Prince Malachi The First's Posts (11701)

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4798In a recent interview with the Politico, NAACP president Ben Jealous criticized President Barack Obama for the lack of diversity among his recent cabinet picks.
Benjamin Jealous (President and CEO of the NAACP) The 2013 Peace Ball: Voices of Hope And Resistance at Arena Stage on January 20, 2013 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Earl Gibson III/Getty Image

"He still has several more appointments, and we expect that we'll see at least the same diversity that we saw the first time around. What we're hoping to see is a black woman on the U.S. Supreme Court," Jealous said.
The civil rights advocate went on to tout rising Democratic star Kamala Harris, who is currently serving as attorney general in California.
"Kamala Harris would be a brilliant pick. I personally would like to see somebody young who could stay on there for decades," he said.
President Obama's first three major appointments for his second term were all white males: John Kerry for Secretary of State, Jack Lew for Treasury and Chuck Hagel for Defense.
Source: The Grio
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4798In a recent interview with the Politico, NAACP president Ben Jealous criticized President Barack Obama for the lack of diversity among his recent cabinet picks.
Benjamin Jealous (President and CEO of the NAACP) The 2013 Peace Ball: Voices of Hope And Resistance at Arena Stage on January 20, 2013 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Earl Gibson III/Getty Image

"He still has several more appointments, and we expect that we'll see at least the same diversity that we saw the first time around. What we're hoping to see is a black woman on the U.S. Supreme Court," Jealous said.
The civil rights advocate went on to tout rising Democratic star Kamala Harris, who is currently serving as attorney general in California.
"Kamala Harris would be a brilliant pick. I personally would like to see somebody young who could stay on there for decades," he said.
President Obama's first three major appointments for his second term were all white males: John Kerry for Secretary of State, Jack Lew for Treasury and Chuck Hagel for Defense.
Source: The Grio
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4798Magical and intense--that is how I describe the night Barak Obama became our nation's first African-American President.

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I wept as he crossed the line from being a dream of our ancestors into a reality of our nation's great, but sullied, history. I was stunned that a Black President was elected in my lifetime, but that night my thoughts were of my father and grandparents who did not live to see the day when "we" would be in the White House.

I vividly remembered watching the Eyes On The Prize documentary series as a child with my father. His narrative gave deeper meaning to a history just a generation away. Through him, I understood the grave injustice against Emmett Till. Whereas the world remembered Governor Wallace for his fight against desegregation, my father spoke of the tears his mother and grandmother shed over Wallace's hate-filled stance at the University of Alabama.
My feelings during this past week's inauguration were perhaps even more intense. As the television cameras panned the MLK monument, I was awed by the fact that President Obama was a fulfillment of Dr. King's renowned dream. The possibility of his election and re-election were the reward King fought and ultimately died for in times that seemed hopeless. 
On his journey to making history, President Obama certainly found strength and hope in Dr. King, as well as personal role models such as his grandparents. A powerhouse in her own right, First Lady Michelle Obama, often credits her noteworthy success and achievements to the work ethic and determination instilled by her parents and mentors. As we strive to impact the world and our community, it is essential that we identify, study and follow the examples of those who have gone before us.
Growing up, I easily found my role models in the wealth of my own genealogy. I was blessed to have parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles I respected. Though flawed, they were bold and courageous men and women.  They taught me to aspire for more and to never accept anyone else's limits for my life. Even now, their examples still inspire me to persist against all odds.
Source: Essence Magazine 
Recently named the "North America's Next Greatest Speaker" by eWomenNetwork, Felicia T. Scott is a Certified Empowerment Coach™ who shares transformational truths that change lives. Follow her on Twitter for updates regarding her newly released seminar THRIVE! 7 Strategies for Extraordinary Living and more.


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Chris Alix 
Christian Gamers review

Hey guys it has been a while. I know that many of you got really cool gifts from this past Christmas Holiday. One of those gifts might have been Call of Duty Black Ops 2. It has been over 2 months ago that it was released. This review has taken me sometime to think about this game and play it. I do not like to just give reviews with out spending sometime with the game. That being said lets get started.

Overview- Black Ops 2 is the second in the series. The Call of Duty series is split into 2 companies. The Modern Warfare series is made by Infinity Ward (Activision publishes them all). But Black Ops series is made by Treyarch. They are two different games with two different feels to the game. Black Ops series is set back during the Cold War then in Black Ops 2 bring that setting into the future. You need to play the first Black Ops to understand character development. Because even though Black Ops 2 is in the future it has links to the first one by diving into the past and creating a relationship to the future. In Black Ops 2 you play as a navy seal who is the son of the main character in Black Ops. Your job is to try and stop a crazy lunatic who is bent on bringing the USA to their knees. This game is full of secret missions with twist and turns. It is the future so you have futuristic weapons and support on your side. However, this game has an RPG (role playing game) feel to it. Depending on you decisions in the game, determines the out come of the war. These decisions are not so clear. For example if you do not get to a hostage in time that will determine your outcome. There are also 3 levels that you can play that if you win or lose the level determines outcomes of the game. As you can see this first person shooter is more than you expect from a Call of Duty game. There is also online play with Zombies and Multiplayer options. 

Pros-This game was amazingly better than I expected. Treyarch did a great job stepping up their game from the first games dull campaign. The RPG like style makes the game exciting and causing the player to question if you made the right choice or not. The graphics where good for a software that they used for one of the older Call of Duties. The futuristic game play is not so far out their that it allows for familiar feel to the weaponry. The game play is great and your partners in the game are not just dumb game intelligence but actually help you to achieve your goal. The online play is great. It is easy to figure out and in the multiplayer classes for soldiers can have such a variety there can be multiple times of trying new things out. You wont get bored as easy. Zombies, is different that before. They have added different things to make it more team based and fun to play. There are options of riding a bus from destination to destination. That is fun because you can build things to help you fight off the horde. Then there are the zombie maps that you have 4v4 CIA and CDC. The last team standing wins. 

Cons-This game is hard to complain about. There is cursing and war simulated violence. For the most part my biggest complaint is the zombies playing mode. The other games had a zombie like feel to the game and you have to fight endless waves of zombie hordes. The graphics of zombies is not as good as the game. The game play for zombies is hard but boring. You can get bored quickly with this part of the game. The game play is bad as well. But it is still worth trying to fight of a Zombie horde once and while. 

Christian Perspective--The game is rated Mature, for violence and cursing. This is a war based game meaning you will be killing. Remember that this is fake killing but if you or your family struggles with this than this game is not for you. There is this politic ideology that is running in the background of this game. That might cause you to turn away from this game. There is an Anti-America aspect to the villains but that it is not necessarily anti-Christian. There is cursing and use of the Lord's name in vain. The zombie aspect is full of a whole bunch different Christian topics. I recommend if you do not laugh at the zombie wave of media than please stay away from this game. The online play is not rated because you can not rate what people say but lets just go with mature for that as well. There are emblems that you can create and of course just as you can create a Christian emblem they can create an anti-Christian emblem. Just beware of the as you play. It could cause some to stumble. 

Conclusion-Please pray about playing games and which ones to play. These games can be used to spread the Gospel of Christ but if it causes you our others around you to stumble than please stay away. But if you are ok with these games and want to have fun while fellowshipping

 and evangelizing than please just be mindful. Game rating I give this game a 9/10. It surprised me in its campaign and has a great multiplayer aspect. But the multiplayer is sometimes a bit glitchy. Plus I am not a huge fan of the zombie game play. (Remember these observations are my opinion.)

The Oracle Magazine & DJ I Rock Jesus Presents – Call Of Duty Black OPS II Mixtape







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49ers quarterback gearing up to face Baltimore defense
Colin Kaepernick's favorite tattoo is on the inside of his arm and reads, "my gift is my curse."
Relating that to his sudden rise to stardom as a quarterback preparing to play in the Super Bowl, Kaepernick is staying grounded by realizing that with fame comes scrutiny.
Every play is scrutinized, every word is dissected. He's recognized everywhere he goes in public, and he has more ticket requests for Super Bowl XLVII than he can fulfill.
Even his tattoo artist in Reno, Nev. is getting hit up for interview requests this week.
He hasn't even left for New Orleans yet, and he has done an interview with 49ers Hall of Fame quarterback Steve Young. Joe Montana? Met him, too.
"Just keep going," was Young's advice in handling the pressures while preparing for the biggest stage in American sports.
Kaepernick's faith is out there for the world to see. It's literally written all over his body. He has "faith" inscribed on his right bicep, and "to God the glory" on his right arm as well.
Those are the two he kisses when "Kaepernicking," the touchdown celebration the second-year quarterback is now trying to trademark.
Kaepernick knows his tattoos get scrutinized along with everything else.
"Number one is kind of my way of saying, I don't really care what people think about my tattoos," he said. "I got them for me and to show people this is what I believe in. God has brought me this far, he's laid out a phenomenal path for me and I can't do anything but thank him."
That path will lead him to New Orleans, where the 49ers land on Sunday and begin in earnest their preparations to play the Baltimore Ravens.
Click here to read more.
SOURCE: The Sports Xchange
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49ers quarterback gearing up to face Baltimore defense
Colin Kaepernick's favorite tattoo is on the inside of his arm and reads, "my gift is my curse."
Relating that to his sudden rise to stardom as a quarterback preparing to play in the Super Bowl, Kaepernick is staying grounded by realizing that with fame comes scrutiny.
Every play is scrutinized, every word is dissected. He's recognized everywhere he goes in public, and he has more ticket requests for Super Bowl XLVII than he can fulfill.
Even his tattoo artist in Reno, Nev. is getting hit up for interview requests this week.
He hasn't even left for New Orleans yet, and he has done an interview with 49ers Hall of Fame quarterback Steve Young. Joe Montana? Met him, too.
"Just keep going," was Young's advice in handling the pressures while preparing for the biggest stage in American sports.
Kaepernick's faith is out there for the world to see. It's literally written all over his body. He has "faith" inscribed on his right bicep, and "to God the glory" on his right arm as well.
Those are the two he kisses when "Kaepernicking," the touchdown celebration the second-year quarterback is now trying to trademark.
Kaepernick knows his tattoos get scrutinized along with everything else.
"Number one is kind of my way of saying, I don't really care what people think about my tattoos," he said. "I got them for me and to show people this is what I believe in. God has brought me this far, he's laid out a phenomenal path for me and I can't do anything but thank him."
That path will lead him to New Orleans, where the 49ers land on Sunday and begin in earnest their preparations to play the Baltimore Ravens.
Click here to read more.
SOURCE: The Sports Xchange
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Lance Armstrong of the USA and the US Postal team wins his third consecutive Tour de France after stage 20 of the Tour de France from Corbeil Essonnes to Champs Elysees, Paris in France. (Getty Images Europe)
Riding alongside Lance Armstrong for 10 miles, brothers Jedidiah and Caleb Coppenger sought to share their faith in 2006 with the now-disgraced cycling legend.
Armstrong, who was cycling in the annual 450-mile ride across Iowa known as RAGRAI, was in a pack of enthusiasts until a serendipitous crash left the brothers beside the cycling legend.
"On a turn in one of the pass-through towns, a cyclist lost control and wiped out most of the bunch," their father, Mark Coppenger, who also was a RAGRAI participant that year, recounted. "Caleb and Jed managed to weave through the wreckage and then find themselves riding right beside Armstrong for almost 10 miles."
The brothers decided to make the most of the opportunity to speak with Armstrong, who had just retired from professional cycling after winning seven straight Tour de France titles from 1999 to 2005.
After some brief small talk and thanking him for his work on behalf of cancer research, the brothers brought up their faith.
"We asked him if he was a Christian and he told us no," Jedidiah Coppenger, now a church planter in Nashville, recalled.
"We told him that we're not just against certain manifestations of death [such as cancer, which Armstrong had battled], but the whole thing. Since Jesus has overcome death in all its ugly wholeness, we're all about taking on death itself."
Jedidiah Coppenger, who also is an acquisitions editor for B&H Publishing with LifeWay Christian Resources, said Armstrong "graciously dismissed" their conversation and then moved on.
As Mark Coppenger, now on Southern Baptist Theological Seminary's faculty, ponders, "You can't help but ask, 'What if?' when you think of his opportunity to respond to Christ that day."
Armstrong, now in the media glare, has admitted to using performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) to win the most coveted prize in professional cycling. Even after being stripped of his titles last year, he had continued to deny using banned substances.
In an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Armstrong said he had taken "a ruthless win-at-all-costs attitude" in his renewed training in 1998 after battling cancer to compete for cycling's top prize. 
For Jedidiah Coppenger, Armstrong's answer was not surprising.
A former college athlete himself, Coppenger noted, "Our culture is obsessed with glory and fame."
"Outside of Eden, every culture has been driven to make a name for themselves apart from God.
"With modern technology providing greater platforms for recognition and modern science providing the ability to enhance performance, our fallen hearts will do whatever it takes to be 'great.'"
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SOURCE: Baptist Press
Aaron Earls
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4798Congratulations are certainly in order. 
And maybe a present as well.
Big ups to Houston Rockets shooting guard James Harden on being selected to appear in his first All-Star game. General manager Daryl Morey, if you want to get Harden a present, make it a teammate who could help Houston's favorite beard, along with backcourt mate Jeremy Lin, secure more victories.
This roster has talent and cohesiveness. They just need a bit of help. And although help in the form of new offensive schemes from the coaching staff doesn't appear to be coming, help in the form of an athletic big who can score, rebound and help Omer Asik defend the interior might just be on Morey's gift list. The Rockets' current forwards, Patrick Patterson and Marcus Morris, have been something less than revelations at the 4.
Nothing says congratulations like an upgrade that might propel the Rockets into the playoffs. (Take that, Hallmark.)
Top on my gift list was Anderson Varejao, but since the curly-locked Cleveland Cavaliers power forward is out for the season--wishing you a complete recovery, Anderson--here are five alternative possibilities to fill his rather large shoes.
Source: Bleacher Report | MARSHALL ZWEIG 
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Global R&B superstar Toni Braxton soared to the top of the charts with hits like "Un-Break My Heart," "Breathe Again" and "Another Sad Love Song." But the Maryland native's gospel roots run deep. Now, the minister's daughter is portraying a down home gospel singer in Lifetime's new film, "Twist of Faith."

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 The film premiers on Lifetime February 9.
According to the network, the interfaith love story tells the tale of Jacob Fisher (David Julian Hirsch), an Orthodox Jewish Cantor and amateur songwriter from Brooklyn, New York and Nina (Toni Braxton), a single mom who is also the lead singer of a small gospel choir. 
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SOURCE: EEW Entertainment News
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I like to have fun with my own denomination and the churches affiliated with it. I often joke that where there are two Baptists gathered in His name, there are at least three opinions.
But the lack of unity in many churches is a serious manner. Church splits, congregational infighting, and church divisiveness are more common than we often like to admit. Not too long ago, I heard my co-worker at LifeWay, Eric Geiger, make a presentation on church unity. Actually, he largely dealt with training and equipping the saints to do the work of ministry in his presentation, but he beautifully tied that issue with church unity.
Training Results in Unity
Eric simply demonstrated the obvious truths from Scripture. Unfortunately, I don't always see the obvious, so his presentation was both enlightening and encouraging to me. His thesis was straightforward: If pastors equip or train others to do ministry, there will be unity in the church. How do we know this reality? It's clearly stated in Scripture:
"And He personally gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, for the training of the saints in the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ, until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of God's Son, growing into a mature man with a stature measured by Christ's fullness" (Ephesians 4: 11-13, HCSB).
For the sake of brevity, let's deal only with the role of pastors/teachers. Note these truths from the text:
  • Christ (He) personally gave this role. It was important to Him, so it has to be important to us.
  • The role of pastors is not so much to do ministry, as it is to train or equip others to do ministry.
  • If pastors fulfill this role, the body of Christ is built up.
  • As the body of Christ is built up, the believers become unified in the faith.
The passage is clear. As pastors are more involved in training others to do ministry, there will be greater unity in the church.
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Thom Rainer is the president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources.  Prior to LifeWay, he served at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for twelve years where he was the founding dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions and Evangelism.  He is a 1977 graduate of the University of Alabama and earned his Master of Divinity and Ph.D. degrees from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
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Basque Lamb Stew (photo)

Updated, from the recipe archive. First posted in 2005. Enjoy!

Are you familiar with Basque cooking? Basque Country is a region bordering Spain and France at the Western end of the Pyrenees mountains. Basque descendants and communities can be found all over California and Nevada. (More on the history of the Basque people in the Wikipedia.) Lamb stews are typical of Basque cuisine, as are dishes that include both tomatoes and sweet red peppers.

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*“Scandal” starring Kerry Washington (pictured) has seen a hugely successful show in its first season, garnered a cult following and has been a top viewers’ choice on ABC.

Last week, the show had 3.52 million viewers between the ages of 18 to 34 and ranks no. 1 at its 10pm time slot.

On top of all the great stuff happening for the show, it’s also a popular pick among African American audiences.

According to Nielsen, “Scandal” is the highest rated scripted drama among African Americans, in part, possibly for the casting choices.

There’s a win for ABC.

“There’s an audience of African-Americans who just want to see themselves in a good story, not necessarily a race-specific show,” said Joan Morgan, a fan of the series and the author of “When Chickenheads Come Home to Roost,” a book about black women and feminism today. “It’s not about this being a black show,” Ms. Morgan said. “It’s about seeing the show where black women and other women are represented less about race and more about who they are.”

The discussion goes deeper into the ideals American society is ready and willing to deal with.

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Lecrae - Gravity Baptized EP Free Download!

Click Here for Free Download of Lecrae - Gravity Baptized EP!

John the Baptist is at it again! This time releasing a remix project entitled the Gravity Baptized EP! On this project John the Baptist remixes several songs from Lecrae's groundbreaking album 'Gravity.' Enjoy this free download! 

Click Here for Free Download of Lecrae - Gravity Baptized EP!

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Dreaming can be a bittersweet experience. In the movie "Vanilla Sky", there's a musical dynamic that helps to paint a dream world that is eerie, but also strangely pleasant. One particular song in this movie is hauntingly beautiful. That song was sampled by A.Sims, jus Beyond, and Robert Anthony Anderson for this project. Similar to wise men interpreting dreams, "What Dreams May Come, Vol.1" is a melodic reinterpretation of sonic vibrations.


1. Rhapsody (feat. Ahmad)
2. Where The Wild Things Are (feat. Theory Hazit)
3. Rhapsody - (Instrumental)
4. Where The Wild Things Are - (Instrumental)
5. Awakening - (Bonus Instrumental)
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In the town where Ray Lewis grew up, some have criticized his off-the-field behavior over the years. But as he prepares for retirement many see a man who has grown up and changed for the better.
No street is named after Ray Lewis in his hometown.
City fathers have yet to erect a statue or post a plaque bearing the name of their local football hero, one of the NFL's most popular and decorated players. No "Welcome to the home of Ray Lewis'' sign can be found in a region dominated by citrus groves, cattle farming and phosphate mining.
But in Baltimore, there is Ray Lewis Way.
The Ravens middle linebacker is worshipped for his on-field exploits during 17 seasons and community activism in Charm City, which includes his Ray Lewis 52 Foundation to aid disadvantaged youth. In October, the Maryland chapter of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame honored Lewis with the organization's "Outstanding American'' award for commendable deeds beyond the sport.
Back home in central Florida, and nationally, the view is more polarized. Perceived past slights, questions about Lewis' involvement in a double-homicide 13 years ago in Atlanta, and his fathering six children with four women, none of whom he married, seem to haunt Lewis.
Anna Burns Welker, wife of New England Patriots receiver Wes Welker, dredged up Lewis' past with a Facebook rant last Sunday after the AFC title game, writing in part: "A true role model!" She apologized after a dust-up ensued.
But even in Lakeland, "You have two camps'' of thought, says Stephen Poole, who coached Lewis when he was a state champion prep wrestler.
"Some people love him to death - 'Ray's this and Ray's that.' Then there are others who do not like Ray. They feel he should be doing more for (his alma mater) Kathleen High and Lakeland. He has done well for himself but some are jealous,'' Poole told USA TODAY Sports.
Ernest Joe is a former head coach of the Kathleen High Red Devils football team. A large man with a friendly yet commanding presence, he is - like Lewis - a man of faith. The Baptist church deacon and Sunday school teacher shakes his head when he ponders one of Christianity's most important tenets in relation to a man he considers his son.
"I read something online with folks bringing up old stuff about Ray; it made me angry,'' Joe said. "We want people to forgive us, but we don't want to forgive anyone else.
"Ray has to rise above it. He's been movin' on. As far as I know, he's been leading a good life by not getting in trouble. People just can't hone in on the bad thing. What about the good things?''
On the field, no doubters remain. Lewis, 37, plans to play his final game Feb. 3 in New Orleans. The 13-time Pro Bowler will give his last inspirational pre-game speech to his Ravens as they meet the San Francisco 49ers in Super Bowl XLVII.
Lakeland 'Always Home'
Lewis is the only current Raven with a championship ring after he was named Most Valuable Player in Super Bowl XXXV in 2001 in Tampa, 35 miles from where he was raised.
In the days leading up to that game, Lewis was asked about his hometown.
"He was being flip and said it was a one-light town,'' recalled Lakeland mayor Gow Fields. "Many people were offended ... One reason the community is as sensitive as it is, is that Polk County is looked down upon as being rural and poorly educated. People with that chip on their shoulder expected Ray to say something positive.''
Asked Thursday in Baltimore about how he is viewed in Lakeland, Lewis warmly said, "That's always home. That's where everything (is) that I'm connected to.'
He was born in Bartow, about 20 miles from Lakeland, located between Tampa and Orlando along the I-4 corridor. A city of nearly 100,000, Lakeland also is known as the longtime spring-training base for the Detroit Tigers and for 38 (named) lakes.
With an African-American population of about 20 percent, the city also has a history of racial divisiveness. At one time, the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan had a Polk County address, which Fields paints as "part of the historical image of the community.''
During the Ravens' 34-7 wipeout of the New York Giants 34-7 in Super Bowl XXXV, Lewis was unstoppable. But afterward, he was not permitted to appear on camera to give the customary "I'm going to Disneyland!'' exclamation reserved for Super Bowl MVPs. His likeness did not grace the cover of a Wheaties box.
For many, Lewis had become a leper.
A year earlier, Lewis, then 26, and two friends were charged with murder in the deaths of Richard Lollar, 24, and Jacinth Baker, 21. In a plea-bargain agreement, Lewis pled guilty to a misdemeanor charge of obstruction of justice for lying to police. He received a year's probation and the NFL fined him $250,000.
Co-defendants Reginald Oakley and Joseph Sweeting were acquitted. Lewis later reached financial settlements with parties related to the slain men.
Lewis had just completed his fourth NFL season in 2000. He led the league in tackles and was headed to his third consecutive Pro Bowl in Hawaii. Instead of a relaxing offseason, he found himself in a jail cell.
"He called me from Fulton County Jail,'' Joe recalled. "I said, 'Look, you gotta tell me . . . tell me the truth.' He said, 'Coach, I had nothing to do with this. I was there but I didn't do what they say.'
"That was good enough. We prayed. But I wanted to see him; I wanted him to look me in the eyes and talk like a man. It was tough seeing him behind bars. ... Here's a kid you groomed. (At trial), it was like my own child going through that ordeal.''
Lewis has declined to comment on the Atlanta incident.
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Jon Saraceno
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Tom Brady continues to feel the sting of the New England Patriots' AFC Championship Game loss to the Baltimore Ravens.
According to's Ian Rapoport, Brady has been fined $10,000 for his foot-first slide into Ravens safety Ed Reed on Sunday night.
You can watch the video of Brady's illegal slide here.
As Bleacher Report's Twitter handle notes, it's actually less of a league penalty than what San Francisco 49ers running back Frank Gore received for not wearing his socks high enough in the NFC Championship Game (no, really).
Brady went for a safety slide after leaving the pocket, and when he saw Reed coming toward him, he extended his right leg in a more raised manner than a normal slide. The resulting "kick" caught Reed in the lower-leg region and set the Ravens bench--and Twitter--ablaze in the wake of what some thought was a dirty play. reported, through an interview with Reed, that Brady called and apologized for the play and Reed said he felt no ill will toward Brady in the wake of the play:
I told him--you know, we talked. We talked actually not too long ago, we talked on the phone. He actually reached out to me, texted me. I tried to text him back, but the message exploded after 12 seconds, so I had to call him ... and he's just apologized and what not. But I told him, 'You know, it's good, man.'
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Ethan Grant
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Nearly one year after Whitney Houston's shocking death, her mom Cissy Houston often asks herself: "Could I have saved her somehow?" 
In a revealing new memoir, Remembering Whitney (Harper Collins), Cissy, 79, writes candidly about her daughter's severe drug problems and the downward spiral that led to her death by drowning in a hotel bathtub with traces of cocaine still in her system.
"She started partying and she didn't really know how to stop," says Cissy. "I used to wonder what she was doing at night, where she was." 
But when she tried to contact her, Whitney often didn't return her call. 
"Whitney hid from me," says Cissy. And when she did see her, she was often afraid to confront her daughter. Shocked at her skeletal appearance at the Michael Jackson tribute concert in 2001, she never expressed concern. 
"What was the point?" she asks. "I didn't want her to run completely away from me." 
She doesn't believe former husband Bobby Brown was the cause. 
"I blame him for the way he treated her," she says, "but I don't blame him for her drug problems." Still, she adds: "He was no help to her at all." 
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