The role of faith and spiritual development in the treatment of addiction


Perhaps you were slightly surprised by the topic of our today’s article – but do not rush to draw conclusions. Christian drug rehab centers are professional, methodical, and practical institutions that deal with the treatment of various types of addiction using a comprehensive approach to the problem. You still don’t understand: what is the point of faith and spirituality when it comes to scientific approaches based on a medical and therapeutic theoretical basis? And the whole thing is that we are talking about a complex approach and bible study for recovering addicts in treatment because only such an approach can be effective in the treatment of the disease of addiction.

Addiction is a bio-psycho-socio-spiritual disease. Accordingly, it can be treated only in the case of therapy in all four directions. Therapy regarding the bio-state of the patient begins at the stage of acute withdrawal syndrome, and is carried out with the help of medical manipulations. Psycho- and socio-therapy is carried out during the entire course of treatment with the help of work with specialists (psychologists, psychotherapists, etc.) and interaction between members of the therapeutic community. And we have only one area that requires therapy – and that is spirituality. The spirituality can be reached if you look for Christian rehabs near me. Usually, they are the only facilities that provide faith based recovery programs along with scientific approaches.

The spiritual sphere as a factor of recovery

Despite the fact that, first of all, a chemically dependent patient most of all needs support in the bio-sphere (drug therapy) and psycho-correction (especially in the period of acute abstinence and with psychiatric disorders caused by use), it is the spiritual sphere that is one of the most important factors in the patient’s recovery. It is with her that the addict will have to work until the end of his life.

An addicted person is a person with a destructive pattern of behavior and thinking, aimed at mastering the object of addiction by all available means and at any cost. It is not surprising that during the period of obsession and compulsive behavior in relation to the desired object, an addicted person is unable to analyze or control himself. Moral principles, social and ethical norms, as well as spiritual rules, instantly lose their meaning and weight for the addict, because the substance rises to the top of the pyramid of human values. It’s sad, but even being aware of his spiritual degradation, a person, unfortunately, cannot change the situation in any way. And the pain and shame that arise when realizing one’s actions, she again blocks and muffles with a substance.

How spiritual development affects the establishment of sobriety

To one degree or another, a recovering addict will definitely experience such feelings as inner emptiness, depression, apathy, indifference, fatalism, nostalgia for the “bright past”, loneliness, social rejection and loneliness in the first years of sober life. And here, very often, none of the three areas can provide the patient with full and relevant help. At this moment, a person turns to the spiritual world. For some, a successful example of other recovering people is enough, while others need to fall to the very bottom, get rid of everything material: from a nice car to close people, so that only then will they understand that all they have left and all that can save them is spirituality .

One of the main characteristic manifestations of the disease of addiction is the loss of goals and values ​​in life. The addict’s only goal is to acquire the substance. He does not make plans for the future, does not see the meaning in life, does not feel the value and importance of anything except matter. With the appearance of spirituality, the tunnel thinking of the addict is broken and some higher meaning appears in it, which, even despite the difficult current physical and psychological state of a person, gives him faith that sooner or later everything will be fine. As a rule, during the period of recovery, the addict loses many people from the past (to be more precise – everything unnecessary is “weeded out”), families are destroyed and parents refuse. It is at such moments that only faith helps addicts not to give up and not to return to the “old” life, but to move on, with faith in a better future.

What are Christian addiction recovery programs?

It is extremely important to understand the meaning of the addiction recovery program in the concept of “faith“. The faith based recovery programs offer the freest interpretation of this word, which will be the most acceptable for each individual recovering. Someone believes in the program itself: namely, that by following all the rules and recommendations, they will be able to stay sober. Others believe in the professionalism and responsible approach of psychotherapists, psychologists, and specialists in chemical addiction – and this also gives a person strength to fight, because they understand that they are not alone. 

Others believe in God and such a belief is probably the most universal because it is never possible to be disappointed in it. Someone keeps faith in their leader, mentor, and teacher and is ready to listen and follow their every word. 

The role of spirituality and morality in Christian addiction recovery

Why does a recovering addict need moral and spiritual standards? An addicted person (even if they have been sober for a long time) has a specific, unique set of character traits and behaviors. One of the most characteristic features is the lack of an internal personality structure. Dependent people, due to the way of life they lead, are quite strong personalities, but at the same time – they are not structured. 

In the process of recovery (this is especially evident in the first years of sobriety), addicts simply do not know which recovery way to choose. Generally accepted norms of morality, rules of behavior in society, in the family, spiritual laws of the Holy Scriptures, and Christian drug rehab centers – all these sources will become an excellent guide in the world of sobriety.

The post The role of faith and spiritual development in the treatment of addiction appeared first on BCNN1 - Black Christian News Network.








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Prince Malachi is the founder of The Oracle Network and the Streetwear brand Y.A.H. Apparel

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