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Consumers today are bombarded by a wide variety of anti-aging products for the body and face, whether they are simple cosmetics or surgical procedures. But the fountain of youth really just comes from better nutrition, one health expert says.


A survey by the American Academy of Dermatology found that 94 percent of women are confused by all the available anti-aging treatments (over-the counter and prescription) as well as the procedures available in a doctor’s office.

Yet according to Cherie

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Creating your own juices at home is a great way to lose weight and stay healthy. This is an easy way to make sure your body is getting the nutrients it needs and juicing at home can provide tasty, as well as, healthy treats. This article contains many tips to help you get the best out of juicing.

Do your best to set aside some room in the fridge for all of the new healthy foods that will go into your juices. This can be an entire shelf or a corner. Make this only for healthy foods, no junk in

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