motherhood (2)

The Joys of Motherhood


By David E. Pratte

Some women today think of family life as an unbearable drudgery. Many feminists tell women that they cannot find fulfillment by being wives and mothers, so instead they should leave home and pursue careers. It has gone so far that women who do stay home almost feel inferior and guilty.

But Titus 2:4,5 says that young women should be taught “to love their husbands, to love their children, to be … keepers at home.” Surely it is difficult for young mothers to stay at home and lo

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1. Motherhood is evidence of God’s mercy.

The Bible teaches that God made mankind to be his image bearers. He gave Adam and Eve the royal task of filling the earth with more image bearers of the one, true King.

When our first parents disobeyed God in the garden of Eden, all of their descendants fell into sin along with them. Because of our sin, we all deserve God’s just wrath. Life, therefore, is an undeserved gift from God, never to be presumed or rejected. Motherhood is evidence that God i

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