
By Kelli Bhattacharjee  

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Are you looking for some not so obvious ways to save money? Have you already cut back on those trips to Starbucks and your cable bill but still need to save more? Great, how about groceries?

Yes, you can save money groceries shopping. It isn't always easy or obvious... but it is possible. Here are 10 secrets to help you get started.

#1 - Get Organized

This sounds basic but the very first thing you should do to save money groceries shopping is get organized. Super organized. Like OCD.

Start by making a meal plan. Knowing what you're going to eat each day will ensure you don't buy extra, unnecessary ingredients. After you compile your meal plan, make your shopping list.

#2 - Know Your Sales

Check weekly circulars from stores to know which items are marked down. If you don't get a local paper, most stores publish their sales ads online.

Use your list from secret #1 to hone in on just the items you need. You will not save money groceries shopping if you just buy stuff because it is on sale.

#3 - Price Match

It wouldn't be good to save money groceries shopping just to blow all those savings on gas... which is exactly what will happen if you have to run all over town to take advantages of all the great sales you found.

Instead, choose to shop at a store that price matches (ex. Wal-Mart). That way you can take advantage of all those weekly sales without wasting all your gas. Simply bring the circulars from other stores with you and present the sale prices to the cashier at checkout.

#4 - Be Social

Sometimes, being a social butterfly pays off. Follow your favorite stores and brands on social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.). They will often post special deals or coupons there.

#5 - Check Your Facts (Er, Receipt)

Look, we're all humans and we all make mistakes... this goes for the person behind the cash register at your local grocery store as well. Once you leave the store, carefully review your receipt for accuracy. Did everything ring up at the right price? Did all your coupons get scanned in?

If you find a mistake, don't hesitate to either call the store or go back and ask for an adjustment.

#6 - Bulk Buying BFFs

If you're single or a small family but want to take advantage of the discounts bulk stores offer, then buddy up with a friend to share. Buy products together at big warehouse stores and split them. This will allow you to save money groceries shopping without wasting food.

#7 - Avoid Convenience

Convenience products, like pre-sliced fruit, are well, convenient but they also come with a hefty price tag. Skip these items; put in a little extra time and effort in order to save money groceries shopping.

#8 - Go Digital

Our high tech world offers you more opportunities than ever to save money groceries shopping. Take advantages of digital coupons from your local store (ex. Krogers) as well as money saving apps such as Checkout51 and Ibotta.

#9 - Get a Green Thumb

Produce can be one of the costliest items at the grocery store. Save money groceries shopping by growing your own produce if possible.

#10 - Get Creative

All you need to do to save money groceries shopping is think outside of the box. A little creativity will go a long way. For example, make every Monday "meatless Monday". Doing so will allow you to save a bundle by buying less meat. Need a little inspiration? The Intranet is filled with recipes for fabulous meatless meals.

Kelli Bhattacharjee, the owner of, is a former investment professional with nearly ten years of experience. After graduating the top of her class in finance she decided to pursue her passion of empowering others to better manage their money via her savvy financial blog.

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