motivation (426)


Click here for part one and two


1. In everything you do, always put GOD first.

Many of us have a habit of putting other people first or putting ourselves before anyone or anything. This is what we are taught to do, but it is incorrect and it is damaging. Eloihim must always come first. Everything you do, whether at home or the workplace you must do for him. He comes before your spouse, your boss, your children, your customers. If you put GOD first, all

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THE RESURRECTION OF THE AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMAN PART 1:The Purpose of Woman,The Value Of The Virtuous Woman

The Behavior of Women


Titus 2:3-5 teaches us how women, both younger and older, should act. And to be honest it is in direct contrast of we see in the home, workplace, classroom, and community today. First, let's discuss our older women. Older women are to be reverent and pure. They are to be set apart for the world in thought and behavior. They sho

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Hidden figures: How black women preachers spoke truth to power

Sojourner Truth Memorial in Florence, Massachusetts.
Lynne Graves, CC BY-ND

Each semester I greet the students who file into my preaching class at Howard University with a standard talk. The talk is not an overview of the basics – techniques of sermon preparation or sermon delivery, as one might expect. Outlining the basics is not particularly difficult.

The greatest challenge, in fact, is helping learners to stretch their theology: namely, how they perceive who God is an

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I snapped on my friend when she told me I was wrong.

“Can I be honest?” she asked me before I chopped her head off with my sharp tongue. And even though I responded, “Yes, please be honest,” I wasn’t in the mood to drink down any truth serum.

“The way you talk to people is condescending and really nasty a lot of times,” she said. “I know you’re popular and have a lot of friends and acquaintances, but you say some really harsh, callous things to people and you need to check that.”

Check that?

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Most of us start the New Year feeling unstoppable, fearless, and ready to take on the world. Then, suddenly, something happens. Your positive attitude becomes a thing of the past, and you fall victim to insecurity, lack of confidence, and self-destructing behaviors – which ultimately stops you from becoming your best self.

Well, sometimes you have to be your own cheerleader. Self-affirmations can help you boost your confidence and take the necessary steps to turn your ideas

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The Black woman in America is in bondage and we allow Satan to keep her that way. African Americans will not rise until the Black woman is brought back to life. After the Civil War the chains came off but today we still are not free. No our wrist and ankles are not chained but our minds are. To the men reading this, we must learn to show our women, our sisters, our mothers the proper respect. God created man to be the stewards over all creation. To show disrespect to the gift that is woman is m

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mentalhealthreads.jpg?w=1536With everything happening in our personal lives and the wider world, it’s easy to get caught up in the darkness. There’s no shame in taking a mental health day. Taking a day to decompress, relax and do whatever you need to do to practice self-care can have a strong effect on your overall mental health. Though not everyone has the luxury of being afforded specified mental health days, it’s important not to feel guilty for making yourself a priority.

Maybe you’re dealing with a long-term

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mentalhealthreads.jpg?w=1536With everything happening in our personal lives and the wider world, it’s easy to get caught up in the darkness. There’s no shame in taking a mental health day. Taking a day to decompress, relax and do whatever you need to do to practice self-care can have a strong effect on your overall mental health. Though not everyone has the luxury of being afforded specified mental health days, it’s important not to feel guilty for making yourself a priority.

Maybe you’re dealing with a long-term

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“So what’s it like to be a pastor’s wife?”

My wife gets asked this question all the time. Most of the time, she turns to me and says, “Scott, what’s it like to be a lawyer’s husband?!”

I’m sure being my wife has influenced the way she experiences church and relates to God. I meet many people who are surprised when I share the ways being a lawyer’s husband influences the way I pastor my church, relate to people and follow Jesus.

One of those ways involves abuse.

The Education I Got When I Marri

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Marriage is honorable. Everyone desires a peaceful and love-filled relationship or marriage. Many ladies have a lot of misconceptions about attracting the right man into their lives. Some think it's by dressing half-naked or by easily getting laid that attracts men to them. This way, however, you will certainly earn some attention, but the question is: who are they? Are they men you would like to spend the rest of your life with?

Today, we want to look at how a christian lady ca

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I didn’t understand why I was so easily impatient with my kids, when I really wanted to help them with homework. Instead, I got frustrated, lecturing them in a way that was unhelpful and discouraging.

When my husband came home after work, my sour attitude hung like a cloud. Although I cooked dinner, did my chores and technically, nothing was “wrong” that I could put my finger on, I felt stressed and my bad mood spilled over to everyone.

“What’s going on?” hubby asked, after we tucked the kids i

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by Jeffrey Hagan  

It is becoming more and more popular to blame Christianity, God, Jesus, and/or the Bible for just about anything that “goes against the grain” these days. Quite frankly, it's ridiculous. As the title of this article makes clear, the topic I am specifically addressing in this piece is women's rights. Those who blame Christianity and/or the Bible do so without a proper knowledge of Scripture, the culture at the time, history, and they lack hermeneutical and exeget

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The woman who loves a black man has a special challenge. She will have to be diligent in her efforts to understand a man who often has difficulty understanding himself. It's not that we black men are being purposely or intentionally elusive; many of us simply don't know how not to be that way.

It's part conditioning, part programming, and part choice. Black men enter relationships with a myriad of complex emotions which are often intertwined with unresolved childhood issues, uni

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by Lisa Schipansky  

Sometimes God starts talking to me about twenty things at once, or maybe that's just my own silly head having about 20 thoughts going on at once... Either way, I should just start putting them all down on paper. Right? Right! I hope my blog finds you totally honest. Hey, that is one thing I can attest to, not to put my business out there, but I can be totally honest with myself and being honest with myself means being real with the world and someone else out there is going

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by Dr. Henderson Ward  

I've had a few different careers during my working life, and they seem to have one important thing in common. Each required specific technical training and skills in order for one to become competent. Accordingly, by way of building technology and management, I finally ended up as a professional teacher, having gone to a teacher's training college and graduated with a distinction.

Sometimes you hear things, but they do not resonate, they don't hammer home their impact w

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There are many people calling themselves Christians, who follow the movement that is commonly known as the “social gospel.” According to this movement, the heart of the Christian faith is about bringing change to society by helping the poor, downtrodden and abused. 

Those who follow this teaching have no time for the idea that people need to be saved from God’s judgment. In their view, although Jesus’ death on the cross served in some way to demonstrate God’s love, it was not a sacrifice for si

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You Can Be A Happy Woman


by Olawale Ogunsola  

On May 22, 2015, a woman Minister of God referred to men as containers bought by a woman whose contents are not known at the time of purchase. On arrival at home, opening of the containers reaveal the true contents. She said some women found beverages in their containers. Some women found sand in theirs; while many women found granite. Discoveries of women after marriage differ in respect of the true contents of their men. 

This is true. 

Are you surprised? I don't know

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"Already, I'm off my diet, skipped exercise class, snacked on chips, and picked up dinner at a fast food restaurant," she groaned.

How can the best intentions, the stoutest resolutions, and the firmest convictions fall so quickly by the wayside? Are we simply weak and self-sabotaging?

Why is it so hard to form healthy habits especially when we know as busy professional women that a successful health plan depends on adopting healthy habits and good intentions.

Is there anything we can do to

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We live in a society where worth and value is measured by our possessions, position, and power. So many women struggle against the strain of trying to keep up and compare themselves to other women who seem to have it all. As women, we feel we are not worthy and valuable when what we do would be looked-down by most of society, hence the all too familiar game of comparison and feelings of being unworthy crouch upon us.

Especially for women, we can struggle as we try and find our worth and value

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By Terhemba Godwin Ihagh

The story of “Laurre the Elliot” who bagged a master’s degree at the age of 90, says a lot about the fact that – where there is a will, there will always be a way – no matter the trials or pains! “Laurre the Elliot” is a proof to many that it’s never too late to fulfill your dreams. She said it was that nagging, “unfilled desire“, that prevented her from never giving up. If you want to do something badly enough – then you will be able to do it. Later on, she welcomed he

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