Salutations to allToday I would like to discuss how to Indentify the Spirit of Rejection.The Spirit of Rejection moves thru unsuspecting lives like a viper. It bites and then releases its venom into the souls of many today. Most souls which have been infected never actually realize what is wrong with them nor why they act the that they do. The infected person is contagious in the manner that they will begin to infect others with the devastating venom of the Spirit of Rejection. They will become bitter insulting their children and those close to them.This study is rather important to me. As a child and even as an adult I have struggled with the results of rejection. I was never good enough nor did I ever achieve a high enough standard for my mother. My father already married to another woman, died when I was three years old. I do not share this to create any embarrassment for my mother but to show that they are not alone. Once recognized, the symptoms of the Spirit of Rejection can be done away with forever.Ever have the feeling of never quite being good enough? Never believed that you were in fact loved. Do you have trouble trusting anyone? Do you believing that everyone hates you or is out to get over on you? Do you have many failed relationships; where those that you loved left you? Does any of this sound familiar? If so keep reading help is availabl to you.Many that have been infected seem to never be able to master the art of love; as a result relationship after relationship is spoiled by their own hand. The infected person hurts those that dare show genuine love to them and push away would be friends. When asked why one is alone; the reply will most often be, that no one loves me. I am comfortable being alone. This is a lie that they have come to accept because people have abandoned them so many times. They most likely will expect everyone to leave. They fear being not accepted or loved, so they begin to make it almost impossible for someone to get close to them.Because the Spirit of Rejection lies to the infected person; causing them to believe that no one actually loves them.; they believe in their heart that all those that left them were the ones that were wrong. They can not see nor can they be convinced that the problem is in them. It is almost impossible to show them that their thinking has been altered to created this pattern of abandonment. They begin to wear the wounds of loneliness as badges of honor. Proudly displaying their loneliness as a choice. Secretly the person is consumed with loneliness and deeply desires to have an intimate relationship with another person.Let's take a close look at what it means to be rejected based on Webster's definition. The definition of being rejected, listed in Webster's Online dictionary is: Refuse to accept or acknowledge; Refuse to approve; Reject with contempt;Refuse entrance or membership; Dismiss from considerationNow that we know that rejection is basically not being accepted or embraced. The spirit realm is the reflection of what is happening in everyday life. Certain behaviors and lifestyle choices are a direct result of what is happening in the spirit realm. Even though we may not always see what is happening in the spirit realm but we do see the symptoms or results. As previously listed above, proof of the presence of the Spirit of Rejection will be evidenced by the behavior of one that is infected.The Spirit of Rejection is and has affected many in the house of God. As you can see from this exert from Touched by Grace Website. The below article is written by Ron Wood of Touched by Grace. I greatly enjoyed reading some exerts from it and thought you might as well..Alienation, isolation, and rejection are paralyzing the church. Loneliness is like a plague on the land. The ties that knit our lives together seem to have unraveled. Covenant love has grown cold and casual contacts can’t replace them. The tapestry of society is like a mass of individual threads, no longer woven together. Broken homes from divorces provide a vivid picture of our inability to stay in meaningful relationships. (In Cuba, where I have ministered, the divorce rate is 78%.) Ask any modern school teacher how many children in their classroom still have the same original parents. The answer is always, "Hardly any." The feeling of abandonment hurts. These kids usually suffer from rejection.Rejection affects adults as well. Many people have come to full age still carrying the scars of emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. These men and women look normal but inside they are filled with terrible insecurity, anger, or fear. Others are sitting on a ticking emotional time-bomb of resentment and rebellion, just waiting to boil over into rage. These scars, if left unhealed, will render a person incapable of entering into committed, wholesome, long-term relationships.One particular problem is very common. It undermines the confidence of many Christians and interferes with true fellowship between friends. It is a lying spirit from our enemy called a spirit of rejection. Rejection is the worst pain the human spirit can suffer. Anyone who has been abandoned, suffered abuse, or endured discrimination can relate to this kind of anguish. Let’s examine this assault from Satan so we can recognize this form of mental oppression.First, the spirit of rejection refers to the mind-set ingrained into us which tells us that we are unloved, unwanted, or will never be good enough. This may start in childhood. This mind-set makes us strive to earn our acceptance. It makes people feel driven to perform in order to be approved. This mind-set makes people feel they are loved for what they do rather than for who they are. It is demeaning. It robs people of peace. The sad thing is that no amount of achievement is ever enough to satisfy it.In other people, the injustice of being treated unfairly or rejected or disrespected makes them boil over in anger. They quit trying to fit in, rebel against everyone, and try to break out of the box being forced on them. In refusing to be a victim, they may victimize others. Resentment covers their soul like a dark shroud. They wind up in an emotional prison of their own making.The mind-set of rejection is the result of having believed a lie. It is a syndrome of self-talk that comes from being programmed with falsehoods. Having been told a lie often enough, victims begin to say, "Yes, it’s true." The lie becomes accepted when the victim agrees with the accusations. They become their own accuser. They have internalized the venom. The deceit becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. The victim begins to expect to be rejected and thus sabotages their own relationships.This mental stronghold of rejection is powerful. It will be torn down only when we find God’s Word about our case and choose to believe the truth instead of a lie. Only God’s truth can set us free. The truth will connect us to God’s love. God’s love will cure our wounded souls.The Spirit of Rejection creates a feeble and broken person. That person unknowingly will bite anyone that attempts to love them. This lying spirit has destroyed marriages, church congregations, friendships and even work relationships. The Spirit of Rejection leaves one powerless against the enemy, hence making the Body Of Christ a dead and powerless organism.It was evident that a people that had the opportunity to be infused with dunamus power, the power of the Holy Spirit, were a force to be reckon with. A powerful force that moved thru the tapestry of time destroying the kingdom of darkness. Setting free those that had been enslaved thru the lies of the enemy. A glimpse of the past, shows the definite difference in the Body of Christ yesterday and the Body of Christ today.
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  • Thank you. Your words of encouragement mean a great deal to me.
  • Wow, this was a great post. This is a message many of us need to hear. Keep the fire coming!
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