7 Practices To Develop A Winning Mind-Set


The feeling of winning is wonderful. It’s what an athlete feels when crossing the finish line or when students pass exams or when you accomplish a goal you had set.

Everyone would love the glory of winning but few would love the difficult process. Ask the athlete who wakes up early every morning to practice for hours, or the employee who works extra hours or the entrepreneur who is always on the move!

Winning is achievable. You too can be a winner in life. And its not who says you are a winner, it’s about what winning means to you. Life is not about competing with others but setting personal goals, breaking personal records and becoming the very best person you can become.

The following seven practices can tremendously increase your chances of becoming a winner in whatever you do.

Practice #1: Have A Vision
You’ll never get what you don’t see. Before you win the outside game, you have to win the inside game. Do you know where you are going? What is your goal? See yourself at the finish line of what you desire to achieve. The best vision is God-inspired. In all your ways, ask God to direct you and he will show you which way to go. [1]

Practice #2: Always Give Your Best
Whatever you do, do it well. Determine to always do an excellent job, not to please others but as unto God to whom we are all accountable. People who are good at what they do will not serve mere men, they will be invited among the great.[2] When you always give your best, the seed of greatness is in you.

Practice #3: Read Read Read
Reading allows you to access the wisdom of great minds. Someone may have gained the experience in a book over many years but you can download it into your mind in a few hours. Thirst and hunger for the knowledge that will empower you to accomplish your vision. Read books. Read magazines. Read the Bible. Keep reading. You never know where you’ll find that one key that will unlock your potential!

Practice #4: Get Counsel From Others
Many times, what you want to do someone has done or tried to do. There is nothing new under the sun. There is always someone who can give you some advice in the line of where you want to go. Many advisers bring victory.[3] Humble yourself, therefore, and ask for advice. Remember though, that whatever advice you get, you are responsible for the final decision you make.

Practice #5: Be Ready To Pay The Price
There is always a price to pay for winning. There are no shortcuts to success. Always be willing to go the extra mile. When it means putting your resources, time, mind and strength to accomplish something, please do it. Don’t look for the easy way out, look for the right way out.

Practice #6: Do The Uncomfortable Things
Winners do those uncomfortable things which losers hate doing. Does accomplishing your goal require you to wake up early, work extra hours, dress a certain way – whatever that is required of you, do it, as long as you don’t break the law or do something stupid. At times to win requires you to do things which indirectly affect your winning like exercising your body, drinking lots of water, proper hygiene among others. Do it. 

Practice #7: Never Give Up
Winning comes to those who persevere. The good things in life normally do not come easy. You will have to determine to never give up until you achieve your goal. When the going gets tough and rough, you will have to soldier on until you raise the shout of victory. 

You can win. You are a winner. Believe that the gifts, talents and abilities which God has given you are enough to bring you the success you were meant to have in this life. As you apply these seven practices, you will start to see a new trend, a new perspective and new way of life that will attract everything you need to become a winner. And with God by your side, you will succeed in all you do. [4] 

Scripture Reference
[1] Proverbs 3:5-6 [2] Proverbs 22:29 [3] Proverbs 11:14 [4] 2 Chronicles 1:1

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Prince Malachi is the founder of The Oracle Network and the Streetwear brand Y.A.H. Apparel

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  • Good word. I already shared with with my friends and family
  • Thanks for the post Malachi! This was very helpful fam
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