Daily Devotional: The Power of Love Defeats Fear | 1 John 4:18 |

School report cards used to be sent home in the mail to mom and dad you'd wait weeks to know the verdict. did you pass or not? Were you good enough or not, would your parents be pleased or would there be punishment?

The fear could be overwhelming for the student whose self-worth rose or plummeted depending on what they earned, and some of us can remember the fear of waiting for what we already knew would be bad marks. The apostle John wrote clearly about God's complete love for his children. In fact, he wrote that there's no place for fear in love. He said God's perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment.

And isn't that what Jesus already endured for us on the cross? He took our punishment away completely.


So if we still stand in fear of God's punishment, it shows we haven't yet fully grasped what it means that we're loved and forgiven. John put it this way,


  `` the one who fears is not made perfect in love .''


 I want to be made perfect in love. don't you. I don't want to bite my nails fearfully waiting for God's report card. Instead, because of jesus, we get to wake up each day unhindered by the regret of past mistakes; so that we can walk freely and without fear in the present the cross switches out our brokenness for christ's perfection. Our report card for his God wants us to stop believing he's on a mission to condemn us. Instead, he wants us to believe in his true mission to redeem us to bring you and me back into peace with his father. No matter how far we've strayed, ask Jesus to help you cast off your insecurity and to trust in God's great love.

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