to call for changes in policing and in black communities. 

They carried signs that said “Justice or else” and “How will the media misrepresent us today?” Students from Howard University held their fists high in the air and chanted “Black power!”

Among the attendees was Cortez Elliott, 32, of Baltimore, who organized a bus trip down from North Avenue carrying 28 people.

“I wasn’t able to go the first time,” Elliott said. “It was something I had to do.”

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who spearheaded the original march, led an anniversary gathering Saturday at the Capitol.

Farrakhan, who spoke for more than two hours, covered a wide range of topics, and condemned both police brutality and violence among African-Americans. He also praised the young protesters behind the Black Lives Matter movement, calling them the next civil rights leaders and asking older activists to support them.

“What good are we if we don’t prepare young people to carry the torch of liberation to the next step?” Farrakhan said.

Elliott said he felt invigorated after attending.

“What resonated with me was the message about oppression and justice,” he said. “I’m going to come back to Baltimore and spread my experience to my social peers.”

National attention has been focused on the deaths of unarmed black men since the shootings of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in 2012 in Florida and 18-year-old Michael Brown in 2014 in Ferguson, Mo. In Baltimore, Freddie Gray, 25, died after suffering a severe spinal injury while in police custody in April.

Deaths of unarmed black males at the hands of law enforcement officers have inspired protests under the Black Lives Matter moniker around the country.

From the stage, the Rev. Jamal H. Bryant of Baltimore introduced the families of people who have died in police custody, including Brown’s father.

“Rise up, black people,” Bryant implored the crowd. “It’s our time now.”

Bryant called the event “exhilarating,” “monumental” and “inspiring.” He said it showed that Christians and Muslims can unite over social justice issues. He also said that the family of Michael Brown said they were heartened by the outpouring of support.

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Source: Baltimore Sun |  Luke Broadwater

Prince Malachi is the founder of The Oracle Network and the Streetwear brand Y.A.H. Apparel

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