barack (24)


Who ever thought the saying, "It's the economy stupid," from James Carville in 1992 would become a staple in presidential elections 20 years later?


That expression made its way into the campaign in 2008, and according to Carville, it could be the theme of the 2012 campaign as well as President Barack Obama seeks reelection. In an appearance on Monday's "Imus in the Morning" on the Fox Business Network, the former Clinton adviser said that, based on the May jobs number, if the unemploym
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Memorial Day 2009-Obama Unknows.jpg

Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 2011
     For over two centuries, brave men and women have laid down their lives in defense of our great Nation.  These heroes have made the ultimate sacrifice so we may uphold the ideals we all cherish.  On this Memorial Day, we honor the generations of Americans who have fought and died to defend our freedom.
     Today, all who wear the uniform of the United States carry with them the proud legacies of those who have made our Nation great, from the patriots w
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?m=02&d=20100524&t=2&i=112006214&w=460&r=2010-05-24T060520Z_01_BTRE64N0F0Y00_RTROPTP_0_OBAMA-SECURITY(Reuters) - President Barack Obama has directed the U.S. military to coordinate with South Korea to "ensure readiness" and deter future aggression from North Korea, the White House said on Monday.


The United States gave strong backing to plans by South Korean President Lee Myung-bak to punish North Korea for sinking one of its naval ships, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said in a statement.

The White House urged North Korea to apologize an

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Obama on health care: "Let's get it done"Play VideoAP – Obama on health care: "Let's get it done"
^DJI 10,405.98 +2.19
^GSPC 1,118.31 +2.60
^IXIC 2,280.79 +7.22
President Barack Obama speaks at Savannah Technical College in Savannah, Ga.,AP – President Barack Obama speaks at Savannah Technical College in Savannah, Ga., Tuesday, March 2, 2010. …

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama embraced a handful of Republican health care ideas Tuesday to lure votes of Democrats wary of a more partisan appro

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