Discovering You Purpose In Life Part 8: Transitioning To Your Life  Purpose

The grind doesn’t end once you discover your purpose. When you finally know what gives your life meaning, you are excited, pumped and passionate. But, is that enough? Well, actually no. It’s not. 

The next step in the process is to transition to your life purpose. This means making changes, perhaps lots of changes. So how do you transition? Here’s how: 

Set Your Goals 

After finding your purpose, you have to set your goals. If there are no goals or aims, your purpose is useless. It’s just an ideology that is not being put into action. You have to give life to this purpose. The transition state is the state where you start to give life to your purpose. This is when you need to plan how you’re going to show your purpose to others.  

As Carl Bard once said, ‘’Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now a make a brand new  ending’’. In your transition phase, you learn how to make your awesome ending. 

For example, you have discovered that your purpose is to blog and inspire others. What are you going to inspire others about? Are you going to start a self-help blog? Is your aim to be a fashion inspiration for others? 

You can’t just get a website and wait for things to happen. Instead, you need to start writing. Put on your working pants and get to work. You can’t be a successful writer with just an idea in your head.  What you need to do is to put this idea on paper.  

Likewise, you can’t transition to your life purpose without a vision.  If you don’t have a vision, there’s no way you can succeed. Your vision is what defines your purpose. If you have a well-defined goal and your purpose is clear to you too, the journey becomes way easier.

Without a goal, you are just wandering around aimlessly. You'll lose your purpose, your drive and ultimately, your dreams. 

This is exactly how you need to transition to your purpose. Tell  yourself that getting ten thousand readers on your blog will be your  reward if you work hard. This will keep your motivated to transition  to your purpose.  

You might not achieve what you wanted but it’s fine. At least, you’ve  started the transitioning process. You’ll get there sooner or later.


12143993282?profile=RESIZE_710xThe Fear Factor 

The major reason why most people fail to transition to their purpose is fear. The fear of disappointing yourself and those around you. Or the fear of not being good enough.  

There are these questions hanging like swords over your head. Will my passion make me a living? Am I really as good as I thought? Will I disappoint my family, friends and myself if I pursue my higher purpose? Will it matter? 

However, you shouldn’t let the fear of judgment, rejection or disliking stop you from being your true self. How true is that?  Aren’t these all the factors that stop you from being who you are? 

Things will be hard. When you are transitioning to your purpose, things won’t always be easy. There will be times when you may want to go back to your previous, miserable, meaningless life, or your comfort zone. In these times, you have to remind yourself why  you started in the first place. 

If things were going to be easy, then everyone would be doing it.  What’s the point of anything if it’s unbelievable easy? The fear of change stops you from transitioning to your purpose.

The fear of leaving your old life behind pushes you away from your purpose. There are so many people who have their purpose in front of their eyes. Yet, they are too scared to hold it or get it. 

Remind yourself why you took the first step. That will keep you going. It’ll be hard to steer clear of people who divert you from your  purpose. These are the people who have always been around you.  Ignoring them will take a while and some effort. 

Similarly, fear of deteriorating relationships stops the transition process. What you need to remember is that anyone who is sincere to you will support you. Once you let go of all your fears, transition becomes really easy.  

You realize that there’s nothing holding you back from achieving your purpose. Your current reality has formed a comfort zone around you. This is exactly what you need to get out of. You can only transition to your purpose once you leave your comfort zone.


How to Make This Transition 

This is the big question. Finding your purpose seems like an easier task compared to this. When you’re trying to find your purpose, you are just looking into yourself. You’re finding what you need to do in life. 

However, the transition phase requires action. It requires you to do something more than just contemplating. Financials are very important. Part of the reason why most people do not go for their dream job is that their dream job does not earn them enough. 

If you want to transition to your true purpose, you need to have a financial purpose. Your blog won’t start earning for you immediately.  So, how are you going to eat and live for the time that your passion is not earning you? This is what you need to plan before your transition to your purpose. 

You can start in steps. Get a part time job that runs the house. Now, you can spend the rest of the time on making your blog a success. Or you can keep your blog running with your current job.  

You can always leave your current job once the blog is earning you enough. It will be hard to balance the two. But isn’t that what following your purpose is all about? A few extra hours will make you feel more fulfilled than that nine-to-five work.  

12143994088?profile=RESIZE_710xSystems Are Important 

To transition to your life purpose, you need to have a system in place. If blogging is your purpose, you need to have websites and photo editors. You need to get in touch with other people from the field to guide you.  

Look around and find people like you. Socialize with them and make your own little family. This family supports your purpose and will help you transition to it.  

Your blog isn’t sufficient. Head over to social media and increase your presence there too. Get in touch with people and let them know about you. Part of the transition process is to make others aware of your purpose. 

Isn’t this what musicians, painters, authors, scientists and artists do? They don’t hide away their purpose. They bring it out to the world. Letting the world experience your art, music, inventions and words is the best way to transition. 

Slowly yet eventually, you will get there. The transition process is just as fulfilling as the final result. Give it your undivided time and attention. 










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Prince Malachi is the founder of The Oracle Network and the Streetwear brand Y.A.H. Apparel

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