Daily Devotional: How to Spot False Coaches | Jude 1:10

Sports stories have highlighted training strategies implemented by coaches that initially lead to an athlete's success, but ultimately broke down their bodies to a point where they could no longer compete. At the coaches' direction, athletes were overtraining, taking in too few calories to fuel their workouts, and competing while injured. What initially brought success is ultimately hurting them. But this sort of thing isn't limited to athletics. It happens spiritually too. When we heed the advice of a person who ridicules the wisdom of God caiming to have our best interests in mind, the world says god's way is outdated, old-fashioned or just there to make us miserable. The world rejects God's authority and misleads those trying to follow him with ideas like, "follow your heart" and "if it feels good to you, "and doesn't hurt anyone else, go for it!" those who received jude's letter were being instructed by false teachers, spiritual "coaches" if you will, who were relying on human wisdom. But their human "wisdom" was guiding jude's friends in ways that were opposed to god and would ultimately harm them.


Jude writes in verse 10, their "coaching" would "destroy them." their advice might have seemed smart or beneficial at first glance, but eventually it would lead them to harm. Popular "wisdom", powerful leaders, and even our own desires can lead us down the wrong path, but we're not on our own. More than an invaluable coach, God is a loving father who guides us through life. first, he sent Jesus to rescue us, and then Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to guide us. God is also accessible through prayer, and the scriptures exist to help us test human wisdom and see if it lines up with truth.


like a good and loving father, God is always there to offer advice, and God's advice always leads to what's best.

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Prince Malachi is the founder of The Oracle Network and the Streetwear brand Y.A.H. Apparel

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