
Evangelist Franklin Graham apologized Tuesday (Feb. 28) to President Obama for questioning his Christian faith and said religion has "nothing to do" with Graham's decision not to support Obama's re-election.


Graham's apology came after a group of prominent black religious leaders criticized the evangelist for saying he did not know whether Obama is a Christian and suggesting that Islamic law considers him to be a Muslim.
Graham, president of the relief organization Samaritan's Purse and the son of famed evangelist Billy Graham, said he now accepts Obama's declarations that he is a Christian.
"I regret any comments I have ever made which may have cast any doubt on the personal faith of our president, Mr. Obama," he said in a statement.
"I apologize to him and to any I have offended for not better articulating my reason for not supporting him in this election -- for his faith has nothing to do with my consideration of him as a candidate."
Graham said he objects to Obama's policy stances on abortion and same-sex marriage, which Graham considers to be in "direct conflict" with Scripture.
More than a dozen members of a religious subgroup of the NAACP had accused Graham of "bearing false witness" and fomenting racial discord.
"We can disagree about what it means to be a Christian engaged in politics, but Christians should not bear false witness," the NAACP statement said. "We are also concerned that Rev. Graham's comments can be used to encourage racism."
When asked in a recent MSNBC interview if Obama was a Christian, Graham responded, "I cannot answer that question for anybody." He went on to say that because Obama's father was a Muslim, "under Islamic law, the Muslim world sees Barack Obama as a Muslim."
By contrast, Graham said there is "no question" that GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum is a "man of faith" because "his values are so clear on moral issues." Santorum has also faced criticism for saying the president has a "phony theology" that is unbiblical.
"By his statements, Rev. Graham seems to be aligning himself with those who use faith as a weapon of political division," the NAACP said. "These kinds of comments could have enormous negative effects for America and are especially harmful to the Christian witness."
Signatories of the open letter included presidents of the National Baptist Convention, USA; the National Baptist Convention of America; the Progressive National Baptist Convention; as well as bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church and the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church.
SOURCE: Religion News Service

WATCH: With All Due Love and Respect, Franklin Graham Really Needs to Shut Up About Not Taking the President at his Word that he Is a Christian because It Is Making him Look Like an Ignorant Racist, Not to Mention Ridiculous
Thursday, February 2, 2012
BCNN1.com is calling upon Christian leaders, such as Richard Land, Albert Mohler, Russell Moore, Frank Paige, Fred Luter, and others to contact this Brother and help him to understand that continously saying or suggesting that Obama is not a Christian is unwise and counterproductive. In our opinion, the wise way to deal with the President is to take him at his word that he is a Christian, and then hold him to the biblical standard that all Christians must go by, which is the Word of God, and focus on his behaviour as it relates to the Word of God, and not keep calling the President of the United States a liar.
When Dr. Jerry Falwell and Dr. D. James Kennedy were here, they never made an issue out of a president's profession of faith. President Reagan was living in adultery as a divorced and remarried man, and these prophets of God never accused him of not being a true Christian. We do agree that President Obama is hurting this country by paving the way for homosexual rights and homosexual marriage, by trying to get Americans to pay for contraception and abortion, by not standing firmly with Israel, and by not doing enough to stop Muslims from killing Christians overseas. Therefore, we also believe that he does not deserve four more years as president because of these four things. 
Before I say what I am going to say, please know that we at BCNN1 have supported Samaritan's Purse for years, we will continue to do so, and we encourage others to do so as well. Also, I believe that this editor's father is in Heaven because of Franklin's father, Billy Graham. We also use Billy Graham's devotionals on this publication and he preaches 7 days a week on one of the radio stations that we own and operate. Now, with that said, the reason why Franklin Graham needs to cease this is because it makes him look like a racist when he says that President Obama is not a Christian, but Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, who are both Catholics, are Christians, and Mitt Romney, who is a Mormon, is a borderline Christian. On top of that, in Newt Gingrich's case, he is a confessed adulterer and is living in adultery now. And as you will see in the video below, in the secular world, this makes him look like an ignorant, racist person and he is slowly, but surely, eroding the goodwill that his father took nearly 100 years to build with all people, including black people. 
After the video, here is an article that we have run repeatedly over the past four years of Obama's presidency. The article is titled "President Obama is Smart, but Is he Wise?" The article respects and rebukes the President at the same time, we believe in the right spirit. It treats him as a brother, based upon his own profession of faith, who lacks wisdom and is misguided, instead of as a lost heathen who is against Christianity. We think this is the best approach. 
Franklin Graham is not Billy Graham. Watch this video and see how ridiculous Franklin Graham looks on Morning Joe even without Joe and Mika there. Warning, this is very painful to watch.

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President Obama May Be Smart, But Is He Wise?
For the life of me, I cannot understand how the President apparently does not have the wisdom to understand the connection between the serious, unprecedented, uncontrollable events that frustrate him and his administration and thwart his plans and his weird determination to cram the homosexual lifestyle and homosexual marriage down the throats of Americans when most clearly do not want that.
We may be a bunch of adulterers and fornicators in this country, and this is wrong too, but a bunch of homosexuals, we are not. Mr. President, believe it or not, we love all people, including homosexuals, and we understand the legal freedoms in America allow a man to stick his penis anywhere he wants, with another consenting adult. But we understand also that we, the majority, non-homosexual sinners, have the right not to accept this abominable behaviour in our society, and we and you certainly have the right not to sanction this behaviour in our country because it goes against God's Word as laid out in the Judeo-Christian Bible that you claim to believe in, and it also goes against the teachings in the Koran, which is in your faith background as well. But, not only that, Mr. President, you know and I know it goes against nature itself. Further, Mr. President, every president until you came along kept the homosexuals in the closet. Hell, even as crazy as Bill Clinton and George Bush were, they kept them in the closet as well. Now, God blesses you to be the first black president, and for some strange reason, you are hell-bent on trying to make homosexuality and homosexual marriage fully accepted in our society and now in the military. You know the last thing we need in the military is for morale to go to an all-time low because straight men and women will now have to deal with Steve and Steve trying to get their groove on on the top bunk. Mr. President, you have already broken some promises to others. You need to break some promises to these homosexuals as well. I say with John Lennon, "Let it be."
All we are telling you, Mr. President, along with thousands of sinful men and women who are in the military, is that just like we sinners enjoy our sins of adultery and fornication without going out telling people what we did, the homosexuals can practice their abominable sins without 'coming out of the closet' to tell us what they did. "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", because we don't want to know.
Mr. President, stop pushing this homosexual agenda. Start praying, and get down to Louisiana to stop that oil leak - with all due respect, of course. I am telling you the truth because I love you, man. Things are going to get worse for you and your administration if you don't cease this insanity. You cannot fight the "invisible hand" that I mentioned to you in the past and below. Sir, you are engaged in the worthy goal of trying to heal  this country's economy, but, BOOM, out of nowhere, you have a volcano to the north of you that is preventing normal business transactions because people cannot fly back and forth, and there is no end in sight. And to the south of you, you have a violent, gushing fountain of oil coming up from the bottom of the sea that nobody knows how to stop, and that is not only a waste in itself, but it is destroying the economy of the states bordering the Gulf, and threatening to destroy the economy of the entire nation, as well as doing irreparable damage to the environment. The economy and the environment are two things that you vowed to heal and protect. Along with those things, to the east of you, you have the Greece and EU economy about to implode. And to the west of you, you have the North Korea and South Korea situation about to explode.
In light of these things, Mr. President, you need God on your side, not against you. And if you want God on your side, you need to repent of trying to make the government of the United States sanction homosexual marriage and thus sanction homosexual activity. Yes, homosexuals are free to do what they do because even God gives them a free will. But, you are also free to not have the government of these United States to sanction these abominations on your watch.
"...Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding" (Daniel 2:20-21).
"...the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will" (Daniel 4:32).
"...till he knew that the most high God ruled in the kingdom of men, and that he appointeth over it whomsoever he will" (Daniel 5:21).
The mark of a wise ruler, prime minister, king, or president is that he or she understands that there is an "Invisible hand" which rules this world, and that they, whether they are a believer in God or not, are placed in the position of leadership by God to do what He wants done in the earth. That leader must understand that God rules in the affairs of men. The governmental leaders who fail to recognize and obey this "invisible hand" will do so at their peril, no matter how smart and gifted they may be.
Like so many others in our world, I am impressed with the gifts that God has bestowed upon Barack Obama. It is true that President Obama is smart, shrewd, charming, and he knocks people dead with that million dollar smile. I often told my wife and children during the presidential campaign that he was probably going to win, if for no other reason, because of that great smile. Be that as it may, even though Barack Obama is apparently well-equipped for the job of President of the United States and the leader of the world, humanly speaking, he can have all of those gifts and abilities and not truly recognize or obey the "invisible hand" of God as it relates to our country, our world, our economy, and in the social realm. Recognizing and obeying this "invisible hand" is the true mark of a great leader. Right now, President Obama is showing himself to be smart, capable, and even presidential, but I am afraid he is not showing himself to be wise.
Let me show you what I mean using some examples from the Holy Scriptures:
1. Pharaoh was smart, built great works, and ruled a mighty empire, but when God said "Let my people go," Pharaoh did not recognize the "invisible hand" of God, and he did not take heed to what the invisible, Almighty God was doing in his nation, thus bringing upon himself and his country devastating consequences.
2. Saul was a smart, tall, and good-looking king, but he did not recognize the "invisible hand" of God. While he thought he was doing good and that everything would work out alright, he was actually disobeying God's direct commands, and thus he brought on himself, his family, and the nation devastating consequences.
3. King Nebuchadnezzar was smart, powerful, a great leader, and he knew about God's power, but he ignored the "invisible hand" of God to his peril and was found eating grass like an animal to permanently help him to realize Who was truly in control.
4. King Belshazzar, just like his father, was smart and powerful, and he definitely knew about God's power because he saw how God made his father eat grass like an animal. But he, too, chose to ignore the "invisible hand" of God, and thus brought on devastating consequences - his death and the overthrowing of his empire.
In President Obama, we apparently have another shining, charismatic, gifted, and smart governmental leader, who is very capable and shows great judgment in certain areas, but I am afraid he does not understand the glaring principle of the "invisible hand" of God. Like rulers of the past, either he does not truly recognize the "invisible hand" of God or he chooses to ignore the "invisible hand" of God as Nebuchadnezzar did. Either way, it will be devastating for this country, sometimes referred to as a shining "city on a hill," if he does not begin to recognize, acknowledge, and obey the "invisible hand" of God. Let me show you why I say that. Notice with me what he has done in his first 100 days that says to me he is not allowing God to control his decisions:
On January 23, 2009, President Obama reversed the former president's abortion funds policy and lifted the global abortion gag rule. This policy restored funds to the groups who kill millions of innocent babies each day across this country. Dr. Frank Page just said yesterday in a CBN report that "what is striking here is not only that he did such things, but that he did it so quickly." In my opinion, this shows a gross lack of wisdom.
On March 9, 2009, President Obama overturned the former president's policy on stem cell research. This decision allows federal taxpayer dollars to fund significantly broader research on embryonic stem cells.
On March 18, 2009, President Obama announced his support of the U.N. Declaration which supports homosexual marriage, just three months after the former president's administration refused to endorse it. And little by little, homosexual marriage is being legalized. Whether Barack Obama knows homosexuality is against biblical principles or not, I do not know, but he certainly, personally believes that there is something wrong with it, because he said that he believes that marriage should be between a man and woman, at the Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency, when he was a candidate.
Even though this article is not really about the economic situation, anybody with common sense knows that you cannot spend and borrow your way out of debt. The Bible says very clearly that "The borrower is servant to the lender." Unless the President and the rest of us are willing to learn Chinese and eat with chopsticks, we better stop this borrowing and spending real fast. It has never worked in the past and it never will work. Allow me to repeat a simple truth here that I have shared with many people in the past: if you had to borrow money to get it, you don't own it; somebody else does.
These are all things that go against the eternal, moral, and biblical principles of God. Throughout history, we have seen time and time again, how that when governments, leaders of governments, and the people under these governments throw off of themselves the eternal laws and principles of God, the nation crumbles.
Sodom and Gomorrah crumbled because of homosexuality. Israel and Judah fell because of idolatry. Babylon was destroyed because of their disrespect of God. Rome destroyed itself because of greed and immorality. And remember, God destroyed the entire world because of sin during Noah's time. God's Word says, "Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people."
Here's What the President, Ministers, and You Need To Do
What President Obama needs to do to prevent God's judgment against this country is repent and reverse these ungodly acts, by humbling himself before the Lord and rising above his personal feelings, politics, and popularity and do what is biblically and morally right. Not only does his Christian faith that he claims he has go against these things, but even his Muslim upbringing goes against these things. Because, even though he may think we are not a "Christian country," we are certainly a country built upon the principles laid out in the Hebrew and Christian Bible. Even the Koran, which is a part of his life background, is against these things.
What God-honoring pastors and ministers need to do, and this includes the following: Joel Hunter, T.D. Jakes, Frank Page, and Kirbyjon Caldwell, is stop pussy-footing around with Obama, and as the prophets of old did, stand flat-footed, and "cry aloud and spare not," and tell President Obama "Thus saith the Lord" and warn him that he is treading on dangerous ground, and if he does not reverse his ways, the "invisible hand" of God will begin to work against him. I perceive in Barack Obama to be a young man who not too many people have said "no" to down through the years. One of these men of God or a group of men of God ought to come to him and tell him, face-to-face and eyeball-to-eyeball, to reverse these things, get on a path that is compatible with the Scriptures, or we will cease advising you and the titanic will finish sinking.
What God-fearing Christians, such as you ought to do are the following three things:
1. Get right with God yourself. "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land" (2 Chronicles 7:14).
2. Pray for the president and his family. "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty." (1 Timothy 2:1-2).
3. "Pray without ceasing" for only God can help us now.
May God truly bless America.
Alonzo Brooklyn is a full-time writer and commentator. His weekly column can be read at www.BlackChristianNews.com as well as http://AlonzoBrooklyn.Wordpress.com. You may e-mail him at: alonzo.brooklyn@gmail.com.
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