
The numerals 1 and 6, to be used to spell out 2016 during the Times Square New Year’s Eve celebration, are unveiled in Times Square on Dec. 15, 2015, in New York City. (PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES)

The new year serves as a fresh start and the perfect opportunity to start striving toward whatever goal you have your heart set on. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or get promoted at work, setting a resolution is motivating, uplifting and refreshing.

But, sadly, many goals are abandoned by the time February rolls around. However, 2016 doesn’t have to be that way! Make sure you are setting yourself up for success in the coming year by checking out the awesome goal-making tips below.

1. When deciding on your goals for the new year, write down every important aspect of your life, from your personal life to your career, and ask, “Am I OK with how this is going?” This will allow you to look at your accomplishments while also helping you determine where you need to go.

2. Write down all your dreams and goals, no matter how outlandish they might seem, and prioritize. Accept the fact that you cannot do everything, and choose a few goals you’d really like to accomplish in 2016; the rest can be saved for later!

3. Make your goals SMART — specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-related.

4. Don’t just think about the goals you want to reach, write them down! Put your list in a place you’ll always see it, like on the fridge or taped to the inside of your bedroom door.

5.  If you have a big goal, like losing 10 pounds, break it down to bite-size pieces. Give yourself deadlines and time frames for each mini goal until you eventually reach your big goal by December.

6. Start right away. Enjoy New Year’s Day with family and friends,  but then start working toward your goal on Jan. 2.

7. Establish a routine. It makes the process less overwhelming, and you’ll slowly but steadily start making strides toward your goal.

8. Celebrate small achievements during your journey toward your ultimate goal. It’ll keep you motivated.

9. Tell someone your goals, and ask them to help you stick to them. You’ll be less likely to flake on your resolutions that way.

10. Be adaptable and flexible. Hiccups will occur along the way, but don’t give up if something doesn’t go as planned.

International Business Times

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Prince Malachi is the founder of The Oracle Network and the Streetwear brand Y.A.H. Apparel

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