Prince Malachi The First's Posts (11697)

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S.O.U.LMAG Issue #14 Featuring Braille – NOW Shipping!

SOULmag=Subscription=200=ChristianRapHipHopNews Urban D and his camp just shipped a hot new issue of S.O.U.LMAG and it is on fire. My boy Braille got the cover and on the inside its loaded to the brime with stories on Tedashii, The Tonic,, Lisa McClendon, Krosswerdz in Austrailia, The Economic Meltdown and much much more! the cost is only $3.95 US – or just $14.99 for a 2009 subscription that includes 3 issues plus 3 CD’s. If you subscribe the current issue with Braille on the cover includes his new Cloud Nineteen album wich you should already own by now lol. Check out
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(New York) - Rap Fest Inc. and Designs by Faith announced today that they have formed a strategic alliance. The terms of the alliance provide generally that Designs By Faith will join Rap Fest Inc, as a strategic apparel provider and partner for Rap Fest 2009, offering the official Rap Fest 2009 T-Shirt. Designs By Faith is a dynamic, multi-platform, faith-based venture specializing in powerful cutting-edge products which flood the current culture with a Message of Hope. Rap Fest Inc. is an evangelistic outreach ministry focused on evangelizing urban communities using a language that is relevant to the culture. Rap Fest 2009 will take place on August 8, 2009 at Rainey Park in the Bronx, NY. The confirmed artists for the 15th Annual Rap Fest are Believin' Stephen, Blaze Torch, C-Lite, Direct, Disciple (DI), Dre Marshall, Dre Sr., Firejaws, G.T.K., Hazakim, Humble TIP, J. Johnson, J Sky Walker, K Drama, Katalyst, King, muzeONE, Nu Life, P.K., Prodigal Son, Refuge, Solomon Starr, This'l, Trevor Pope, Urban D, W.U.N.D.A. Fam and Young Joshua. A host of dee jays will provide music all day. Those dee jays include DJ NuMan, DJ Lady Grace, DJ One Love, DJ P Dogg and DJ Tony Tone (BKS). As an added bonus, we will also be featuring KURTIS BLOW and the Trinity. Hosting Rap Fest 2009 will be radio personalities Sir Bug Out and Brother E, hosts of the wildly popular Rap Fest Radio on Their live shows on Monday and Friday nights draw thousands of listeners from across the globe. THE OFFICIAL RAPFEST 2009 T-SHIRT IS HERE!! Matthew 28:19 commands us to Go forth and Make Disciples of the Nations. Those who wear this shirt understand the Great Commission and the importance behind it. Features: * 100% Ringspun cotton, combed for softness and comfort. * A POWERFUL CHRISTIAN message so you can share your faith. * This is a modern, hip and extremely fashionable shirt that will keep you looking fabulous. * Contains the right blends of Faith and Fashion that reflects your strong Beliefs and unique style. Order your shirts online today at or
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main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=4463&g2_serialNumber=2Do you feel something missing from your Christian walk? Do you know who you serve and fully understand why you serve him? Do you feel fed days after leaving worship service? Do you feel you can defend your faith and your beliefs? For many Christians, the answers to these questions is no! Why? Because the church that was founded by Yasua (Jesus was his name in Greek. His name in Hebrew is Joshua. The language of the Jewish people 2000 years ago was Aramaic. In Aramaic his name is Yehosua ,Yasua or Yashua) and carried on by the Apostles is dead. This that we see today is not true Authentic Christianity as we see in it in the New Testament. Study the Book of Acts and you will see the direct opposite of what we have today. This thing that is paraded before us today is a cheap counterfeit lifeless religion. What they had then was a life giving, living, breathing, life changing movement. What they had back then was unity in the Body. Today's so called church is riddled with division. Why are there so many different denominations all going in different direction? There is one GOD, one faith, one baptism. So there could only be one creed... The Bible. We have developed this "Gang mentality", where all we care about is what's going on within our four walls with our ministry. We don't support anything not affiliated with our denomination, or even church for that matter. When will we learn, Satan's trick is to divide us and get us to focus on things that are not important. In Church some of us sing songs about how we want "old time religion" back but this refers to what we had before the eighties, which was not much better than what we have now. "It's not about the old ways. It's about the much older ways". We need to take it back to the way it used to be, the way it was meant to be. When the church grew daily, sometimes hundreds at a time; when there was genuine love and fellowship; when titles did not matter and no one was greater or better than the other; a time when all followers were fed and grew. The church is dead but the time has come to bring it back to life. There is a old cliché that states "you don't know where your going until you know where you been." History is the key to the present and future. Church histories, including old and new testaments are the most important branch of theology. It has great value for all Christians not just "clergy". When Yasua begin his ministry his primary opponents were the Pharisees and the Sadducees. The Pharisees followed and believed GODs word as it was interpreted by the scribes. They also created a long list of tradition and man made laws often called "the tradition of the elders". They taught that these laws were equal to the word of GOD (Herbert Lockyer Sr. Ed., Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1986) 830-831, 951-958. See also Matthew 23:23-24). What The Sadducees had in common with the Pharisees was their dislike of GOD the son. They did not add to the scripture like the Pharisees, they took away from it. They only took the part of GODs word they felt was most worthy to be observed. They denied existence of spirits, angels, the soul, the after life and the resurrection. (I. Howard Marshall, New Bible Dictionary, 2nd ed. Wheaton, Il intervarsity Fellowship, 1982 1055) When Jesus' ministry began to grow, it became quite clear he was a threat to both camps. They both took steps to get rid of him. It is a well known and understood fact that history repeats itself. Today Christianity has gone there same direction the Pharisees and the Sadducees went 2000 years ago. Like the Pharisees, the church has added many man made "Laws" that nullifies the church and keeps it from being the life giving ministry it should be. Like the Sadducees, there are leaders in the church that that have erased a large sum of first century practices from Christianity. Conservatives and liberals both argue back and forth about who is right and who is wrong, but when you study the scripture you will see there to a great degree they are both wrong. Unlike the present church, the church of the first century was organic and fresh. By that I mean it contained no man made adjectives or perservitves. It was 100 % GOD made. For that reason it was living, it was breathing and it produced radical, bold Christians. They where not led by a "set guide" or a "program". They are only led by the Holy Spirit, so everything was always fresh and spontaneous. Everything they did was confirmed in scripture and complimented GODs word. In contrast, much of what we do is not has no authentic root in GOD's word! Our practices contradict scripture. Careful close study will prove that most of our Christian practices and customs were stolen from pagan culture. Today's church lacks growth, lacks boldness, has countless division, power struggles and lakes the ability to change GOD's people. Why? Because we need to return the church back it its organic simple state. The early church operated in the power of the Holy Spirit according to GODs design for the body of Christ. Like the church at Corinth there are some bodies that had to be put in line, but over all the results were astronomical. The book of Acts as well as the writings of the Apostles found in the New Testament gives us a picture and example. Matthew 6:24 teaches us "no one can serve to masters," yet we try very hard to prove the words of Yashua wrong. Aside from attending "worship" service and/or Bible "bible study", in what ways are we different from a conservative that is not a Christian... We watch and listen to the same entertainment, Speak the same, dress the same and we share in the world's lust for commercial and materialistic things. "We claim we are not of this world" but our practice says otherwise. Where is there evidence? Early Christians lived by a completely different set of principles then the rest of mankind. They rejected the world's titles, entertainment and riches. The early church had an unconditional love for all of their brothers and sisters, including those who were not saved. Early church leader Justin Martyr said "we who used to value the acquisition of wealth and possessions more then anything else now bring what we have into a common fund and share it with anyone that needs it. We used to hate and destroy one another and refused to associate with people of another race or country. Now because of Christ we live together with such people and pray for our enemies." Early Christians lovingly helped the poor, orphans, the elderly, the sick, even there persecutors. In Matthew 5:44 Jesus said "Love your enemies... and pray for those that spitefully use you and persecute you." This was accepted as a commandment from GOD and they took GODs word seriously. GODs word teaches us that we are not to take our brothers to court (1 Cor 6:7). Yet many of us in the church are sue happy. You even have churches and whole denominations going to court. Early Christians refused to do any such thing. First century Christians had a childlike trust in GOD! To them trusting GOD meant more then a teary-eyed testimony. It meant 100 % obedience to God even if it meant great suffering. To claim to trust God while refusing to obey him was a contradiction (1. John 2: 4). Their faith was not just verbal. They didn't just speak great things, they lived them! Understand from the time of the Emperor Trajan (about A. D.) till the edict of Milan was issued in 313, Christian practices were illegal and were punishable by death. The fact that they were bold enough to suffer and/or die for their faith was their most effective evangelistic tool. How many of us would die for our faith? Any one who does not believe enough to die for their beliefs does not really believe. Many of us would give our life for our family, friends and even material things but not for GOD. We would rather renounce our faith and live. You give your life for that which you love. Early Christians trusted GOD's Word when he said his church would be built on a rack and the gates of hell would not over power it (Matt. 16:18). It was though constant prayer that they received the spirit of boldness. A study of Acts 4:1-31 shows us how persecution did not destroy them. It brought them closer together and encouraged them. They sang, they prayed and the spirit filled them. They spoke the word of GOD boldly. We learn from Acts 2:42-47 that there was balance in the early church. Everyone was dedicated to the Apostles teaching, and to the fellowship, and to the breaking of bread and to prayer. They were always together, thy shared all that they had and gave to anyone in need. They even ate together. Their fellowship was balanced with teaching, benevolence and worship. Because they functioned in this was there was much growth, "the Lord added to their number..." when we do as we are supposed to evangelism happens.
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datruth_n_bigpicture.jpgDa Truth's The Big Picture from Cross Movement Records debuted on the Billboard Top 200 charts this week at #110. The rapper's new album has sold 4,100 (physical) albums after seven days in stores according to Da Truth The Big Picture is still the #1 bestselling Christian/Gospel album on iTunes. Read more:
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“Discipleship” and “missional.” These are the two big buzzwords on the Christian landscape today. Of course, there is also “simple church.” But that’s another discussion for another time. As I speak in conferences throughout the world and meet people who have jumped on the discipleship bandwagon, or the missional bandwagon (or both), I make several observations. Two Streams of Missional There seems to be two different streams in the missional world: 1)Those who are stuck with D.L. Moody’s mindset. These are those who basically make the mission of God the salvation of lost souls. The church, then, is regarded as either a soul-saving station (the mechanism to save the lost), or it’s something that doesn’t appear on the radar screen as being anything terribly significant. “Whatever church you attend, whatever form it takes, and whatever practices it observes is irrelevant. The church exists to save lost souls, end of story.” So the thinking goes. 2)The other camp, which I joyfully throw my hat in with, are those who do not see the mission of God as being the salvation of individual souls. While that’s a slice of it, it’s not the whole pie. Nor is it the goal. God’s intention actually began before the fall and it stands outside the reaches of redemption. God has a non-redemptive purpose—an “eternal purpose” as Paul calls it—that was in His heart before the fall ever occurred. And He’s never let go of it. T. Austin-Sparks used to point out that you can think of the eternal purpose as a straight line that moves from eternity past to eternity future. But somewhere in the middle of that line, there’s a dip. That dip represents the fall of humanity. At the very bottom of the dip is a cross. The cross is designed to bring us back onto the straight line. Regrettably, many Christians have forgotten the rest of the line. In fact, they’ve forgotten the beginning of the line and the end of the line. Instead, they are stuck in the dip. We can’t seem to get past salvation and redemption. Our starting point is Genesis 3 (the fall of humankind) instead of Ephesians 1 and Colossians 1 (God’s purpose before time). Consequently, serving God, helping others, trying to improve the world, saving souls from hell, worshipping God, etc. are routinely stated as being God’s grand mission. I contend that God’s purpose goes beyond all of that. And it has something to do with a burning intent that is for God Himself, rather than something that simply benefits humans. The eternal purpose is immense, but it’s beyond the scope of this article to unpack. (I’ve done so elsewhere.) Two Streams of Discipleship I also observe that there are two streams of discipleship: 1)There are those who say, “What’s important is discipleship; the church is irrelevant. Let’s not discuss the church; let’s instead discuss how to make disciples.” When people talk that way, it shouts one fact: That our understanding of church has gotten far afield from what it was in the New Testament. When people make such statements, they are really talking about how church has been done traditionally (and that can include “churches” that gather in homes, parks, and pubs). Whenever people think of “church” through a traditional lens, it’s not hard to see the pressing need for discipleship. 2)The other camp rightly understands that you cannot separate disciple-making from the ekklesia. You cannot separate the forming of people into full-pledged followers of Jesus and a living, breathing, vibrant community that gathers under His headship. To put it another way, you can’t separate discipleship from the ekklesia anymore than you can separate child-rearing from the family. And you can’t separate the ekklesia from Jesus Himself, for it’s His very body. I want you to imagine a saltwater fish. The fish can only survive in his natural habitat, which is the ocean. Why? Because the ocean surrounds the fish with everything it needs to live, breathe, and have its being. The fish is also a dependent creature. Fish swim in schools. Now consider a different image. Imagine that this fish is removed from the ocean and from its school and is thrown in someone’s backyard. People take turns spraying the fish with a water hose every 15 minutes. They also sprinkle salt on its body. That’s an apt picture of modern discipleship. Discipleship has been separated from the Christian’s native habitat (ekklesia) and it’s become a highly individualistic event. An individual discipler “disciples” an individual disciplee to become a better individual disciple. And we have not so learned Jesus Christ. Christianity has and always will be a collective, corporate life and pursuit. The issue, therefore, is not discipleship. The issue is restoring the ekklesia as God intended it to be, for the ekklesia is the Christian’s native habitat. And out of it flows everything else. How Did the Twelve Make Disciples? The fish metaphor brings us face-to-face with a question that’s rarely asked today: How did the apostles who received the original commission of Jesus to “make disciples of all nations” carry out this commission? If you read the New Testament chronologically from Acts to Revelation, there’s only one answer you can come up with. They did so by planting ekklesias all over the known world. I invite anyone to challenge me on that point. Converts were made and sustained into full-pledged followers of the Messiah, naturally and organically, simply by being part of the local ekklesia in their city. The Twelve knew ekklesia themselves. They lived in an embryonic expression of it in Galilee with Jesus Himself. For 3 ½ years the Twelve and some women lived in community with one another where Jesus was both the center and the head of their life together. When a Christian lives in a living expression of the Body of Christ today, he or she is being discipled just by being part of that expression. Just as a saltwater fish grows, is nurtured, and is sustained simply by living in the ocean and swimming with its school. Ekklesia, therefore, is the birth right of every child of God. By living in it, God’s people naturally absorb Christ. To wit, they are “discipled” by Christ and into Christ through the community of the believers. We Don’t Know Our History Another observation I make is that people who are jazzed about discipleship (usually males in their mid-to-late 20s and early 30s – their leaders being in their 40s and 50s), seem to have no knowledge of the history of modern discipleship, where it came from, and why it even exists. The story harkens back to John Nelson Darby’s teachings in the early 19th century. Darby used the art of proof-texting the New Testament to separate conversion from following Jesus. The gulf between conversion and followership further widened with the emergence of Dallas Theological Seminary and the early teachers there. They perpetuated Darby’s doctrine which separated faith in Jesus as Savior from following Jesus as Lord. What happened as a result should look familiar to you. The Christian landscape became peppered with many converts to Christianity who possessed fire-insurance policies, but few of them were actually following Jesus as this world’s true Lord. The antidote was discipleship as a method and a program. Para-church organizations took the helm on this and ran with it. They created the first discipleship “programs.” Denominational churches began picking it up as well. What did it look like? The “disciple” would meet with their “discipler” at least once a week. They would memorize Scripture together or study a Biblical text, go over sins committed (this is called “holding each other accountable”), pray together, discuss witnessing to the lost, and set a date for the next “discipleship” meeting. Young Christians were excited about it at first, but in time, they began to see the roteness of it all. This left the door wide open for a strong reaction against the routine, the drudgery, and the staleness of discipleship as a method. Walking through that door was the greasy grace movement. This was an overamplified version of Darby’s teachings taken to the extreme. “Do whatever you please because you are under grace” was the mantra. While this was going on, the Lord hit America with a huge revival, and many young people in the counter-culture were coming to Christ. Some very gifted ministers took the wheel of that revival and spawned a new movement that became known as the “discipleship” movement (also called the “shepherding” movement). They reinstated all the old methods of discipleship, but they introduced a new theology and vocabulary to go with it. It was the theology of “submission to delegated authority.” When the dust finally cleared, the discipleship movement left a trail of bruised and battered souls, some of whom have never recovered to this good day. In the minds of many Christians, “discipleship” became a four-letter word. So the pendulum against legalism and authoritarianism swung hard again. The Christian landscape became quickly populated with nominal Christians and lukewarm believers who simply “prayed the prayer” (i.e., the “sinner’s prayer”). As a reaction to the growing lukewarmness and nominal professions, “discipleship” has returned. It’s back in vogue again to try and repair the damage. Yet the advocates of modern discipleship are largely ignorant of the history behind it. So we are back to spraying fish on the lawn again. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. —George Santayana What history teaches us is that men have never learned anything from it. —G. W. F. Hegel Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. When I think of the practice of the church and modern discipleship, that quote comes to mind. Would to God that we learned our history. In a word, you cannot raise the bar on discipleship without raising the bar on the ekklesia—the living experience of the body of Christ—the native habitat in which true disciple-making and transformation take place. Closing Challenges So what’s my point? It’s quite simple. The problem is not with discipleship; the problem lies in our practice of the church. Permit me to share my heart. You who emphasize mission, where is your vision of God’s eternal purpose? You who emphasize discipleship, where is your understanding that you cannot separate the ekklesia of God from producing serious followers of Jesus Christ who are mature, tempered, balanced, and free from religious bondage? What God has joined together, let us no longer put asunder. I welcome disagreement and even correction on the above. (If you can show me where I’m off using Scripture, then we both get to be right.) At the same time, please entertain the possibility that those of us who are raising this particular flag just may be on to something. And if we are, what do you plan to do about it? I’d much rather have fair and rigorous disagreement over this matter than I would a theological head nod. For the latter changes nothing. We Christians are good at bulbously saying “amen” and then going back to business as usual. May that not be the case here, as this issue is far too important. IF YOU LIKE THIS, PLEASE VISIT FRANK VIOLA'S BLOG @
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Holy Hip Hop 2010 Honnorees


by Rapzilla Holy Hip Hop, an annual event honoring those in Christian Hip Hop. The 2010 Holy Hip Hop Music Awards Honorees have been announced: Cy, Nova 4 Jehova, DJ I Rock Jesus, Lil Prophet, Rapid Fire, Infamous, DJ D-Lite, The Clergy, Kuntrey Wyte & Pyro, M.A.J.O.R.S, BLAK. And the Ambassador Award to Anonymous and J-Blaze. Read more:
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n6637672453_871714_6626.jpgWhat does "Air Jordan" Mean? Share k-Drama here. As of late, many people have asked me what does my song "Air Jordan" mean. In this note I attempt to explain the meaning of the overall song. Soon, I will also make a video going into more detail about each verse and about specific things I say in the song that maybe misunderstood or misinterpreted. Though several Biblical stories influenced this song, the main 1 I drew from was the story of Moses and the Israelites when God commanded them to possess the land of Canaan. Moses sent 12 (1 for each tribe of Israel) to Canaan as spies to scout (evaluate) the land to see if it was good to possess. 2 of the 12 came back with a great report saying "Yes, let's seize the land." The other 10 came back with doubt saying "No we can not possess the land b/c their are giants that dwell there. The Israelites did not obey God and were punished b/c they were intimidated by the giants that were blocking the goal. Quite the contrary, Michael Jordan of the Chicago Bulls was not intimidated by the giants (center position players) that blocked the goal (the basketball rim). He didn't settle for a jump shot because he was scared of getting his shot blocked! No! He jumped over those giants and dunked the ball (aka he "Air Jordan'd On Em."). God gives us goals to accomplish here on this earth. Everything is not always going to go smooth and according to our plan. But we should not allow that to discourage us because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). We can overcome opposition through Christ Jesus. So when opposition (the giant you face) is in your face/ Trying to play defense (trying to prohibit/stop you from obeying God)/ I/we're bigger than this dude (opposition aka The Giant), this don't make no sense (Without faith it's impossible to please God...Hebrews 11:6)/ I/We Air Jordan On Em (4x)(we jump over our giants/we leap over our walls). I hope this brings clarity to my song "Air Jordan" Grace & Peace, k


Is this the winner of the "Air Jordan On Em" Contest? Watch my video blog @ to find out!
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The Black woman in American is dead and we allow Satan to keep her that way. African Americans will not rise until the Black woman is brought back to life. After the Civil War the chains came off but today we still are not free. No our wrist and ankles are not chained but our minds are. To the men reading this, we must learn to show our women, our sisters, our mothers the proper respect. God created man to be the stewards over all creation. To show disrespect to the gift that is woman is mismanagement of the creation; furthermore to disrespect the creation is to disrespect the creator, GOD himself. To the women reading this, how hypocritical it is for you to demand respect from men and you show disrespect to yourselves. You have been disrespected for so long you now feel that that attitude and behavior is normal. “How do I show disrespect to myself?” you ask? 1.By calling yourselves and your sisters bitches and hoes 2.By cursing 3.By straightening your hair 4. The clothing you wear. 5. By beaching your skin and plastic surgery. The Purpose of Woman. All of God's creation has purpose; woman is no exception. We read, "And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone: I will make him an help meet for him" (Gen. 2: 18). "Help meet" is from a Hebrew word that suggests a counter-part or helper comparable to him. Every aspect of the woman is a compliment and counter-part to the man. Feminists who deny this are not only in opposition with the Bible but also basic and observable facts. Those who see this biblical truth as belittling to women have no true understanding of what GOD demands. The male and female compose a perfect unit. When God's assigned order and arrangement is perverted, chaos results. The woman and man (husband and wife) are to encourage one another spiritually. Hence, we read "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered" (I Pet. 3: 7). The Godly Woman. Regarding man and woman, the greatest achieved goals are spiritual in nature. Proverbs chapter 31 contains a description of a "virtuous woman" (vs. 10-31). Sadly there are many women that feel they are a woman of virtue, so much in fact that it almost a cliché. Those women should humble themselves. There is but one woman in the entire Bible that is called a virtuous woman but in this sinful world we have thousands if not millions? If we did the world would not be so sinful. This text presents the greatest challenge ever set before woman. The virtuous woman "fears the Lord," cares for her family, and has the respect of her husband and children (vss. 30; 13-15, 21, 27; 11, 12, 28, 31). Her speech is commendable, she aids the needy, and properly adorns herself (vs. 26; 20; 22-25). She is not limited to the needs and sphere of her family. We know this because the virtuous woman is presented as industrious and engaging in financial ventures of her own (vs. 16, 24, 27). In all these "extra" efforts, however, she does not neglect her primary duty, her family. The virtuous woman is said to be immensely valuable, "her price is far above rubies" (vs. 10). The expression "virtuous woman" is from the Hebrew ishshah chayil and literally means "one of power either in mind or body, or both." As one source comments, "She is the perfect housewife, the chaste helpmate of her husband, upright, God-fearing, economical, wise" (The Pulpit Commentary, Vol. 9, pg. 597). The virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 especially stands out today in contrast to the "modern woman," the product of the Feminist's Movement. We shall engage in a study of God's ideal woman under four approaches: Her value; her domesticity; her characteristics; and her rewards. The value of the virtuous woman. First, her value is seen in her virtuosity. "Who can find a virtuous woman?" asked the writer, "for her price is far above rubies" and "Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised" (vs. 10; 30). Value can be determined by contribution. In the case of the virtuous woman, she greatly contributes to her husband, children, the poor, society, and to herself (vs. 11, 12, cp. 12: 4; 15; 20; 24; 17, 22). Be impressed, dear reader, with the fact that the woman is praised for qualities that she herself has developed! The value of women to any culture, society, and the church of Christ cannot be over emphasized. Women can contribute to overall goodness and moral integrity or they can tear down and destroy. Women are often more resistant to moral decay and, therefore, serve as a restraint. When women "become one of the boys," so to speak, society is in for trouble (much of what is happening today). God's ideal woman stands in sharp contrast with the too often modern woman with her tattoos, cursing, and selfish and shallow promiscuous lifestyle. She attends to the needs of her family. A cursory examination of Proverbs 31: 10-31 reveals the emphasis and priority of God's woman: her family. She is seen busy in activities that pertain to the good and well being of her husband and children. She does good to her husband and not evil and "she riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household" (vs. 12; 15). She is not concerned with the threats of nature, because she has made ready for her family against nature (vs. 21). The fact of her primary concern being her family is seen in the language: "She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness" (vs. 27). The teaching of Proverbs 31 is in perfect harmony with the teaching of the New Testament relative to the role of woman. In Paul's inspired epistle to Titus, Paul says regarding older women: "That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed" (Tit. 2: 4, 5). The characteristics of the virtuous woman. When we consider the characteristics of God's woman, we can see why she is "ishshal chayil," a woman of force and power. Let us briefly mention how she is described and appreciate the fact that these are not surface traits, but they actually emanate from her character. She fears the Lord; hence she is characterized by pienty (vs. 30). Purity and loyalty abound (vs. 10, 11, 12). She is kind, benevolent, and selfless (vs. 26, 20, 15, 20, 27). As opposed to bitterness and complaining, cheerfulness is seen (vs. 21). She is wise and dignified (vs. 26; 22). An outstanding characteristic of the virtuous woman is her industry. This zeal and resourcefulness is seen in the promotion of her household (vs. 13, 15, 19, 21, 27). She is a manufacturer, merchant, and landowner (vs. 24; 24; 16). She even cultivates the soil (vs. 16). Who said the godly wife and mother cannot be involved in enterprise outside her physical house? Look again at the virtuous woman (vs. 24; 16). She is presented as what we would call an entrepreneur. She is involved in such enterprise, yet, does not neglect her family! The reward of being a virtuous woman. First, be impressed with the fact that God's woman is a woman of real power. Which is more far reaching: to work primarily at a secular career and promote a company in providing some often whimsical product or contributing to the very foundation of society and mankind itself, the family? Herein is power! Too often great women go unnoticed and without praise. Not so with the godly woman of our text. We read, "Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also and he praiseth her" and "Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates" (vs. 28; 31). Appreciate the fact that the wife has personal recognition, "let her own works praise her in the gates." What a statement, especially when viewed in the Jewish setting in which it is made! Beloved, above and beyond all praise, recognition, and joy of this earth, heaven is the ultimate reward for God's people (Matt. 5: 12). We need more women today who are seeking to emulate the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 and not Hollywood's version of the successful woman. God's woman is of real substance and lasting quality and will offer important contributions to herself, family, and society as a whole. May their tribe increase. The Behavior of Woman Titus 2:3-5 teaches us how women, both younger and older, should act. And to be honest it is in direct contrast of we see in the home, work place, classroom and community today. First lets discuss our older women. Older women are to be reverent and pure. They are to be set apart for the world in thought and behavior. They should only move and speak in the spirit of holiness and be focuses on sacred things. Older women should be pious in their speech and appearance. Older women are not to be gossipers. Another word for that is slanderer. A person that goes around talking about others and stirring up mischief. This is so sinful that Satan himself is called a “slanderer”. An older woman should not be addicted to alcohol. Over indulgence in alcohol will cause you not to have a clear and focused mind. Older women are to teach and mentor younger women in part by living a Godly life and setting a Godly example. As far as younger women are concerned they are to love their husbands unselfishly, sacrificially and peaceably. Younger women are to love their children. This command addresses the issues of child abuse and child neglect. Many times child neglect is the result of one putting ones profession before her children. This capitalist country, and Christianity for that matter, teaches us that the more you have in the form of material things, the more blessed you are. It is in no way healthy to work so much that you can’t give your children the attention they deserve, seek and need. There is no way you can over emphasize the importance of a mother’s relationship to her child. The mother is the first and most influential teacher the child will ever have. Child cannot raise any higher than the maturity and morality thought to it by its mother. Younger women should be self-controlled. This means you should be in full control of your desires, thoughts and emotions. There should be no over indulging in partying, drinking and eating. You must also be in full control of your speech. Younger woman are to be pure in their thoughts and actions. Younger woman are to be busy in the home(homemakers). This is not to say that a woman cannot go outside the home. She should not be better known outside the home by the world than inside the home by her family. Younger women are to be kind and caring. She should treat all people with the same respect she feels she deserves. Many of us today are selfish and only treat people as they treat us. It is the duty of all women to look out for their brothers and sisters. God demands it! Younger women are to be subject to their husbands. Gods plan is that there be a partnership between man and woman. They are to be completely dependent on one another. It must be understood that, contrary to current feminist movement efforts, Gods word is the same yesterday, today and forever. Man was, still is and always will be the head. However this has nothing to do with worth or value. The Bible teaches that a powerful woman is priceless. We are talking about order. In every organization there must be order; there must be a leader to be efficient. God has ordained man for this role. Why must woman live as God says? So Gods Word does not get dishonored or slandered. The woman who claims to follow Christ yet does not show it takes power away from his word. It causes people to think “ All Christians are hypocrites. Gods word has no real power. This woman does not take his word seriously why should I.” But Gods word is alive and powerful. The problem is men and women don’t… spend enough time studying GODs Word, learning how they are to carry themselves. spend enough time in prayer asking God for guidance and strength to live in victory over the trials of the world. don’t discipline their lives and their tongues. Submit To One’s Own Husband (1 Peter 3:1-6) Thanks in part to today’s feminist movement, submitting to your husband is strong. This Biblical teaching is thought to be old-fashioned and out dated. Really the problem is not in what God says but rather in our understanding of what God says. Any woman that rejects the Word of God, does so either because she does not fully understand the Word or is not willing to follow it. In no way is God giving man license to act as a Tyrant or dictator who treats woman like she is inferior. Submission is about order, cooperation, relationship and partnership. Though the husband is the leader, husband and wife are to walk hand and hand throughout life as equal partners. As I stated before every body or organization must have a leader. In the home, that leader is man, with woman in her submission to Gods will submitting to her husbands leadership, authority and control. On the football field the team is one unit, but there is a leader, the quarterback. Those who respect their coach must submit to the leadership of the quarterback. A wife should submit herself to her husband by living a pure life. Pure meaning without defilement. When a woman marries a man she sets herself aside for that man only. She does not give herself any other man in act or thought. That’s right sexual thoughts of other men, including actors and singers, still causes you to be unpure (Mat. 5:8, Mat 5:28; 1Th 4:3, Titus 2:4-5). A woman should never dress to attract attention. The word adornment means that in public she carries herself in a manner that does not attract attention. Indeed as a “woman of virtue” your goal is to dress moderately. You want to help people, not seduce them; serve people, not destroy them; and attract people to Yashua, you point them to yourself. People cannot see Elihim in you if all their attention is on your outward physical appearance. Further more you never want to cause man to stumble. (Rom. 6:13; 1 Peter 3:3-5) When a woman is in Christ, she is a new being. Her old self is now dead. This means she does not focus on perishable things and trends like fashion and hairstyles. Her focus is now on building and feeding her spirit. When a woman tries so hard to dress up her physical body it can be a sign that she is trying to hide an ugly spirit. It is in GODs plan for woman to be the first teacher of the child. Since she is the first teacher, she is the teacher that leaves the greatest impression. But before you can pass knowledge to your offspring you must first educate yourself. You must gain “knowledge of self” and you must walk with GOD and study his word. It takes a GODly woman to raise a GODly child. It takes a woman who knows the ways of the Lord to instruct her child in the ways of the Lord. When you walk with GOD and study his ways then you will naturally understand how to speak, teach and minister to others. Like any of GODs ambassadors, the Christian woman is automatically commissioned to be a messenger and teacher to the people. It is not an option. It is your duty. The time has come for us, both men and woman, to stop falling for Satan’s lie of what a woman is supposes to look and act like. We are told that the negative images and stereotypes are what we should be living. Anything out side of that is not “keeping it real”. Satan’s goal is to keep you detracted,to keep your mind off of GODs promises and commandments. He does just that by keeping you amused and entertained. Using this method he keeps you in ignorance and in bondage. The African American family cannot rise until the mother rises. The African American community shall not overcome until the woman overcomes. SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES of SUCCESSFUL WOMEN 1. In everything you do, always put GOD first. Many of us have a habit of putting other people first or putting ourselves before anyone or anything. This is what we are taught to do, but it is incorrect and it is damaging. Eloihim must always come first. Everything you do, whether at home or the work place you must do for him. He comes before your spouse, your boss, your children, your customers. If you put GOD first, all your other relationships will be stronger and healthier. You will not and can not have any GOD before him. Anything you give more attention and time to is your GOD. Your life, your business, your relationships will work better when you place everything in its proper order. 2. No matter what, always treat people as you wish to be treated. We love revenge. Its human nature. But remember human nature is full of sin. It’s so easy to just give what we receive but that is not the mind of Yashua and it is not the way of Yahweh. In everything we should only give what we expect. If you are a server in a restaurant, give the service you feel you deserve. Of you are the boss or leader, give your subordinates the respect you feel you should receive. Remember, Yashua knew Judas would betray him. He even called Judas the Devil. Yet he still washed Judas feet! How much better would this world be if we all lived by this principle? 3. Always Give GOD nothing less then your very best. Everything you do is a sacrifice to GOD. He is sick of your sorry substandard sacrifices. He deserves and will only accept your “A game”. It does not have to be the best but it must be your best. Music, books, movies and so forth would be better if we put our all into all that we do and make sure it is our best before we present it. 4. Always begin your day or end your day staying GOD’s word. Many of us have no knowledge of GODs will, or how we are to carry ourselves because we spend little or no time learning his word. If we were to study his word, believe his word and live his word we would live more fruitful productive lives. 5. Pray everyday,Throughout the day. I bet you only pray when you need or want something huh? And maybe before you eat. Communication is a key for any relationship to work. How can you and GOD know each other if you don’t spend time with one another and talk to each other? 6. Never forget, it’s not about you! 7. Trust GOD’s will for your life. Many of us have one of two problems. We either don’t believe GODs word or we are afraid its true and we don’t want to embrace our destiny. Embrace you mission and accept it. You will not rest well until you do. GOD is here to walk with you every step of the way. 8. Develop “water walking faith”. Remember, Peter did walk on water. It was not until he took his focus off GOD and started to look around at the storm he was him that he begin to sink. Though you are in the mist of a storm pay it no attention. Keep your focus on GOD. He will give you real power. Then you will not only feel, you will know you cannot and will not lose. 9. Stay focused on and believe in your purpose. GOD created us all for a specific reason. Each of us has a purpose and a role to play. What are yours and are you living it? If you have no idea what your purpose is you need to ask the creator to tell you. 10. identify and write down words or phrases that block you from your blessings. Write a list of words/phrases that do not empower you and another list of words that do empower you. You can live a more productive life just using powerful words. Rather than saying “ I hate my job”, say “I’m seeking better employment”; don’t say “I’m trying”, say “I'm doing”. 12. Refrain from gossip, back stabbing, and empty fruitless words. Always keep your speech pure and clean. Never should you use the mouth in obscene, shameful, foul, polluted, immoral conversation. Never engage in empty, foolish, purposeless talk. Never should you use off color jokes at parties or at breaks. Our conversation should build people up and offer praise to GOD. 13. Eat plenty of live organic fruits and vegetables that feed your mind. The foods you consume should give you energy and make you feel good. If you feel tired and sluggish after eating any meal, you are eating the wrong foods. As the old cliché goes “ You eat to live not live to eat”. 14. Tell the truth at all times. Deception serves no positive benefit to the deceiver or the deceived. Be known as a women who stands by her word, Let your yes be yes and your no be no.
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Free Music Downloads

sonzofgod6 Here's my Christian Hip Hop collection download links: If you like any of my downloads, please buy the albums to support the artist. Trip Lee: 20/20 (2008) - If They Only Knew (2006) - Lecrae: Rebel (2008) - After The Music Stops (2006) - Real Talk (2005) - Json: Life On Life (2008) - The Seasoning (2005) - Flame: Our World Redeemed (2008) - Our World Fallen (2007) - Flame (2004) - Everyday Process: The Process of Illumination & Elimination (2007) - Truth or Lie Mixtape Vol 1 - 116 Clique: The Compilation Album (2005) - 13 Letters (2007) - R-Swift: Revolutionary Theme Muzik (2007) - SoapBox (2008) - Sho Baraka: Turn My Life Up (2007) - Tedashii: Kingdom People (2006) - Da T.R.U.T.H.: Open Book (2007) - The Faith (2005) - Moment of Truth (2004) - Phanatik: Crime & Consequences (2007) - The Incredible Walk (2005) - The Ambassador: The Thesis (2005) - Tru-Life: The Journal, Vol. 1 (2005) - Cross Movement: History Our Place In His Story (2007) - Why Hip Hop? (2005) - Gift Rap (2004) -
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SojournBraille hit me up and it turns out HIP HOP IS MUSIC is back in full effect. Look for new heat from Sojourn. His new album "Sojournalism: The Summer Articles" will drop on 9-01-2009 Peep the track list 1. Welcome intro - beat by Supreme Keys 2. Expectations - beat by Sojourn 3. Get Back - beat by Oh No / cuts by DJ Rip One 4. Art Verses Commerce - beat by Rusland of The Breax 5. Fool's Gold - beat by Choice 37 6. Human Resource - beatbox by Sojourn / featuring Big Rec 7. Say Something - beat by Sojourn / cuts by DJ Spark 8. Cause and Effect - beat by PNS of the Molemen 9. Solutionists - beat by Theory Hazit / featuring Sivion and Surreal 10. The Craving - beat by Dert / cuts by DJ Idull 11. Civil War - beat by Theory Hazit / cuts by DJ Spark 12. 10,000 - beat by S1 / featuring Braille and Theory Hazit 13. Definitely Special - beat by Dert 14. Road Less Traveled - beat by Sojourn / featuring BlameOne and Future Shcok 15. All Things Considered - beat by Soulution 16. Sojournalism - beat by Sojourn / cuts by DJ Spark Now thats hot! I can't wait. And it seems Brille can't wait eather, check out what he had to say... " The release of Sojourn's album "Sojournalism: The Summer Articles" marks a new chapter in Hiphop IS Music history. The lead single sends the message loud and clear - "let us get back to what we call Hiphop". It's what we do!!! We've been on hiatus for a couple years, rebuilding and making adjustments. We've learned how to survive in this harsh industry climate and our accumulated experiences birthed a sense of confidence and humility to push forward with boldness. Partnering with an artist like Sojourn who we greatly respect and admire makes it all the more rewarding. There is far more to be said about the life and times of Sojourn, but you should listen to his audible journal first, and maybe read a few interviews."
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“Love” What we could use in the world today more then anything else is love. True love, real love. If mankind had authentic love for one another, war, world hunger, homelessness, abuse, crime and so on would all come to an end. Love begins and ends with GOD. He is the author. It was created by him and out of his nature. When we, as Christians were filled with the Holy Spirit, he gave us the spirit of love as a gift. It is his desire that we share this gift with all that we come in contact with. We are most like GOD when we show love. In truth The Bible records the greatest love story ever written, GOD's unconditional love for his that sent his “Sun” to die on the cross (John 3:16; 1 John 4:10).

Love is more then attribute of GOD. It's is in fact apart of his nature (Dueut. 7:7-8). According to the Bible “GOD is love,” that is he is the personification of love (1 Jn 4:8, 16). This type of love out reaches human understanding (Eph. 3:19). The love of GOD is everlasting (Jer. 31:3), free (Hos. 14:4) sacrificial (Jn 3:16), and enduring to the end (Jn 13:1). In GOD's Word there are two different Greek words that mean “to love.” The word phileo means “to have ardent affection and feeling,” a brotherly love. This is why Phillidphia is known as “the city of brotherly love.” The word “agapao” means “to have esteem or high regard” GOD blessed Each of us with spiritual gifts. Shamefully many of us use these gifts to glorify ourselves. According to 1 Corinthians 13:2 this has nothing to do with love. But then in verse 3 of the same chapter Paul teaches that giving with out true love is pointless. If we give to feed our pride, we are giving in vain! Remember we said “GOD is love” and love is his nature. 1 Cor. 13: 4-7 list the Characteristics of love which so happen to be the characteristics of GOD. Love “is patient,” meaning it suffers long with people.; no matter the evil and the injury done by a person; no matter the neglect from a loved one, without anger. Love “is kind,” meaning it is good, helpful and giving. It does not hurt. Love does not envy; it does not get Jealous. Love does not boast; does not brag or seek honor or recognition. Love is not proud or arrogant and conceited. It's not about thinking your better then others. Love is not rude. It is full of order and control. It does not shame itself. Love is not self seeking, meaning its not selfish. It seeks to serve. Love is not easily angered, not ready to take offense. Not “touchy.” Love keeps no record of wrongs, does not consider the wrong suffered. It suffers the evil done to it and forgets it Love does not delight in evil or take pleasure of the sin of others Love rejoices when the truth is rooted and grounded in a person and among all people. Love Protects and bears all things. The Word protects or bears means both to cover all things and to bear up under all things. Love always trust. It is completely trusting. It accepts and believes the very best about a person Love always hopes; it never stops hoping. It expects the good to eventfully triumph. Love always preserve. The word preserves is a military word meaning to stand against the attack of an enemy. Love is strong and full of fight. But are you full of Love?
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Review - Mr. Del - Thrilla

Review - Mr. Del - Thrilla by Claude Atcho There’s been a good deal of discussion, controversy, and contention about Mr. Del. Message board fanatics have debated and questioned whether or not is music is truly God-glorifying in its content and supporters and doubters have exchanged comment after comment emphatically stating their points. In the midst of all this, Mr. Del’s kept doing his thing and been quite successful, recently inking a new lucrative distribution deal. Despite hearing all perspectives on the man and his music, Thrilla is my first introduction to the world of Mr. Del and I like to think I’ve reserved judgment based on the music rather than the two cents of everyone else. According to the Memphis native, Thrilla is an acronym for “the real anointing” and the album ranges thematically from getting crunk for Christ to celebrating the goodness of Christ, to Del’s transparent reflections on his life and upbringing in the hood. It should go without saying that Del is the epitome of a southern rapper; sonically, Thrilla fits the bill as well. Thrilla predominately features the trademarked thick, crunk beats that so many have come to love from the southern hip-hop scene. On the mic, Del is pretty close to flawless with the flow and delivery. Lyrically, Del isn’t anything to call home about but as a southern rapper, I assume that’s not really his aim. If you approach a southern hip-hop album looking for shai linne-esque lyricism than you’re more than likely going to get frustrated to ruin your day (southern emcees run in their lane, and it’s worthwhile to appreciate them for it rather than force them to comply to something else). With Thrilla, it seems Del has taken aim to provide listeners with a crunk soundtrack to enjoy as they live life and celebrate Christ--while giving them a deeper glimpse into his life story. That said, I’d classify Thrilla as a mild success-- there are a number of joints that will get you up and doing the latest dance trend, there are a few cuts that emphatically celebrate Christ and Del is certainly at his best performing the later and on the introspective tip. Still, Thrilla’s successes don’t equate to musical longevity. Given the album’s banging production and catchy hooks, Thrilla is a album that is well suited for the summer but not too much after that. Clocking in at 20 tracks with no skits, Thrilla offers a lot of material to be digested. While some tracks sound similar and sort of blend into others, Del provides quite a few noteworthy tracks. Before settling into a predominately southern sound, Thrilla kicks off with “Want It,” a rhythmic, flute-infused joint as Del takes aim at his critics and remarks at having to “fight the devil and the body, too”. Musically, this joint bangs even if the way Del responds to the critics is over the top. “Spread the Gospel” is Del’s evangelistic anthem and an innovative one at that. Mali Music provides a reggae-inspired hook over an intriguing snap beat. For those who say Del isn’t about the gospel, I think this track would answer that issue. Del gets on the crunk/party tip with “Crunk Az Me” and “Rock it Out,” two catchy joints that most will either hate or love. Featuring a Lil’ Jon sample and system-rattling drums, “Crunk Az Me” is the definition of a southern banger. Again the issue isn’t so much the production but rather the content. The track features IroCc and Gammage along with Del and it’s really only Gammage who comes correct and says anything of significance. Del settles by closing his verse saying, “Jesus alive and I‘m the golden child/you seen them other rappers jockin‘ my style.” Just because a song bangs doesn’t give a rapper license to say next to nothing of thought and significance. “Rock it Out” sounds like a number out of Soulja Boy and Arab’s playbook, complete with growling during the hook and their trademark “YOU!” I’m not going to lie though, the joint is catchy and it bangs hard. This is another hate it or love it joint. Guest artists Canton Jones and IroCc fail to help Del’s cause as they settle for talking about rims while Del’s verse is focuses on rocking out for the Lord. I do have a slight problem with Cajo and IroCc bragging about rims and again it’s this hitch with the content that, for me, taints an otherwise hype song. On tracks “Reverse the Curse,” “Run Away,” and “My Life Rated R (Real),” Del testifies to the transformative power of the gospel and does so well. “Reverse the Curse” features a hypnotic beat as Del hits on the power of God to free all from the past. “Run Away” is a great Christ-centered praise anthem featuring, the up and coming group, Movement of Truth. They team with Del over a Timbaland-esque beat to celebrate the faithfulness of God. These are some of the best tracks on Thrilla as the content matches with the quality of the production. Though it might not have a lot of replay value, “My Life Rated R (Real)” is also one of the better tracks on Thrilla. Del revisits the story of family and his hard-upbringing while testifying to the grace and providence of God. “Don‘t Do It” is similar in nature but unfortunately, the beat (though featuring a dope soul sample) sounds wildly under-produced as does the mixing of the track. It’s truly a shame as the transparency of Del on the track is moving. The album closes with “Indescribable,” a great blend of worship and street flavor. Beckah Shae contributes a stellar hook while Del gives three hard verses of Christ-filled praise. This track leaves you wishing there were more like it on the album. All in all, Thrilla has quite a few dope tracks but as a whole, the album is nothing spectacular. The beats bang, Del is cool on the mic, and the content, while at times curious, is still centered around Christ. Fans of southern hip-hop ought to check Thrilla out; it’s a good disc to have in the whip for the summer. Label: DmG Records / Universal Music Release Date: June 30 2009 Tracklisting: 1. Want It 2. More Than A Conqueror 3. Crunk Az Me 4. Panic Room 5. Rock It Out 6. Spread The Gospel 7. Checkin' My Swag 8. Get Dom 9. Out There 10. Blessed Fresh 11. This Is It 12. Step Forward 13. U Can Do It 2 14. Faith Walk 15. Rite Back 16. Reverse The Curse 17. Don't Do It 18. Run Away 19. My Life Rated 'R'eal 20. Indescribable Read more:
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Lesson 5


In our last lesson, Paul concluded his second preaching trip and began his third. This lesson studies the conclusion of that trip.

I. A Visit with the Ephesian Elders - Acts 20:13-38

The Journey Continues

>>> Please read Acts 20:13-17. <<< *1* Why was Paul hurrying to reach Jerusalem? Answer: Paul wanted to be in Jerusalem for ______. *2* Whom did he call to meet him at Miletus? Answer: He called to him the ______ of the church at Ephesus. Comment: Paul had waited 7 days at Troas, so he could break bread with the disciples (20:6,7). Though hurrying to reach Jerusalem by Pentecost, yet he stayed behind in Troas, then left by land to catch up with the ship (vv 13-16). Why didn't he meet with the church on an earlier day? As discussed in our last lesson, the answer is that the first day of the week was the special day when Christians met to have the Lord's supper. We have studied before about elders. These men must meet special qualifications (Titus 1:5-9; 1 Tim. 3:1-7) and are then appointed within a local church (Acts 14:23). Every passage about elders in a local church, speaks of them as being plural (see Acts 14:23; 15:4,22; 20:17; Phil. 1:1; 1 Peter 5:1,2). Here Paul met with the elders of the church in Ephesus.

Paul's Speech

>>> Please read Acts 20:18-27. <<< *3&4* In what circumstances had Paul taught (v20)? Answer: He taught ______ and from ______. *5&6* What was predicted would happen to him in Jerusalem? Answer: ______and ______ awaited him in Jerusalem. *7* How much of God's word had he taught? (a) some, (b) most, (c) none, (d) the whole counsel of God. Answer: ______. Comments: Paul began by describing his work in Asia, including Ephesus. Despite persecution, he had taught the gospel to Jews and Gentiles, publicly and from house to house (i.e., in various homes - cf. Acts 5:40-42). He was convinced that chains and tribulation also awaited him at Jerusalem, so he was sure he would never see them again. Yet he was confident that he had fulfilled his duty to them, having thoroughly taught them the whole counsel of God (vv 20,27). Many preachers today are not like Paul. Some will not go to peoples' homes to teach. Others will not preach some Biblical teachings that people really need to hear. As a result many people today fail to understand what God requires of them (see 2 Tim. 3:16-4:2; Ezek. 33:1-9). >>> Please read Acts 20:28-31. <<< *8* In what position were these men placed in the church? Answer: The Holy Spirit had made them ______. *9* What price did God pay to purchase the church? Answer: Jesus purchased the church with His ______. *10* What should the elders watch for? (a) wolves, (b) teachers of perverse things, (c) those who draw away disciples, (d) all the preceding. Answer: ______. *11* Read 1 Peter 5:1-3. What flock do a group of elders oversee? (a) all the local churches throughout a diocese, (b) the flock among them or entrusted to their care, (c) all congregations in the world, (d) it does not say. Answer: ______. Comments: Note first that Jesus purchased the church with His blood. Some folks say that church membership is not essential to salvation. But the New Testament church is the body of people who have been purchased and saved by Jesus' blood (Acts 2:47; 20:28; Eph. 5:23,25). How can we be saved outside that body? The elders (v17) are "overseers" (or "bishops") who act as "shepherds" (see the word for "pastors" in Eph. 4:11). Contrary to what some think, these words do not refer to different offices, but are just different words for the same work (see also 1 Peter 5:1,2; Titus 1:5-7). It follows that a preacher is not the same position as a pastor. A pastor is an elder or bishop, who must have special qualifications to be appointed. And remember that elders (pastors) in a local church must be plural. No one man alone ever oversaw a local church (see notes on v17 above). Elders lead or oversee a congregation, like shepherds lead a flock (cf. 1 Peter 5:1,2). They watch to protect the flock from false teachers (vv 29,30). They "rule," subject to the authority of Christ, so other members should obey and submit to them (1 Tim. 5:17; Heb. 13:7,17). They must not lead the church to practice unauthorized acts (Matthew 15:9,13; Galatians 1:8,9; 2 John 9-11). But they make decisions to lead the congregation to carry out the acts God has authorized the church to do. 1 Peter 5:1,2 shows that elders lead the flock "among them." This is the flock where they have been appointed (Acts 20:28). Remember, each church has its own elders (Acts 14:23), so the work of elders is a local work. No elders can supervise the work or funds of more than one church. Centralized earthly church officers and organizations are without Bible authority. Each church should function independently under the leadership of its own local leaders, following the teachings of Jesus.

>>> Please read Acts 20:32-38. <<<

*12&13* What did Jesus teach about giving? Answer: It is more blessed to ______ than to ______. *14* Why was Paul's departure from the elders especially sad? Answer: They grieved because they would never see ______ again. Comments: Paul concluded by teaching Christians to not be selfish or greedy (covetous), but to work with our hands and share. "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Selfish people are unhappy people. This is true spiritually and physically. Many of life's greatest blessings can be enjoyed only by sharing them with others: love, joy, salvation, etc. Paul concluded the meeting with prayer. The separation was tearful, especially because he had clearly stated that he did not expect to ever see them again on earth.

II. The Journey to Jerusalem - Acts 21:1-16

>>> Please read Acts 21:1-7. <<< *15* What warning did disciples at Tyre give to Paul? (a) none, (b) not to go to Jerusalem, (c) to repent of his sins, (d) all the preceding. Answer: ______. *16* How did Paul's company separate from the disciples at Tyre? Answer: They knelt on the shore and ______. Comments: The account then traces the journey of Paul's company by ship to Tyre . There they found disciples, who warned Paul of the danger of going to Jerusalem (apparently, this was not an inspired command, but just a warning of what to expect if he did go there). Before leaving, Paul's company prayed on the shore with the disciples. It is appropriate to ask God's blessings on our travels, especially when we are separating from loved ones. >>> Please read Acts 21:8-16. <<< *17* In whose home did they stay in Caesarea? (a) Philip's, (b) Paul's, (c) Peter's, (d) disciples could not own homes. Answer: ______. *18* How did Agabus demonstrate Paul's coming imprisonment? Answer: He bound himself with Paul's ______. Comments: In Caesarea the company visited in the home of Philip the evangelist (see Acts 6 and 8). This evangelist had a home and a family (four daughters). His daughters had the gift of prophecy, showing again that women can be valuable teachers of the word. A prophet named Agabus (cf. Acts 11:28) predicted Paul's arrest in Jerusalem by binding himself with Paul's belt. Though the disciples pled with him, Paul remained determined to go to Jerusalem. Note that New Testament teachers effectively used illustrations and visual aids.

III. Paul's Arrest in the Temple - Acts 21:17-40

Purification in the Temple

>>>Please read Acts 21:17-26. <<< *19&20* What did the church leaders say people thought Paul taught? Answer: Some thought Paul taught people not to ______ their children or follow (Jewish) ______. *21* What did they recommend Paul do as a solution? Answer: Paul should join some men who were completing their ______ of purification. Comments: At Jerusalem Paul met with leaders in the church and explained his work to them. They recalled how they had agreed that Gentiles need not keep the law (see Acts 15), but some Jewish Christians were upset thinking Paul taught they should not be circumcised or keep Jewish customs. These leaders suggested Paul join certain Jewish men in fulfilling their vows according to the law. Paul agreed to do so. The men involved apparently had Nazarite vows, as described in Numbers 6. Paul's conduct here is generally considered one of the most difficult events in Acts to understand. Paul had clearly taught that the Old Testament law is not binding authority for our practices today. See Heb. 10:1-10; 7:11-14; 8:6-13; 9:1-4; Gal. 3:24,25; 5:1-6; Col. 2:13-17. He did, however, keep some aspects of the law (including circumcision) as civil law or social custom, as long as it was not viewed as spiritual or religious requirement (see on Acts 16:3; 1 Cor. 9:19-23). This may explain much of Paul's conduct here, but more may also have been involved.

Paul's Arrest

>>> Please read Acts 21:27-40. <<< *22* What accusations did Asian Jews make against Paul? (a) he opposed the people, (b) he opposed the law, (c) he opposed the temple, (d) he brought a Greek into the temple, (e) all the preceding. Answer: ______. *23* Who rescued Paul? (a) the disciples, (b) the church elders, (c) the commander of the Roman soldiers, (d) all the preceding. Answer: ______. Comments: The decision to have Paul help men complete their vows in the temple may have been well intentioned, but it backfired. Asian Jews, seeing Paul in the temple, started a riot. They accused Paul of teaching against the people, the law, and the temple, and they jumped to the false conclusion that he had brought a Greek into the temple. They seized Paul, dragged him out of the temple, and began beating him, intending to kill him. The Roman commander, however, brought soldiers and rescued Paul. When Paul had identified himself to the commander, he obtained permission to speak to the people.

IV. Paul's Defense to the Mob - Acts 22:1-29

Jesus' Appearance to Paul

>>> Please read Acts 22:1-10. <<< *24* How had Paul treated Christians before his conversion? Answer: He had ______ Christians, binding and imprisoning them. *25* Who had appeared to him on the road to Damascus? Answer: ______ had appeared to Paul on the road to Damascus. Comments: Paul used his arrest as an opportunity to teach the crowd the truth, but he began by discussing common ground. Like his hearers, Paul had been brought up in Judaism, strictly taught the law. He understood their views. He even understood their opposition to the gospel, for he too had been a great persecutor of the church. His conversion had not been caused by a lack of knowledge or faith in the law. He explained his change by describing the evidence that convinced him: the appearance of Jesus on the Damascus road. We will study this briefly, since we studied it closely in Acts 9. Jesus' appearance proved to Paul that Jesus was alive. This confirmed the resurrection and should have convinced Paul's hearers that the gospel is true. Jesus told Paul to go into the city to be told the things appointed for him to do. Modern denominational preachers say people are saved by "faith alone," so "there is nothing to do." Jesus did not so teach. He said there were things Paul must do. We will examine them as we proceed.

Paul's Conversion and Preaching

>>> Please read Acts 22:11-21. <<< *26* When were Paul's sins washed away? (a) before baptism, (b) the moment he believed, (c) when he had been baptized. Answer: ______. *27* Why had Paul later left Jerusalem to preach to Gentiles? Answer: The Lord told Paul this in a ______ while Paul was in the temple. Comments: The Lord sent a disciple named Ananias to Paul. He said Paul would be a witness of what he had seen and heard, referring to Jesus' appearance to Paul. Like other apostles, Paul had to be able to testify that he had seen Christ alive (Acts 1:21; 1 Cor. 9:1; 15:4-8). Then Ananias told Paul what the Lord had appointed for him to do. He said to be baptized and wash away his sins. Contrary to denominational teaching, baptism is clearly essential to salvation from sin. Paul had already done all that most denominations say is necessary. He clearly believed in Jesus when he saw Him, and he had even been praying (Acts 9:11). Nevertheless, he still had his sins till he was baptized. See also Mark 16:15,16; Acts 2:38; Rom. 6:3,4; Gal. 3:27; 1 Peter 3:21. Consider also the urgency of Scriptural baptism. Ananias urged Paul not to wait. Note the following expressions in Acts that show the urgency of baptism:
Acts 2:41 -- "those who gladly received his word were baptized ... that day" Acts 8:36 -- "What hinders me from being baptized?" Acts 16:33 -- "...the same hour of the night ... immediately he and all his family were baptized Acts 22:16 -- "And now, why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins..."
Most denominations disobey the Bible examples and postpone baptism, because they do not see it as essential to salvation. Paul then told how, in Jerusalem after his baptism, he was persecuted for preaching Jesus. Jesus then came in a vision and told him to go preach to the Gentiles. Paul's story would explain to the mob why Paul had begun to preach the gospel of Christ and why he had been teaching Gentiles.

The People's Reaction

>>> Please read Acts 22:22-30. <<< *28* How did the commander intend to examine Paul? Answer: He intended to ______ Paul. *29* How did Paul protect himself and avoid this mistreatment? Answer: Paul informed them that he was a ______. Comments: The people listened to Paul until he said he would preach to Gentiles. This reminded the people of their objections to Paul, so they reacted violently, calling out that he was not fit to live. The commander was confused by this violence and decided to examine Paul by scourging. This was illegal treatment of a Roman citizen. Paul avoided this mistreatment by again appealing to his Roman citizenship. Once again the gospel shows that Christians may use their rights as citizens to protect them from harm. The commander then determined to bring Paul before the Jewish council to let them examine him.

V. Paul before the Council - Acts 23:1-10

>>> Please read Acts 23:1-10. <<< *30* Paul had lived his life with what kind of conscience? (a) bad, (b) good, (c) guilty, (d) seared, (e) all the preceding. Answer: ______. *31* What did Paul say that caused dissension in the council? Answer: He was on trial because of his hope in the ______ of the dead. *32* What did Sadducees believe that Pharisees denied? Answer: Sadducees disbelieved in the ______. Comments: Paul began his defense by claiming innocence. He said he had lived his whole life in good conscience. Conscience is the faculty by which our minds tell us whether or not we are practicing our beliefs. Some folks claim that all one needs to do to please God is to be sincere and follow his conscience. "Just let your conscience be your guide." But Paul had lived in good conscience, including the time before he became a Christian, when he had been persecuting Christians. He had not violated his conscience, because he really believed he was doing what God wanted (Acts 26:9). Later, however, he realized that, in doing this, he had been the chief of sinners (1 Tim. 1:12-16). Christians should be sincere and have good consciences, but more is needed. Some people, like Paul, are sincere and have good consciences but are lost. Conscience simply tells a person whether or not he is following his beliefs. But if his beliefs are wrong, he will still be in error. The high priest had Paul slapped for claiming to be innocent! Realizing he would never receive justice here, Paul claimed he was on trial because of his faith in the resurrection of the dead. He referred, not just to the resurrection of all men, but to the resurrection of Jesus. The result was major turmoil in the council. The council consisted of Sadducees and Pharisees. The former denied the existence of resurrection, spirits, and angels. Like modern materialists, they believed death is the end of existence. The Pharisees, however, believed in resurrection, spirits, and life after death. By siding with the Pharisees, Paul caused such an uproar that the Roman commander had to end the hearing by rescuing Paul. Many passages teach that all men will someday be raised from the day and face Jesus in the judgment. Jesus' resurrection is the assurance that this will happen. Are you ready? See Acts 24:15; Luke 20:27-39; John 6:40-45; 5:21-29; 1 Corinthians 15:12-58; 6:14; 2 Corinthians 4:14; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.

Personal application questions:

*33* Do you believe in independent local churches led by qualified elders, or in centralized organizations? __________ *34* Were you baptized with the understanding that your sins would be washed away when you were baptized? __________
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The Reminder to Live as Good Citizens in the World (3:1-2)

3:1 Remind them to subject themselves to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work. 3:2 to slander no one, to be non-fighting (peaceable), to be gentle, showing all courtesy (considerateness) to all people (literal translation).

As the above translation demonstrates, the main command here is to remind the Cretans of certain duties that would naturally commend the gospel to those in the world at large. These duties are spelled out by six infinitives (the words in bold) with a sixth infinitive to be understood. This is then followed by a participial phrase (“showing all courtesy”) that could be taken as another command or as pointing to the manner in which all the duties listed are to be carried out or expressed or even to the results that occur when these duties are obeyed. But how are we to understand these duties? Do they all point to the Christian’s responsibilities to government or does “to be prepared for every good work” make a transition from one’s civic responsibilities to government to one’s duties as a good citizen within the world? As Fee suggests, “More likely this is a generalizing imperative that prepares the way for the rest of the list. It could include civic duty, but need not be so limiting.” In this study, the duties of verses 1-2 will be divided between responsibilities to government (vs. 1) and those to all people as good citizens (vs. 2).

Responsibilities to Government (3:1)

3:1 Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work.

As other New Testament passages do, this verse clearly points to the God-ordained place of human government in the affairs of men (cf. Rom. 13:1-7; 1 Tim. 2:1-7;1 Pet. 2:13). Here the apostle simply summarizes three key responsibilities—submission, obedience, and preparation—that promote good government and aid the work of governmental officials as keepers of law and order, which is their God-ordained task. But being faithful to these duties to government is often difficult because, being sinful men and also part of Satan’s world system, rulers are very often corrupt and unjust and fail to accomplish God’s purpose for government. It is easy, then, for Christians to fall into the pattern of the world and to malign and complain and act in rebellion against the government or to find excuses and seek ways to get around government’s authority or their duties to government. As Barclay points out,

Here there is laid down the public duty of the Christian; and it is advice which was particularly relevant to the people of Crete. The Cretans were notoriously turbulent and quarrelsome and impatient of all authority. Polybius, the Greek historian, said of them that they were constantly involved in “insurrections, murders and internecine wars.”156

Hendriksen concurs and writes,

Moreover, from the writings of Polybius and of Plutarch it appears that the Cretans were fretting and fuming under the Roman yoke. It is possible, therefore, that this circumstance had something to do with the precise nature of the present “reminder.”157

So Titus is called on to “remind them” of their duties to government. Because of the historical circumstances just mentioned and because Paul had obviously already taught the Cretan believers on this subject, Titus was to remind them. “Remind” is a present imperative that commands Titus to periodically repeat such teaching to cause them to keep these duties in mind. As those who are responsible to protect and lead the flock of God, church leaders and teachers of the Word often need to remind believers of God’s truth and never apologize for this. Note the following passages.

3:1 Finally, my brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord! To write this again is not a bother for me, and it is a safeguard for you (Phil. 3:1).

1:12 Therefore, I intend to remind you constantly of these things even though you know them and are well established in the truth that you now have. 1:13 Indeed, as long as I am in this tabernacle, I consider it right to stir you up by way of a reminder (2 Pet. 1:12-13).

The first duty is “to be subject.” This is hupatasso, “to rank under” and then “to be subject to.” As with 2:5, the voice of the verb should be understood as middle, “subject yourselves to.” The middle voice in place of the passive stresses the willing nature of the submission. Recognizing this as a divine responsibility, it is to be done willingly as an obedience to God (Rom. 13:1f). It will also be made easier if believers keep in mind the purpose of government as outlined in Romans 13 and if they pray for their rulers according to that purpose (1 Tim. 2:1f).

The apostle uses two abstract terms to designate government without pointing to any specific form of government or person.158 “To rulers” would apply to the Roman emperors, but by further application, it refers to the supreme civil powers in any form of government. “And authorities” takes this to the next level under the supreme commanders’ authority. It refers to deputies of the supreme ruler in the chain of command in any government system. For us, these two designations would refer to everything from the president down to the city government and local police.

“To be obedient” and “ready for every good work” gives further clarification to the meaning and results of “submission” to government as good citizens. “To be obedient” is peitharcheo, which literally means, “to obey authority” and then simply, “to be obedient.” Its use points to the various laws established by government. Significantly, it is used only four times in the New Testament (Acts 5:29, 32; 27:21 and Tit. 3:1) and in two of the places (Acts 5:29, 32), its use points us to the exception and the rule that holds true whenever human government clearly contradicts the higher authority of God and the clear commands of His Word. A classic illustration can be seen in Daniel 3:16-18.

The practical outworking of obedience would include things like paying taxes, being orderly in behavior, displaying honesty in business, and in general, obeying the laws of the land. But submission to government and being a good citizen does not stop with just obedience. It should also include being “ready (hetoimos, “ready, prepared”) for every good work.” Because of the context, this clause should not be limited to good works in the Christian community, but understood as broadening the believer’s responsibility in the world around him as an influence for good in the community. It would certainly include civic responsibility, but should not be limited to that in view of the context that follows (vs. 2).

There is an important contrast here that we should not miss. The fact that Christians can and should be prepared for every kind of good work stands in sharp contrast to the false teachers and the error they advocate. They are “unfit (unqualified, worthless) for any good work” (1:16) because what they advocate or teach is empty, they themselves become “useless and empty (futile)” (3:9). By contrast, believers who stand firmly on God’s truth in Christ rather than the “arguments” and “quarrels” of the false teacher, can become “ready for every good work.” Paul now begins to elaborate on what is meant by “every good work” in the verses that follow.

Responsibilities to All People (3:2)

3:2 They must not slander anyone, but be peaceable, gentle, showing complete courtesy to all people.

The addition of “anyone,” literally, “no one,” which is emphatic by position, suggests that the apostle is broadening this beyond the rulers to include all people. “To slander” is blasphemeo, “to slander, revile, defame, to injure the reputation of by slanderous remarks.” As Hiebert points out, “That does not mean that they are never to talk of and expose the evils of men, for Jesus Himself did so very forcefully. It means that they are not to malign, slander, or speak injuriously of others. Prevailing practices made this a constant snare to believers,…”159

In view of the degenerate moral behavior of many in our government in recent years, especially at the level of our highest office, it has become more and more difficult to refrain from abusive comments. It is right to hate the sin, to even become angry at the sinfulness that undermines the fiber of our society and that sets such a lousy example (cf. Eph. 4:26), but it is wrong for us to express this in ways that demonstrates hatefulness against the person and disrespect for the office. As verses 3-5 will demonstrate, God hates our sin, but in the coming of Christ, He has shown His kindness and love toward us as sinners. This demonstration of God’s love and kindness must temper our comments and attitudes toward others.

“To be peaceable,” is amachos, which literally means, “not fighting, uncontentious, non-combatant.” While “peaceable” is the dynamic equivalent and the goal in mind, it misses the force of amachos. Paul could have used eirenikos (from eirene, “peace”), which means “peaceable, peaceful.” Mache means “a fight, a quarrel, strife, contention.” So an amachos person is one who is not prone to fighting or starting quarrels. This does not mean that a Christian, as a good citizen, will not be ready to stand up for the principles he believes in and even give reasons for the hope that is in him (1 Pet. 3:15), but he is willing to allow others to hold to their opinions and is not one who is always ready to step into the ring with those who disagree with him. Those who are contentious and quarrelsome with their neighbors not only make poor citizens but poor testimonies for the Savior.

But as usual, the negative is quickly followed up with the positive and it is the next two qualities that give a person the capacity to be uncontentious. The Christian is also “to be gentle.” This is epieikes, “yielding, gentle, kind.”

Aristotle said of this word that it denotes “indulgent consideration of human infirmities.” That it denotes the ability “to consider not only the letter of the law, but also the mind and intention of the legislator.” The man who is epieikes is ever ready to tempter justice with mercy, and to avoid the injustice which often lies in being strictly just.160

In essence, then, the epieikes person is the opposite of the one who stands up to the very end for his or her legal rights. Behind this is undoubtedly the spirit of grace and mercy we are to show others just as God has done for us. The apostle will appeal to this in verses 4-7.

“Showing complete courtesy to all people” is the final positive quality that describes the good Christian citizen. As mentioned previously, “showing” is a present participle that could be taken as another command or as pointing to the manner in which all the duties listed are to be carried out or expressed or even to the results that occur when the previous duties are obeyed. “Courtesy” is the Greek prautes, “gentleness, meekness, courtesy, considerateness.” After discussing Aristotle’s comments on this word, Barclay describes it as follows.

… We might put it this way—the man who is praus is the man who is always angry at the right time and never angry at the wrong time.

That brings us to the use of praus which really illumines the whole matter. In Greek praus is used in one special sense. It is used—as is mitis in Latin—for a beast which has been tamed. A horse which was once wild but which has become obedient to the bit and to the bridle is praus.

Now herein lies the secret of the meaning of praus. There is a gentleness in praus but behind the gentleness there is the strength of steel, for the supreme characteristic of the man who is praus is that he is the man who is under perfect control. It is not a spineless gentleness, a sentimental fondness, a passive quietism. It is a strength under control. Num. 12.3 tells us that Moses was the ‘meekest’ man upon the earth, but that same Moses was a man who could act with decision and blaze with anger when the occasion arose.

To such a character no man can attain by himself and his own efforts. Proates is strength under control, but it would be wrong to say that the man who is praus is perfectly self-controlled. He is perfectly God-controlled, for only God can give him that perfect mastery. It should be our prayer that God will make us praus, masters of ourselves, for only then can we be the servants of others.161

Biblically and logically, the Christian can experience such qualities only as they walk by the enabling power of the Holy Spirit so that the Savior is free to reign more and more supreme in his or her life.

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Lecrae “Rebel”

Reach Records Released: 2008 Lecrae's "Rebel", IN STORES NOW! That statement is completely unnecessary as it seems Lecrae’s Rebel debuted higher on the Billboard Charts than any HHH album ever (breaking his own previous record) and even outsold top-name secular hip hop artists both on Billboard and iTunes downloads. This is the new and true meaning of “crossover” music… an unrepentant, deep, powerful promotion of Christ, Christianity and the Gospel with beats that are not only on a par with the secular but have even surpassed much of it. Add to that one of the best deliveries in the business and maybe the most ingenuity and creativity in hip-hop period, and you have a guaranteed banger and chart topper! One of the big surprises is that many of the tracks pulled back a bit and took an almost east coast blend with the mid-west step and swag. There were more slower tracks than expected as well, but that didn’t seem to detract at all from the near perfection of Rebel and its power. But slower tracks and east coast blendings were not the extent of the creativity in Rebel. Lecrae took it back a couple of generations in hip hop with Fall Back’s techno blend and Live Free’s electronic additions. While looking back, Lecrae not only managed to continue to push HHH forward, but also gave a major push to hip-hop in general. It doesn’t matter the region, Lecrae and the 116 Clique have proven that the best of every region and even every form of music can be adjoined in perfect harmony. A harmony that no other artist or crew has ever managed to find and create like Lecrae and the 116. But don’t think the end, the plateau, has been reached. There is always something new, something different that can be found and achieved. One thing may be certain. It will probably be Lecrae and the 116 Clique leading the way. For those familiar with the 116 Clique and HHH many of our favorite artists have typical appearances with Lecrae on Rebel. The naturals Tedashii and Trip Lee, CMR monsters Da Truth and JR, golden voiced Cam and the newly respected 116 Clique member (though he’s been there a while) Sho Baraka all make dynamic appearances in this album. However, the best feature on the entire album comes from a complete unknown to almost every one. Appearing from England on the debut single is Dwayne Tryumf. That name, Tryumf, is one that we might need to come to learn and know. Who ever thought England had this in its dugout, or for footballers on its bench. It’s no surprise then that the incredibly talented Tryumf makes his mark on the #1 gospel & HHH album on the market. Two other relative unknowns also make solid contributions on this album as well, Jai on Live Free and Dawntoya on closer Beautiful Feet. Features to the side now, let’s talk about the cover, packaging and the insert. The cardboard cutout made another upgrade from Trip Lee’s “20/20” with an easy to use insert slot and the continuation of consistently brilliant artwork. Couple that with a simple use of the insert mostly used to provide some essential definitions and the building of the theme for Rebel and you have a complete project from top to bottom. As far as production goes, it’s hard to consider it as anything short of perfection. Every little bit and tittle seemed to be carefully produced and engineered. New names to the game like G-Styles continue to make their mark with the 116 Clique and now usual standards like JR and So Hot Productions combine with others like DFREE and Kadence to create a fantastic array of traditional and new, mid-west & hip hop genius. Overall, Lecrae managed to immediately explain and define the use of his theme Rebel, which normally garners great contempt in Christianity. He did so not just with his own L’s, but by taking a great sample from one of Mark Driscoll’s sermons. Lecrae did all of this while continuing the theme and keeping Christ the focus throughout. In fact, one could argue that Lecrae rebelled from the standard hip hop and mid-west conventions in creating some new sounds, styles, expectations and blends for the ever evolving entity known as Hip Hop. Somehow what Lecrae seems to do is make the complex simple and the simple, complex. This is all done while continuing to malign the greedy and those in lust with sin, dropping some apologetics, creating head bangers and chants, repping Christ, the church and the street, and pinpointing and further exposing sin. Lecrae even managed to insert an interlude that wasn’t completely annoying. In fact, it was quite good and doesn’t elicit an immediate skip on my player. The only thing left to wonder now is… how come you haven’t bought this album yet!? Or, for that matter, is there anyone left who hasn’t? If it were possible to note… Stand out tracks: Rebel (intro)… no really, the intro is dope! Don’t Waste Your Life (debut single) ft. Dwayne Tryumf Go Hard ft. Tedashii Identity ft. Da Truth & JR Breathin’ To Death Truth Desperate ft. Cam Fall Back ft. Trip Lee Live Free ft. Sho Baraka & Jai Got Paper I’m A Saint The Bride… are we getting the idea?
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Part One

Christians live in two spheres and the tremendous contrast between those two spheres often poses a very difficult challenge. On the one hand, Christians are citizens of a heavenly kingdom with Christ as their Lord. On the other hand, they are called of Christ to represent Him in the midst of an age that is passing away and in a world system that is opposed to the plan and purposes of God. They live in the world, but they are not of the world (John 15:19; 17:14, 19). As those who live in this world, they are to live as aliens and sojourners and as ambassadors for the Savior without being contaminated by the age and the world system whose god is the devil himself (Rom. 12:1-2; 1 Pet. 1:17f; 2:11-12; 2 Cor. 5:20). The apostle now addresses this very issue in 3:1-11.

As Augustine wrote in his book, The City of God, there are two cities, the city of man and the city of God. The city of man, being the product of his pride and rebellion against God, reflects man’s dreams, earthly hopes, and values. This is an earthly city, a city of this age and Satan’s world system. It is temporal and fundamentally opposed to God and ultimately ruinous to man.

There is another city, however, “with firm foundations, whose architect and builder is God” (Heb. 11:10). This is the city of God with God’s values, plan of salvation, and one that endures forever. At the center of this city is the cross or the person and work of Christ who died for our sin. Here is a city that can change the people of the city of man and add stability to their society because of the new life and values that are a part of the city of God. The citizens of the city of God have new life, are a part of an unseen spiritual world, and have their sights set on eternal values.

Concerning Augustine’s city of man, Lutzer writes:

Augustine did not mean that the city of man is destitute of all civil righteousness and justice. Yes, pagans have built great civilizations, thanks to the virtues they inherited as those created in the image of God. Indeed, Christians should be actively involved in the city of man, building it, maintaining it, and working alongside of those headed to destruction. But Christians should also have no illusions about building an earthly utopia, for they must pass this life with continual opposition from the citizens of the city of man. They must march through the crumbling empires of the world, spreading the knowledge of the gospel.149

Looking at our past life as a part of the city of man, the apostle shows us that the city of man as so evident today in America is built on the cult of self-absorption and the desires of man’s fallen nature.

The church always faces the temptation of fighting a legitimate battle in the wrong way. We always are tempted to fight the world with the weapons of the world. We always are tempted to use a sword of steel instead of the sword of the Spirit. And today, that temptation is greater than ever.150

In chapter 3 of Titus, the apostle shows us how the church is to live in the midst of this city of man. As seen in nearly all the New Testament letters written to the church, Titus was written to help God’s people live in a world and age that is a sea of pagan and humanistic values. But significantly, Paul neither calls on us to use the world’s methods nor seek to Christianize the morals of the society. Again, in his book, Why the Cross Can Do What Politics Can’t, Lutzer has an excellent word here:

The second premise of this book is my deep conviction that our so-called culture war is really a spiritual war. In other words, our problems are not fundamentally abortion, trash television, and homosexual values. The roots of our cultural decay is first and foremost spiritual; we must attack the root of this corrupt tree. As always our greatest challenge is theological, not political or cultural.151

As the salt and light Jesus called us to be, we are to seek change from the inside out through faith in the person and work of the Savior and through a personal walk with Him—with His values and priorities and calling. That this is so is clearly evident, or should be, from the way Paul reminds us of our past life, but then points to the theological basis, as in 2:11f, for our spiritual change by the regenerating and justifying work of God (3:4-7). And it is this message that has its hope centered on the eternal that we are to confidently proclaim (vs. 8) rather than any manmade substitutes (vs. 9). Again, let me quote Lutzer:

Today, it is tempting to wrap the cross of Christ in the flag, to equate the American dream with God’s dream for this nation. We have attached a myriad of agendas to the cross of Christ, often clouding the one message that the world needs to hear with clarity and power…152

Incredibly, the church has, for the most part, abandoned the very message that is most desperately needed at this critical hour of history.153

My clear purpose is to challenge the church to confront the world with the one message that is able to transform society, one life at a time. Yes, we must fight social evils; we must attempt to use whatever means we have to clean up our contaminated culture. But all of our efforts will be futile unless we go to the source of our defilement.154

The various exhortations of the first two chapters of Titus largely concern relationships within the church, the body of Christ, “which when seen by outsiders would keep them from ‘maligning the gospel’ (2:5) and perhaps would even attract them to it (2:10).”155 With chapter 3:1-8, however, the apostle broadens the focus to the believer’s behavior in the world where he or she is to function as a good citizen and neighbor. As mentioned, this is in keeping with the Christian’s purpose to function as the salt of the earth and the light of the world (Matt. 5:13-16). Verses 1-2 set forth a reminder of two general responsibilities, to government authorities in general (vs. 1) and to all people (vs. 2). Then, as in 2:11-14, the apostle points to the basis or the reasons why such behavior is both called for and possible (vss. 3-7). Again, theology forms the foundation for behavior. With this as the doctrinal motivation, there is then a re-affirmation for good deeds (vs. 8) followed by a statement of reticence or caution against the error of false teachers and the futility of what they proclaim (man’s solutions to life). When men turn away from the central truth of the cross and the grace of God in Christ, it will be futile to truly impact the life for good works and be beneficial for mankind (vss. 9-11).

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difference-250As a musically-infused and influenced culture, artists and record label executives have the power to sway a whole population in terms of the speech, style, and definition of success and truth. Many music moguls state that God has blessed them with not only there gifts and talents, but their wealth as well, regardless of criminal or unethical acts that they have committed. So how do you separate a musical corporation of worldly doctrine and message from one whose sole intent is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ? What are the 'fruits', just a person would exert, that would help you to discern a worldly, or secular, music label or even a gospel label with ulterior motives from one that upholds the precepts of the Lord.

Christian Music Record Label

1. Focus (musically and in business) is solely on Christ (Meetings are more focused on exclaiming the name of Christ) 2. Christian Leadership (A elder, or elders, of the church is able to peer into the corporation and give Godly wisdom) 3. Christian Fellowship (Members of the label are also members of a church, and also spiritually edifying one another in the label, and come together for fellowship and activities) 4. Total Artist Dedication to Christ (A unadulterated, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, seen fully by others; full profession in music, speech and actions; 'good fruits') 5. More focus on excellence spiritually, then musically (Correct priority of Christian correction of oneself and the message of the music before actually creating the music) 6. Non-conflicting morals, ethics, and ideals (A "practice what you preach" doctrine; Word of God in music, and the reflection of the Word in the life of the artist)

Secular (Worldly) Record Label

1. Focus is solely on self (Meetings are more focused on exclaiming the name of the artist and label) 2. Ungodly Leadership (Leaders of the label unconcerned with unrighteous actions within the label) 3. Worldly Fellowship and Activities (Members of the label are mostly left to search out their own justification, and engage in worldly activities and perform in unjust environments) 4. Total Artist Dedication to Self and Monetary Funds (A conflict between spirituality and career, with a centered focus on self-image and wealth) 5. More focus on excellence monetarily, then musically (Incorrect priorities, focusing on sales, always a priority before integrity of the music) 6. Several conflicting morals, ethics, and ideals (A "I'm not a role model" doctrine; proclaiming the Word of God in dire situations, but continue to revel in worldly lusts and temptation; no change in the message of the music)

A Standard to Uphold

There is a standard in which Christian music and the record labels that represent the art form should function. However, there are countless record labels, even Christian record labels, that would practice the opposite, with carnal pride and esteem of gifts and accomplishments that have distorted their view. As a singular child of God, or even the Church, mentioned as the body of Christ, a Christian record label should have all of the righteous attributes a person would through out their walk with God. A label not beyond reproach, selfless, with the intent to serve God through its music and contributions to the generation.
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t-b2.jpgBefore this album there was his bomb of an album in "GospelAlpha…" which left many fans feeling that it was time for the Boney Bone to call it quits. Well, some time has passed and now T-Bone is back with his latest project to date titled "Bone-A-Fide." So, will this album be like his previous works or will it be another bomb? Let's take a look! The album immediately starts with an intro called “Tha Rally” where T-Bone is speaking as if he was at a gathering of thousands of people; he uses this intro to give the thesis for his album, which is to speak out for what he believes in and to speak out against the corruptions that the entertainment industries continue to feed us. From there, the album quickly moves into an old school Run DMC type track called “12 Years Ago” where he gives love to rappers from back in the day and gives homage to his friend that encouraged him to start rhyming well over a decade ago. From this point forward, the music just continues to get better. One thing that you quickly notice, starting with “12 Years Ago,” is that T-Bone is really taking a reflective look at things before looking forward to the future. Tracks like “Hard Streets” (featuring Troy Lane on the hook) have the Boney Bone talking about his hard times growing up in the streets and the struggles he had starting out in the music industry. “Let That Thang Go” is a track encouraging all the thugs, pimps, strippers, etc. to let that thing go because it isn’t doing anything for them. The debut single “Can I Live” is undoubtedly the best song on the album, at least in my opinion. This is a laid back track where he asks people to leave him alone and stop judging him; he wants to just live his life and have people quit hating him because of his success. T-Bone gives a glimpse at some of the dues he has paid, and as a result, he’s just asking for a little respect. The video for this song is very nice too as it features Laila Ali & Ron Artest, as well as a cameo by Chino XL at the end of the video. Rounding out this “side” of the album is “I Been Looking Around,” where T-Bone struggles with his success and family; he looks at all the success he has, but it means nothing to him because so many of his family & friends still haven’t accepted Christ into their life. After the interlude “Hasta La Victoria Siempre,” the album turns into more of a gritty street level album. It’s on this half of the album where he features guests such as Mack 10, Sway & Tech, and Chino XL. Mack 10 & The Boney-Bone Corleone get down on the track “A Few Good Men,” where they go back & forth about God only needing a few good men and they’re two of them. Then T-Bone battles Chino XL on “You Can’t Win.” Other notable tracks include the bouncy “Shake Ya Body” and the thumper for your low rider in “Bounce.” The production on this album is top notch, with T-Bone calling on some of the most notable producers in the industry. Some of the producers include Fredwreck, Buster & Shavoni, Bosko, and more. With all of these producers together on this album, it makes for one of the best sounding albums that you’ll ever hear in Christian rap, or rap in general. Simply put, I was very impressed by T-Bone’s effort on “Bone-A-Fide.” The lyrics go straight to the heart of the street and the production is worthy of being played on it’s own without any vocals. I hope this is a sign of things to come from T-Bone because this album was great from start to finish. of
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Lesson 3


Acts 14 ended as Paul and Barnabas completed their first preaching trip. After the controversy over circumcision, Paul began his second trip with Silas as his companion (15:40,41).

I. The Journey Begins - Acts 16:1-12

>>> Please read Acts 16:1-12. <<< *1* Whom did Paul and Silas find to accompany them on the preaching trip? (a) Peter, (b) Mark, (c) Timothy, (d) all the preceding. Answer: ______. *2* What did Paul have done to this man because of the Jews? Answer: Paul had him ______ because of the Jews. *3* What did Paul see in a vision at Troas? Answer: He saw a man from ______ asking them to come there. *4* Where did the group then go to preach? (a) Babylon, (b) Persia, (c) America, (d) Philippi. Answer: ______. Comments: Paul and Silas first revisited the churches begun on the first journey. At Lystra they found a young man named Timothy, whom Paul wanted to accompany them. Timothy's mother was a Jewish Christian, but his father was a Greek. Paul knew that circumcision does not matter one way or the other (Gal. 5:6). In Acts 15 he had refused to have Titus circumcised (Gal. 2:1-5), because some were claiming circumcision was essential to salvation (Acts 15:1). However, he did not oppose circumcision as a health measure or even as a sign of nationality. He had Timothy circumcised as a matter of influence, not as a requirement of salvation (cf. 1 Cor. 9:19-23). Jews would not associate with Gentiles (Acts 10:28), so without circumcision Timothy's opportunity to teach Jews would have been limited. Guided by the Spirit, they passed several areas till they came to Troas (see a map). There a vision convinced them to preach in Macedonia. They took ship and traveled to Philippi (see map). The use of "we" in 16:10 implies that the author (Luke) had joined the party. Note the use of "we" or "they" from here on throughout the book.

II. Preaching in Philippi - Acts 16:13-40

The Conversion of Lydia

>>> Please read Acts 16:13-15. <<< *5* In Philippi, where did Paul find people to teach? Answer: They met with women at a place of prayer by a ______. *6* Who was converted? (a) Lydia, (b) Dorcas, (c) Mary, (d) Eve. Answer: ______. Comments: Paul usually began preaching at the Jewish synagogue. Evidently Philippi had no synagogue, so he taught some women who met for prayer by a riverside. Lydia and her household were baptized, then she urged Paul's company to stay in her home. Evidently she was a woman of some means, as well as very devout and very hospitable. Advocates of infant baptism often claim that "household conversions" in Acts justify the baptism of babies. But remember that people who are baptized must first understand the gospel, believe it, repent of sins, and confess Christ, none of which babies can do (see John 6:44,45; Mark 16:15,16; Acts 8:12; 2:38; Romans 10:9,10). As with all household conversions, Lydia's case nowhere states that babies were baptized. Many households include no children, let alone little children. In fact, Lydia was probably unmarried. No husband is mentioned. Only women were present at the place of prayer (v13). A man is the head of his household (Eph. 5:22-24), so he is always mentioned if he is involved. The household could have involved relatives, servants, or other people just living there like the preachers later did. Such an absence of evidence cannot be used to disprove the clear evidence stated elsewhere that babies do not meet the prerequisites of baptism. Once again we summarize the example of conversion:

The Conversion of Lydia's Household - Acts 16:13-15







vv 13,14


Paul and Silas Imprisoned

>>> Please read Acts 16:16-24. <<< *7* What miracle did Paul perform on a servant girl? Answer: Paul cast out of her a ______. *8* Who was upset by this? Answer: This upset the girl's ______ who made money off her. *9* What accusations were made against Paul and Silas? Answer: They were accused of teaching customs that were not ______. *10* What was done to them as a result? (a) nothing, (b) beating and imprisonment, (c) stoning, (d) they were set free. Answer: ______. Comments: Paul cast the demon out of a girl who had a spirit of divination. Divination is a form of witchcraft (note Deut. 18:9-14). As in the previous cases of Simon (Acts 8) and Elymas (Acts 13), this story confirms that the Occult is from Satan, and that true miracles are superior to witchcraft. When Paul cast the demon out, the girl's masters lost their source of income. They retaliated by making false accusations. As a result, Paul and Silas were beaten with rods and imprisoned, where the jailer put them in stocks in the innermost prison. Note that, for perhaps the first time in Acts, Christians were here severely persecuted by someone other than the Jews.

Conversion of the Jailer

>>> Please read Acts 16:25-34. <<< *11* What happened that freed Paul and Silas? Answer: Paul and Silas were set free by an ______. *12* What was the jailer about to do as a result? Answer: The jailer was about to ______. *13* What did he do instead, when he realized no one had escaped? Answer: He asked what he must do to be ______. *14* How was the man saved? (a) he was told to believe, (b) he was taught the whole gospel, (c) he was baptized, (d) all the preceding. Answer: ______. Comments: At midnight, as Paul and Silas prayed and sang hymns, an earthquake opened their doors and loosed their chains. Since death was the penalty for losing a prisoner (Acts 12:19), the jailer was about to commit suicide. However, Paul called out that they had not left. The man had evidently heard something about the gospel and, realizing that his life had been spared, he asked Paul and Silas what he needed to do to be saved. This is perhaps the greatest question anyone can ever ask. Note what happened as a result: (1) The jailer was told to believe in Jesus. (2) Then he and his family were taught the whole word of the Lord. (3) They were then baptized and had great joy as a result. Some people argue that believing (v31) was all the man needed to do to be saved. However, this was just the introduction to the sermon! Paul and Silas still had to teach the word of the Lord to the man (v32). When the man knew the whole truth, he understood the urgency of baptism. He was immediately baptized, despite the fact the whole event began at midnight! Only after he was baptized did he rejoice, and the record says that then his faith was complete (v34). (Compare James 2:14-26.) No passage anywhere in Acts shows sinners becoming saved without or before baptism. But many passages show the necessity of obedience, especially baptism, in salvation. See Matt. 7:21-27; Acts 10:34,35; 2:38; 22:16; Rom. 2:6-10; 6:3,4,17,18; Hebrews 5:9; 1 Peter 1:22,23; 3:21. A summary of this example of conversion:

The Conversion of the Jailer's Household - Acts 16:25-34







vv 31,32

vv 31,34


Rejoiced (v34)

Paul and Silas Released

>>> Please read Acts 16:35-40. <<< *15* What did the local magistrates decide to do the next day? Answer: The magistrates said to ______ the prisoners. *16* What did Paul insist must be done first? Answer: Paul said the magistrates should personally come and release them, because they were ______ citizens. Comments: A Roman citizen could not be beaten before he had been convicted in a trial. So when the magistrates of Philippi decided the next day to let Paul and Silas go, Paul insisted that his rights as a Roman had been violated. He and Silas left only after the magistrates had personally released them. Perhaps Paul wanted public evidence that he was innocent. In any case, Christians never used physical violence to avoid persecution, but they did use their civil rights for protection.

III. Preaching in Thessalonica - Acts 17:1-9

>>> Please read Acts 17:1-9. <<< *17* How did Paul persuade Jews to believe in Jesus? (a) human tradition, (b) family religion, (c) reasoning from Scripture, (d) educators. Answer: ______. *18* How did Jews describe the effect the gospel had (v6)? Answer: They said they turned upside down or troubled the ______. *19* In what way did they claim Christians violated Caesar's law? Answer: They said Christians served a different ______. Comments: Paul's company went next to Thessalonica . Again in the synagogues they used prophecy to persuade Jews that Jesus is Christ and that He had to suffer and be raised from the dead. Notice again how Christians drew people to Jesus and His church. They did not appeal to human wisdom or tradition, philosophy, family religion, majority rule, or man-made creeds. They did not offer carnivals, parties, entertainment, recreation, banquets or other carnal appeals (2 Cor. 10:3-5). The rested their case entirely on God's revealed will. Note further that they "reasoned" from Scripture, explaining and demonstrating that Jesus is Christ. This conclusion is not directly stated in any Old Testament passage, but it necessarily followed from what was stated. This is sometimes called appealing to "necessary inference": drawing a conclusion that is not directly stated but which necessarily follows from what is stated. This is here called "reasoning from Scripture" and is shown to be a valid, binding way to determine God's will. As usual, some people believed the gospel message, but others rejected it. And as before, unbelieving Jews caused a riot. They arrested a man named Jason, whom they accused of harboring Paul's company. They claimed that Christians had turned the world upside down. They knew this would concern the Romans, who despised turmoil in their territories. Adherents of the gospel never started riots or civil revolutions. That was done by enemies of the gospel. Nevertheless, the gospel will make a dramatic change in the personal lives of those who accept it. Christians were also accused of serving a king who competes with Caesar. The Jews had used this accusation to urge Pilate to kill Jesus. Yet Jesus and Paul had always taught people to obey civil law and pay their taxes (Matt. 22:15-22; Rom. 13:1-7). Jesus explained to Pilate that His kingdom was spiritual in nature, not of this world (John 18:36). The accusations were false, yet Paul's company again traveled on.

IV. Preaching in Berea - Acts 17:10-15

>>> Please read Acts 17:10-15. <<< *20* How did the Bereans compare to the Thessalonians? Answer: They were more ______. *21* How did they determine whether they were being taught truth? Answer: They searched the ______ daily with open minds. Comments: Paul's company went next to Berea (see map). Here they found fair-minded or noble people, who possessed two characteristics necessary to distinguish truth from error: (1) they had honest hearts to receive the message, and (2) they examined God's word daily to see if what was taught was true. As a result, many of them believed the gospel. People who lack these characteristics will surely be led astray into error. Note also that these people appealed to the Scriptures as their standard. Contrary to the claims of some, the Scriptures were not so confusing the common people could not understand them. Nor had parts been lost or changed over the centuries since they had been written. Today the New Testament has also been written, and God has also promised to preserve it (1 Peter 1:22-25). So today the Scriptures are the authoritative, understandable, and complete standard of God's will (2 Timothy 3:16,17). Despite the honesty of the Bereans, Paul had to leave the city, because Jews from Thessalonica came and stirred up persecution.

V. Preaching in Athens - Acts 17:16-34

A City Given over to Idols

>>> Please read Acts 17:16-23. <<< *22&23* What philosophies did Paul encounter in the Athenian marketplace? Answer: He encountered ______ and ______ (v18). *24* How is the Athenian interest in education described? Answer: They always wanted to hear or tell ______. *25* What did Paul use to introduce his sermon? (a) an altar to an unknown god, (b) a joke, (c) a poem, (d) all the preceding. Answer: ______. Comments: Paul's next stop was Athens (see map). The city was known for its love of learning and also for its idolatry. Greek mythology illustrates the kind of idolatry that characterized Gentiles in that day. Paul discussed with the Epicureans, who believed the pursuit of pleasure was the meaning of life, and also with Stoics, who at the other extreme sought to avoid both joy and grief. Given an opportunity to present the gospel, Paul began by telling them about the one God they seemed to know nothing about. Again his sermon illustrates how heathen idol worshipers should be taught.

Paul's Sermon to the Athenians

>>> Please read Acts 17:24-29. <<< *26&27* What did these idol worshipers need to know first about God? Answer: God made the ______ and everything in it and is Lord of ______. *28* How do we know God can be found if we seek Him? Answer: God is not far from ______ of us (v27). *29* If we are God's offspring, what can we know? (a) God is not gold or silver, (b) God was not made by man, (c) both the preceding. Answer: ______. Comments: As he did with the idol worshipers at Lystra (Acts 14), Paul emphasized that God is the Creator of heaven and earth. God is much more than just a man with superhuman powers, as Greek mythology portrayed the gods. We do not have different gods over different areas of the earth and different aspects of life. There is one God who created and rules everything. That God is the source from which all life came, therefore He must be alive. He does not depend on us to provide what He needs; rather we need God to provide for our needs. See also Acts 14:15,17; John 1:1-3; Rom. 1:20; 1 Chron. 29:11,12; James 1:17. Paul also taught that God is not far from each of us (v27). God is omnipresent and all-knowing. Unlike with heathen deities, we cannot hide from God nor can we fool Him. He knows and sees everything we do (Psalm 139:1-12; John 16:30; Matthew 10:29-31; 6:8,32; 1 Kings 8:39). This also shows that God can be sought and found. He has not isolated Himself from us nor ignored us. We need not despair of knowing His will. We can know His will, for He has revealed it in the Scriptures. See also Matt. 5:6; 7:7-11; 1 Chron. 28:9; Rom. 10:6-17; 2 Tim. 3:16,17. Finally, if we are the offspring of God (which even Athenians believed), then God must be alive and intelligent. He cannot be simply a statue of gold, silver, or stone. How could dead non-living matter create living, intelligent beings? (Modern evolutionists need to answer this question too!) Nor could God be anything made by the hands of men. God is not part of the creation. He is the Creator (Rom. 1:20-25). These are fundamental facts that distinguish the true God from the gods of ancient or modern idolatry. See also Deut. 4:19; 5:7-9; 2 Kings 21:1-6; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; 10:7,14; 2 Cor. 6:16-18; 1 John 5:21.

The Conclusion of the Sermon

>>> Please read Acts 17:30-34. <<< *30* What are all men commanded to do? (a) tithe, (b) repent, (c) observe Christmas and Easter, (d) say the rosary, (e) all the preceding. Answer: ______. *31* What day has God appointed for all men in the world? Answer: God appointed a day in which He will ______ the world. *32* How can we know this event will really occur? Answer: The assurance is that God raised Jesus from the ______. Comments: Paul concluded by warning that God commands all men to repent. God, who made and controls the universe, has the right to demand obedience. These folks had to repent of their idolatry and begin to serve the true God. Likewise all of us have sins we must repent of. See Luke 13:3,5; 24:47; Acts 2:38; 3:19; 2 Peter 3:9; 2 Cor. 7:10. Furthermore, God will judge all men according to their lives and will reward or punish them eternally. How can we know this? The proof is that God raised Jesus from the dead. If He can raise Jesus, then He can raise us all. Those, who have been dead for centuries, will still be raised and judged when Jesus returns. Matt. 25:31-46; John 12:48; Rom. 2:4- 11; 14:10-12; 2 Cor. 5:10; Heb. 9:27; Rev. 20:11-15; Ecc. 12:13,14 The doctrine of the resurrection challenged the Athenians. But all people, both then and now, need to learn the lessons Paul taught.

Personal application questions:

*33* Do you believe people in general can understand the Bible? __________ *34* What is your view of resurrection and judgment? __________
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Coming In Sheep's Clothing

wpe3A.jpg (2120 bytes)Jesus warned, "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. "You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? "Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. "A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. "Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them." (Matt. 7:15-20)

Jesus warns about those who come to people trying to have them join with them in their pursuit of God. Many groups actively go door to door and approach people in various ways to have them join their Church or organization. Essentially there is nothing inherently wrong with going door to door, the apostles did it for a time. However it is how they seek after people to make one a disciple. It is what they teach about God and Christ that counts. What is confusing is that they have you become a member of their Church or organization. Instead of coming to Christ and become part of the body of Christ which puts you in the Church (universal). Jesus is not telling us we will know someone's false or true prophecy from their fruit but will know them by their fruit. Jesus basically used two illustrations of the believers to unbelievers, one was sheep and goats, the other was sheep and wolves. Matt 10:16: "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." The disciples were sent out as sheep, those who followed the shepherd and Jesus admonishes them to have wisdom, be as crafty as the devil is as you are sent out in the world. Know that you are among enemies that would like to tear them to pieces but don't act like the devil, don't return evil for evil but be as harmless as doves. The dove was the form the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus at his baptism. It came upon him gently, and stayed with him his whole ministry. We see Jesus never strived or pushed people to join, he gave them the truth and a choice to follow. He beckoned them, he drew them, but never forced, rushed or pushed them. Acts 20:29-30: "For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will wpe3F.jpg (3280 bytes)come in among you, not sparing the flock. "Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves." Wolves are the enemy of sheep, they eat sheep. They chew up the flock as sheep are their diet. Jesus warns about those coming from within the church that would actually tear it apart. This would be done by what they teach which would be patently false. Since they are in the Church, they would teach from the bible but distort its message. As Paul states in 2 Cor.11:13-15 they are false apostles and messengers looking like those who teach righteousness. They may look good on the outside but the life of Christ is not there on the inside and their message will always be with scripture, but distort its meaning. Their focus will be their church or organization instead of Christ. Jude 1:12: "These are spots in your love feasts, while they feast with you without fear, serving only themselves. They are clouds without water, carried about by the winds; late autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up by the roots;" Twice dead is like a tree that was dug up to be transplanted and died and then dug up again.

Jude paints a graphic picture of the insincerity, the depravity, and the doom of those who disrespect what Christ himself did! They are still found in the Christian body, sitting with the saints at their love-feasts! A love feast was a gathering with a meal and communion (2 Pt.2:13; 1 Cor.11:20, 27-30) This was when the poor and the rich ate together. The fatherless, the widows, and the strangers were invited to these feasts, and their eating together was a proof of their love to each other. Feeding themselves without fear] That is, without any proper reverence or respect for the ordinance; attending on the Lord's Supper as if it were an ordinary feast, and making it an occasion of riot and gluttony.

clouds without water- These false teachers are represented as clouds; they have the form without substance. They have no weight and are carried about by the wind. (waterless clouds that come and look like they hold promise of refreshment to parched dry land but they don’t give a drop of rain, they only hide the Sun). They have no benefit, they boast of their gifts but it is empty, there is not nourishment for others in their spiritual life

late autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up by the roots- no leaves, no fruit at harvest, they have barren lives Lk.8:6-9. Twice dead is like a tree that was dug up to be transplanted and died and then dug up again. They are dead spiritually with no way to revive them. Stripped and bare, they produce no fruit. They are wholly barren, like the fig-tree Jesus cursed. They are twice dead plucked up by the roots. They are lifeless. (dead in trespasses and sins Eph.2:1) yet they are dead again cut off from the life giving root, thoroughly dead, torn out of the ground with no chance of life ever coming into them again. Luke 13:18-19: Then He said, "What is the kingdom of God like? And to what shall I compare it." It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and put in his garden; and it grew and became a large tree, and the birds of the air nested in its branches."(Mk.4:30-32) This tree is compared to the kingdom (the Church) and birds fly and make their home in its shade. All kinds of groups come to nest in the branches of this tree of the Lord called the Church. In these same parables we find that birds symbolize Satan's kingdom, they become comfortable inside the larger universal Church. Birds in the parable (Mt.13) snatch the seed that has not sunk into the persons heart. Jesus allows the tares to grow with the wheat and birds of the enemy to be right alongside his own within the greater portion of the tree. A tree is related to Christ and by abiding in him and his teaching we have his life. Doctrine is something that reveals Gods nature to man or mans relationship to God. They are standards that the Bible consistently teaches that are core teachings about Christ and man.(Titus.1:9; 1Tim.4:12-19; 2 Tim.3:10-16) Matt. 13:23: "But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty." By understanding and putting into action what Christ has said we will produce various degrees of his life. What is the fruit?wpe17.jpg (2191 bytes) Fruit is something that comes out naturally. All different trees bear the same kind of fruit of the seed they came from. An orange tree will bear oranges not apples. A Papaya tree yields Papaya's, not oranges. Fruit is a natural production of the source it is connected to. It comes out naturally, you will never see a tree sweating to produce its fruit, it comes out in its season at various degrees (Ps.1). A tree does not work hard to produce its fruit, it is a natural product of the tree. There is no straining it comes naturally as it is fed the correct nutrients and the roots are by the water. Spiritually, fruit is the Holy Spirits work in ones life showing the change that Christ has made. But the outward has to be understood by the inward life and that is related to genuine doctrine. Many say we have good fruit therefore God is with us. Again fruit is relative to the life of the tree itself. The tree must have Christ as its source for the Holy Spirit to be at work. It must have the real Jesus to have real fruit. John 15:8: "By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples." we are chosen to bear fruit until eternal life. The Bible teaches of 2 different types of fruit of those who enter the kingdom and those who have fruit in their lives such as of the spirit. John 15:4-6: "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. "If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned." Christ is our life line. his teachings and his person. The Holy Spirit will always point to Jesus, not to himself or another man. A trees life is centered in Christ not on our works (produce), our fruit is a display of him. As we abide in his word the fruit of the Spirit the life of Christ comes out naturally, we don't strain to produce it. Our position is to Abide in him, his promise is that he will produce his life in us. This is why cults with false doctrine can't have good fruit because they are not abiding in his word alone but in other men's words. They depend on their good works for or to maintain salvation. They don't teach the bible but their prophecies and revelations put in other books. The branches cast off are those parts that are dead, that are against his nature so that the other branches can be more productive. John 8:31-32: Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." By hearing what he says and putting it in practice we will be set free. The emphasis is on HIS WORD. Churches that add their own messengers, prophets and books lead people away from Christ's words and don't possess the freedom he offers. Gal. 5:22-26: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Paul describes fruit in the singular and they are all based on the life of Christ which is love. love is something that is done without any expectations of a return. Their is no competition, but peace and joy faithfulness in doing what is for the Lord. It comes naturally because one is born of the Spirit of God. Cults deny that salvation is by grace ( a gift given freely) because of his love, so again they can't have good true fruit. The fruit is from the life of the holy Spirit that dwells inside the person who has believed the gospel of salvation (1 Cor.15:1-4) Rom 6:22: " But now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life. James 3:18 "Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace." Jesus said blessed are the peace makers. Those who bring the same message of reconciliation to have people make peace with God. Jesus made the point of saying he is the true manna come down from heaven. Eating his sayings gives life, "my words are Spirit and they are life." On the other hand Leaven is used of sin or false teaching Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees Jesus said. They were very religious but did not understand the true teachings they espoused. They lifted up mans teachings before Gods, they were dependent on their works to be righteous. If a Church points to its founder and promotes him as the restorer of truth that was totally lost and a new revelation. They are making the same mistake the Pharisees did by following mans leadership. They do not follow the true shepherd but other shepherds. This is why cults do not have true fruit!
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