Daily Devotional: WAKE UP WITH GOD |  Morning Inspiration to Start Your Day

Oh Lord, in the morning you hear my voice in the morning. I prepare a sacrifice for you and I watch So let the first thing out of your mouth in the morning, while you're still on the pillow. Let the first thing be a cry to God. I love you lord. I need you. Lord help me Lord. That is the first cry out of my mouth in the morning.


I need you again today. Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love For in you. I trust Make me know the way I should go for to you. I lift up my soul. How precious to me are your thoughts. Oh God, I awake, and I am still with you Very few of us - Wake up with our whole Souls spring loaded to love God and love people. I do think the great commandment Does set the agenda for our mornings and our midday and our evening. We are to love God with all of our heart soul. Mind strength when we wake up in the morning And we are to prepare ourselves to love our neighbor serve our neighbor as our Selves and what we want in in the morning, routine is to be filled with the holy spirit. We want something that gives us a zeal for the glory of Christ for the day's work.


We want to be strengthened to face whatever the day may bring Outside of God. You never gon na be happy outside of him. You never gon na have peace, but when he comes and comes and steps into your life he's the Prince of Peace and he brings Peace. And suddenly you begin to see yourself the way that he sees you, That he loves you and that he has a wonderful plan for your life And he says I know the plans I have for you say the Lord plans to prosper. You plans not to harm you Plans to give you hope and a future, And he wants to tell you. I know there's an enemy out there, that hates you and he wants to destroy you But come hook up with me and I'll help you and I'm gon na help. You Take care of yourself And I'm gon na help. You deal with the enemy, because I'm gon na give you the power to take care of Everything that you need. You'Re, not gon na live by yourself.


You'Re gon na live with me, You're gon na follow me You're gon na a bay me gon na do my purpose. My plan for your life. The enemy has a plan but you're opting out of his plan. You just say I opted out of your plan and I'm hooking up with God's plan for my life And Then know that he's already worked it all out God's gone before you Ten twenty years. Thirty years, If Jesus carry's he's gone before you, he really knows the end from the beginning. He'S gone before you to make the crooked paths straight, And he wants you to trust him with your life. The times we get into problems is because we want to do it all we want to get it all laid out. We want to bring I'm gon na. Do it my way. I don't want to listen to anything that God has and then we struggle and we spin our wheels Well when we come to him and we surrender okay, okay, I've tried it my way, but I'm gon na give myself to you. You take over I'll, go where you want me to go I'll. Do what you want me to do?


I'Ll say what you want me to say I'll, be what you want me to be. Not my will but thine be done. Then you yield yourself to him. You work for him. Somebody said who do you think you are I'm a child of the king? I belong to God Get up in the morning and invite good things into your life. I am blessed, I am strong, I am talented, I'm disciplined, I am focused. I am prosperous, Take what you have and make the most of it. God made you like. You are on purpose, he gave you your looks your height, your skin color, your nose, your personality, Nothing about you is by accident. You didn't get overlooked, You didn't get left out. God said in Ephesians. You are my masterpiece. Instead of going around down on yourself feeling unattractive Too tall, too short, not enough of this too much of that no dare to get up in the morning and say I am a masterpiece, I am created in the image of Almighty God.


I wonder what would happen if all through the day, not in front of other people but in privacy, in the shower driving to work underneath our breath instead of being down on ourselves and Discrediting who we are and focusing on all of our flaws. What would happen if we would be bold like David to say I am amazing, I am wonderful. I am valuable. I am a masterpiece. I am a child of the Most High God. You won't have that weak Defeated, I'm just average mentality. No You'll carry yourself like a king like a queen, not in pride, not being better than somebody, but with a quiet confidence with a knowing that you've been Handpicked by the creator of the universe, and you have something amazing to offer this world. God is out always searching and looking for an army looking for a people that are tested and tried and have proven him faithful. But you see, God can't do anything where there is no faith where there is all doubt. Jesus couldn't do mighty miracles there because of their doubt and their unbelief, But you make a commitment to believe God, and not doubt him in any situation has to come a time when all the whys Why, God are gone Until all those questions are gone. He said I have a loving father,


I stand here and rest, boasting only in the Word of God and in His Holy Spirit And he's been faithful to give rest and peace to my soul. God never gets tired, he's not Frustrated, he's not old and he's not confused and he's not trying to find answers to the problems. But God doesn't go to anybody else to ask anybody else, Because he has it all within himself. Isn'T that awesome He's on your side? He'S for you He's a big God, an awesome God He's a mighty God, Just worship Him just say Monday morning, I'm just gon na worship. You today, I'm gon na worship, you the whole day. I gon na worship you through lunch and into the evening and when I lie upon my bed, I'm gon na worship, you and when I wake up Tuesday, I'm gon na worship, you and then Wednesday. I worship you this week, I'm a worship, God I'm a blessing. I will bless the Lord and give Him glory Come on. I promise you everything will look different by next week.


How big is God, How mighty is he He's awesome, Hallelujah, you can go to the highest star and he's there. You can go to the lowest Valley and he is there, And I want you to know that beyond anything else that the Lord is with you He's with you, There's a lot of things. I don't know One thing I know the Lord is with me And I know that he's on my side. He is for me not against me and he is with you And he's for you and he's not against you. When you get up in the morning, don't focus on all your flaws, look in the mirror and dare to say I am beautiful. I am one of a kind. I am Handpicked by Almighty God. I am valuable.


I am a masterpiece, You are, who God says you are People may have tried to push you down and tell you what you can't become, Let that go in one ear and out The other ear. What somebody said about you doesn't determine your destiny. God does You need to know not only what you are, But you need to know what you are not. In other words, I am not who people say I am I am. Who God says I am. I am not the tail I am the head. I am not a borrower, I am a lender. I am not cursed, I am blessed. Somebody may have spoken negative words over you, even when you were younger But know this before anyone could put a curse on you, God put a blessing on you Before you were formed in your mother's womb. God knew you and he approved you. When God made you, he stepped back and said I like that, that was good, another masterpiece. He stamped his approval on you. Other people may try to disapprove. You Don't go around feeling less than feeling inferior. Our attitude should be. I am approved by Almighty God.


I am accepted, I am a masterpiece, you may feel unqualified, But before you were born God equips you, he empowered you. You are not lacking anything. God has already stamped his approval on you. People may try to push you down, but when you know God has approved you, you realize I don't need other people's approval. I'Ve been equipped empowered anointed by the creator of the universe.

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Prince Malachi is the founder of The Oracle Network and the Streetwear brand Y.A.H. Apparel

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