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Michael Sam dismissed the thought that his sexuality has cost him a spot in the NFL.

“I don’t like to think that way,” Sam said in an Oprah Winfrey Network documentary that aired Saturday night. “But I do believe I’m a very talented football player and I’m going to continue working hard and try to get that opportunity to play in the league.”

The first openly gay player drafted in the NFL has no regrets.

“I did everything I was supposed to do. I did everything right,” Sam said. “I am proud

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Michael Sam dismissed the thought that his sexuality has cost him a spot in the NFL.

“I don’t like to think that way,” Sam said in an Oprah Winfrey Network documentary that aired Saturday night. “But I do believe I’m a very talented football player and I’m going to continue working hard and try to get that opportunity to play in the league.”

The first openly gay player drafted in the NFL has no regrets.

“I did everything I was supposed to do. I did everything right,” Sam said. “I am proud

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