179002_10151577603899532_706125720_n.jpg?width=200The Black woman in American is dead and we allow Satan to keep her that way. African Americans will not rise until the Black woman is brought back to life. After the Civil War the chains came off but today we still are not free. No our wrist and ankles are not chained but our minds are. To the men reading this, we must learn to show our women, our sisters, our mothers the proper respect. God created man to be the stewards over all creation. To show disrespect to the gift that is woman is mismanagement of the creation; furthermore to disrespect the creation is to disrespect the creator, GOD himself. To the women reading this, how hypocritical it is for you to demand respect from men and you show disrespect to yourselves. You have been disrespected for so long you now feel that that attitude and behavior is normal. “How do I show disrespect to myself?” you ask?

1.By calling yourselves and your sisters bitches and hoes 2.By cursing 3.By straightening your hair 4. The clothing you wear.

5. By beaching your skin and plastic surgery.

The Purpose of Woman.

All of God's creation has purpose; woman is no exception. We read, "And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone: I will make him an help meet for him" (Gen. 2: 18). "Help meet" is from a Hebrew word that suggests a counter-part or helper comparable to him. Every aspect of the woman is a compliment and counter-part to the man. Feminists who deny this are not only in opposition with the Bible but also basic and observable facts. Those who see this biblical truth as belittling to women have no true understanding of what GOD demands. The male and female compose a perfect unit. When God's assigned order and arrangement is perverted, chaos results. The woman and man (husband and wife) are to encourage one another spiritually. Hence, we read "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered" (I Pet. 3: 7).

The Godly Woman.

Regarding man and woman, the greatest achieved goals are spiritual in nature. Proverbs chapter 31 contains a description of a "virtuous woman" (vs. 10-31). Sadly there are many women that feel they are a woman of virtue, so much in fact that it almost a cliché. Those women should humble themselves. There is but one woman in the entire Bible that is called a virtuous woman but in this sinful world we have thousands if not millions? If we did the world would not be so sinful. This text presents the greatest challenge ever set before woman. The virtuous woman "fears the Lord," cares for her family, and has the respect of her husband and children (vss. 30; 13-15, 21, 27; 11, 12, 28, 31). Her speech is commendable, she aids the needy, and properly adorns herself (vs. 26; 20; 22-25). She is not limited to the needs and sphere of her family. We know this because the virtuous woman is presented as industrious and engaging in financial ventures of her own (vs. 16, 24, 27). In all these "extra" efforts, however, she does not neglect her primary duty, her family. The virtuous woman is said to be immensely valuable, "her price is far above rubies" (vs. 10).

The expression "virtuous woman" is from the Hebrew ishshah chayil and literally means "one of power either in mind or body, or both." As one source comments, "She is the perfect housewife, the chaste helpmate of her husband, upright, God-fearing, economical, wise" (The Pulpit Commentary, Vol. 9, pg. 597). The virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 especially stands out today in contrast to the "modern woman," the product of the Feminist's Movement.

We shall engage in a study of God's ideal woman under four approaches: Her value; her domesticity; her characteristics; and her rewards.

The value of the virtuous woman. First, her value is seen in her virtuosity. "Who can find a virtuous woman?" asked the writer, "for her price is far above rubies" and "Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised" (vs. 10; 30). Value can be determined by contribution. In the case of the virtuous woman, she greatly contributes to her husband, children, the poor, society, and to herself (vs. 11, 12, cp. 12: 4; 15; 20; 24; 17, 22). Be impressed, dear reader, with the fact that the woman is praised for qualities that she herself has developed! The value of women to any culture, society, and the church of Christ cannot be over emphasized. Women can contribute to overall goodness and moral integrity or they can tear down and destroy. Women are often more resistant to moral decay and, therefore, serve as a restraint. When women "become one of the boys," so to speak, society is in for trouble (much of what is happening today). God's ideal woman stands in sharp contrast with the too often modern woman with her tattoos, cursing, and selfish and shallow promiscuous lifestyle.

She attends to the needs of her family. A cursory examination of Proverbs 31: 10-31 reveals the emphasis and priority of God's woman: her family. She is seen busy in activities that pertain to the good and well being of her husband and children. She does good to her husband and not evil and "she riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household" (vs. 12; 15). She is not concerned with the threats of nature, because she has made ready for her family against nature (vs. 21). The fact of her primary concern being her family is seen in the language: "She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness" (vs. 27).

The teaching of Proverbs 31 is in perfect harmony with the teaching of the New Testament relative to the role of woman. In Paul's inspired epistle to Titus, Paul says regarding older women: "That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed" (Tit. 2: 4, 5).

The characteristics of the virtuous woman. When we consider the characteristics of God's woman, we can see why she is "ishshal chayil," a woman of force and power. Let us briefly mention how she is described and appreciate the fact that these are not surface traits, but they actually emanate from her character. She fears the Lord; hence she is characterized by pienty (vs. 30). Purity and loyalty abound (vs. 10, 11, 12). She is kind, benevolent, and selfless (vs. 26, 20, 15, 20, 27). As opposed to bitterness and complaining, cheerfulness is seen (vs. 21). She is wise and dignified (vs. 26; 22).

An outstanding characteristic of the virtuous woman is her industry. This zeal and resourcefulness is seen in the promotion of her household (vs. 13, 15, 19, 21, 27). She is a manufacturer, merchant, and landowner (vs. 24; 24; 16). She even cultivates the soil (vs. 16). Who said the godly wife and mother cannot be involved in enterprise outside her physical house? Look again at the virtuous woman (vs. 24; 16). She is presented as what we would call an entrepreneur. She is involved in such enterprise, yet, does not neglect her family!

The reward of being a virtuous woman. First, be impressed with the fact that God's woman is a woman of real power. Which is more far reaching: to work primarily at a secular career and promote a company in providing some often whimsical product or contributing to the very foundation of society and mankind itself, the family? Herein is power! Too often great women go unnoticed and without praise. Not so with the godly woman of our text. We read, "Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also and he praiseth her" and "Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates" (vs. 28; 31). Appreciate the fact that the wife has personal recognition, "let her own works praise her in the gates." What a statement, especially when viewed in the Jewish setting in which it is made!

Beloved, above and beyond all praise, recognition, and joy of this earth, heaven is the ultimate reward for God's people (Matt. 5: 12). We need more women today who are seeking to emulate the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 and not Hollywood's version of the successful woman. God's woman is of real substance and lasting quality and will offer important contributions to herself, family, and society as a whole. May their tribe increase.

The Behavior of Woman

Titus 2:3-5 teaches us how women, both younger and older, should act. And to be honest it is in direct contrast of we see in the home, work place, classroom and community today. First lets discuss our older women. Older women are to be reverent and pure. They are to be set apart for the world in thought and behavior. They should only move and speak in the spirit of holiness and be focuses on sacred things. Older women should be pious in their speech and appearance. Older women are not to be gossipers. Another word for that is slanderer. A person that goes around talking about others and stirring up mischief. This is so sinful that Satan himself is called a “slanderer”. An older woman should not be addicted to alcohol. Over indulgence in alcohol will cause you not to have a clear and focused mind. Older women are to teach and mentor younger women in part by living a Godly life and setting a Godly example. As far as younger women are concerned they are to love their husbands unselfishly, sacrificially and peaceably. Younger women are to love their children. This command addresses the issues of child abuse and child neglect. Many times child neglect is the result of one putting ones profession before her children. This capitalist country, and Christianity for that matter, teaches us that the more you have in the form of material things, the more blessed you are. It is in no way healthy to work so much that you can’t give your children the attention they deserve, seek and need. There is no way you can over emphasize the importance of a mother’s relationship to her child. The mother is the first and most influential teacher the child will ever have. Child cannot raise any higher than the maturity and morality thought to it by its mother. Younger women should be self-controlled. This means you should be in full control of your desires, thoughts and emotions. There should be no over indulging in partying, drinking and eating. You must also be in full control of your speech. Younger woman are to be pure in their thoughts and actions. Younger woman are to be busy in the home(homemakers). This is not to say that a woman cannot go outside the home. She should not be better known outside the home by the world than inside the home by her family. Younger women are to be kind and caring. She should treat all people with the same respect she feels she deserves. Many of us today are selfish and only treat people as they treat us. It is the duty of all women to look out for their brothers and sisters. God demands it!

Younger women are to be subject to their husbands. Gods plan is that there be a partnership between man and woman. They are to be completely dependent on one another. It must be understood that, contrary to current feminist movement efforts, Gods word is the same yesterday, today and forever. Man was, still is and always will be the head. However this has nothing to do with worth or value. The Bible teaches that a powerful woman is priceless. We are talking about order. In every organization there must be order; there must be a leader to be efficient. God has ordained man for this role.

Why must woman live as God says? So Gods Word does not get dishonored or slandered. The woman who claims to follow Christ yet does not show it takes power away from his word. It causes people to think “ All Christians are hypocrites. Gods word has no real power. This woman does not take his word seriously why should I.” But Gods word is alive and powerful. The problem is men and women don’t…

spend enough time studying GODs Word, learning how they are to carry themselves.

spend enough time in prayer asking God for guidance and strength to live in victory over the trials of the world.

don’t discipline their lives and their tongues.

Submit To One’s Own Husband (1 Peter 3:1-6)

Thanks in part to today’s feminist movement, submitting to your husband is strong. This Biblical teaching is thought to be old-fashioned and out dated. Really the problem is not in what God says but rather in our understanding of what God says. Any woman that rejects the Word of God, does so either because she does not fully understand the Word or is not willing to follow it. In no way is God giving man license to act as a Tyrant or dictator who treats woman like she is inferior. Submission is about order, cooperation, relationship and partnership. Though the husband is the leader, husband and wife are to walk hand and hand throughout life as equal partners. As I stated before every body or organization must have a leader. In the home, that leader is man, with woman in her submission to Gods will submitting to her husbands leadership, authority and control. On the football field the team is one unit, but there is a leader, the quarterback. Those who respect their coach must submit to the leadership of the quarterback.

A wife should submit herself to her husband by living a pure life. Pure meaning without defilement. When a woman marries a man she sets herself aside for that man only. She does not give herself any other man in act or thought. That’s right sexual thoughts of other men, including actors and singers, still causes you to be unpure (Mat. 5:8, Mat 5:28; 1Th 4:3, Titus 2:4-5).

A woman should never dress to attract attention. The word adornment means that in public she carries herself in a manner that does not attract attention. Indeed as a “woman of virtue” your goal is to dress moderately. You want to help people, not seduce them; serve people, not destroy them; and attract people to Yashua, you point them to yourself. People cannot see Elihim in you if all their attention is on your outward physical appearance. Further more you never want to cause man to stumble. (Rom. 6:13; 1 Peter 3:3-5) When a woman is in Christ, she is a new being. Her old self is now dead. This means she does not focus on perishable things and trends like fashion and hairstyles. Her focus is now on building and feeding her spirit. When a woman tries so hard to dress up her physical body it can be a sign that she is trying to hide an ugly spirit. It is in GODs plan for woman to be the first teacher of the child. Since she is the first teacher, she is the teacher that leaves the greatest impression. But before you can pass knowledge to your offspring you must first educate yourself. You must gain “knowledge of self” and you must walk with GOD and study his word. It takes a GODly woman to raise a GODly child. It takes a woman who knows the ways of the Lord to instruct her child in the ways of the Lord. When you walk with GOD and study his ways then you will naturally understand how to speak, teach and minister to others. Like any of GODs ambassadors, the Christian woman is automatically commissioned to be a messenger and teacher to the people. It is not an option. It is your duty.

The time has come for us, both men and woman, to stop falling for Satan’s lie of what a woman is supposes to look and act like. We are told that the negative images and stereotypes are what we should be living. Anything out side of that is not “keeping it real”. Satan’s goal is to keep you detracted,to keep your mind off of GODs promises and commandments. He does just that by keeping you amused and entertained. Using this method he keeps you in ignorance and in bondage.

The African American family cannot rise until the mother rises. The African American community shall not overcome until the woman overcomes.


1. In everything you do, always put GOD first. Many of us have a habit of putting other people first or putting ourselves before anyone or anything. This is what we are taught to do, but it is incorrect and it is damaging. Eloihim must always come first. Everything you do, whether at home or the work place you must do for him. He comes before your spouse, your boss, your children, your customers. If you put GOD first, all your other relationships will be stronger and healthier. You will not and can not have any GOD before him. Anything you give more attention and time to is your GOD. Your life, your business, your relationships will work better when you place everything in its proper order.

2. No matter what, always treat people as you wish to be treated. We love revenge. Its human nature. But remember human nature is full of sin. It’s so easy to just give what we receive but that is not the mind of Yashua and it is not the way of Yahweh. In everything we should only give what we expect. If you are a server in a restaurant, give the service you feel you deserve. Of you are the boss or leader, give your subordinates the respect you feel you should receive. Remember, Yashua knew Judas would betray him. He even called Judas the Devil. Yet he still washed Judas feet! How much better would this world be if we all lived by this principle?

3. Always Give GOD nothing less then your very best. Everything you do is a sacrifice to GOD. He is sick of your sorry substandard sacrifices. He deserves and will only accept your “A game”. It does not have to be the best but it must be your best. Music, books, movies and so forth would be better if we put our all into all that we do and make sure it is our best before we present it.

4. Always begin your day or end your day staying GOD’s word. Many of us have no knowledge of GODs will, or how we are to carry ourselves because we spend little or no time learning his word. If we were to study his word, believe his word and live his word we would live more fruitful productive lives.

5. Pray everyday,Throughout the day. I bet you only pray when you need or want something huh? And maybe before you eat. Communication is a key for any relationship to work. How can you and GOD know each other if you don’t spend time with one another and talk to each other?

6. Never forget, it’s not about you!

7. Trust GOD’s will for your life. Many of us have one of two problems. We either don’t believe GODs word or we are afraid its true and we don’t want to embrace our destiny. Embrace you mission and accept it. You will not rest well until you do. GOD is here to walk with you every step of the way.

8. Develop “water walking faith”. Remember, Peter did walk on water. It was not until he took his focus off GOD and started to look around at the storm he was him that he begin to sink. Though you are in the mist of a storm pay it no attention. Keep your focus on GOD. He will give you real power. Then you will not only feel, you will know you cannot and will not lose.

9. Stay focused on and believe in your purpose. GOD created us all for a specific reason. Each of us has a purpose and a role to play. What are yours and are you living it? If you have no idea what your purpose is you need to ask the creator to tell you.

10. identify and write down words or phrases that block you from your blessings. Write a list of words/phrases that do not empower you and another list of words that do empower you. You can live a more productive life just using powerful words. Rather than saying “ I hate my job”, say “I’m seeking better employment”; don’t say “I’m trying”, say “I'm doing”.

12. Refrain from gossip, back stabbing, and empty fruitless words. Always keep your speech pure and clean. Never should you use the mouth in obscene, shameful, foul, polluted, immoral conversation. Never engage in empty, foolish, purposeless talk. Never should you use off color jokes at parties or at breaks. Our conversation should build people up and offer praise to GOD.

13. Eat plenty of live organic fruits and vegetables that feed your mind. The foods you consume should give you energy and make you feel good. If you feel tired and sluggish after eating any meal, you are eating the wrong foods. As the old cliché goes “ You eat to live not live to eat”.

14. Tell the truth at all times. Deception serves no positive benefit to the deceiver or the deceived. Be known as a women who stands by her word, Let your yes be yes and your no be no.

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Prince Malachi is the founder of The Oracle Network and the Streetwear brand Y.A.H. Apparel

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