
Be inspired by these Wednesday quotes to be the best you can.

Wednesday is an interesting day; some refer to it as hump day, a day which is halfway through the week. Once you get over the day you are on the way to the weekend. Some find Wednesday as the longest day of the week, they feel like Friday will never come.

And others look forward to Wednesday because it allows them a day to accomplish their goals. For people who love what they do they would prefer it to be Monday. They hate to see the week coming to an end.

Whatever your thoughts on Wednesday are, give it all you got, be the best you can be, don't waste this day, enjoy it! Happy Wednesday!

1. Write down the things that are on your mind. The simple act of listing your thoughts can have a cathartic and healing effect. Julia Laflin, 100 Things to Pick You Up When You're Feeling Down

2. Nothing is worth more than this day.
Johann Wolfgang
New Day Quotes
Wednesday a new day, rather than looking forward to the weekend, live this day!

3. Wishes are for birthdays and shooting stars, but knowing without a doubt what you want and how you're going to get it is a concrete commitment.
Scott Allan, Drive Your Destiny
This Wednesday don't make wishes make commitments.

Success is not luck! Israelmore Ayivor

4. Success is not luck!
Israelmore Ayivor, Believe and Achieve
Luck Quotes
Luck will not bring you success on Wednesday or any other day of the week.

5. It is recommended that if an inspirational quote can be read everyday it will definitely help you to rise to your full potential. Emily Johnson
Inspirational Quotes
Read an inspirational quote every day for a week and see the positive changes around you.

6. The knowledge of "how to do it" is detained in "why should it be done?"
Israelmore Ayivor, 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
Knowledge Quotes
We can all learn "how" but in order to truly understand we need to learn "why". For tasks you know how to do, ask yourself this Wednesday do you know the why behind them.

Your attitude, more than anything, will influence your effectiveness. Pat Gelsinger

7. Your attitude, more than anything, will influence your effectiveness.
Pat Gelsinger
Attitude Quotes
How effective will you be this Wednesday? Check your attitude and that will give you the answer.

8. Recently I realized that I have already lived more of my life than what I have left, and somehow that made me even more determined than ever to make the most of my time.
Joyce Meyer, Seize the Day
Time Quotes
Realize that none of us are guaranteed a tomorrow, so this Wednesday may this quote from Joyce Meyer remind you to make the most of your time!

Success comes with the attitude of success filled in one’s mind and so comes failure with the attitude for failure in the mind. Mahesh Jethmalani

9. Success comes with the attitude of success filled in one's mind and
so comes failure with the attitude for failure in the mind. Mahesh Jethmalani, The Ladder of Success
Success Quotes
This Wednesday keep your mind focus on success.

10. You gotta decide to be happy. Where you wanna live. What you wanna drive. You have to make a decision! Eric Thomas
Self Motivation
Eric Thomas's quote is a good one to reflect on this Wednesday. We will never be motivated unless we make decisions about what it is we want to accomplish and then take the action steps to achieve it. Our motivation comes from within!

... it's more blessed to give than to receive is not some moral nostrum ... but a prescription for authentic joy. Marc Ian Barasch May you be blessed this Wednesday

11. ... it's more blessed to give than to receive is not some moral nostrum ... but a prescription for authentic joy. Marc Ian Barasch
Wednesday Blessings

12. That which you think about, you create. Thoughts are things! And that which you think about, good or bad - you create into your own reality. Author Unknown
Positive Thinking
Check your thoughts this Wednesday, how are your thoughts creating your reality?

Yes, I know some days are more difficult than others. But if you program your mind in a positive way, you won’t have to drag through certain days just hoping to get to Friday so you can finally enjoy life. Joel Osteen

13. Yes, I know some days are more difficult than others. But if you program your mind in a positive way, you won't have to drag through certain days just hoping to get to Friday so you can finally enjoy life.
Joel Osteen, Every Day a Friday
Positive Life Quotes
It is Wednesday - ENJOY IT!

14. Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day. Dalai Lama
Meaningful Quotes
Make this Wednesday meaningful!

The difference between winners and ordinary people is winners follow through despite fear while others just dream and take no action. Calvin K. Lee

15. The difference between winners and ordinary people is winners follow through despite fear while others just dream and take no action. Calvin K. Lee, Words of Wisdom, Encouragement, and Inspiration
Take action towards achieving your goals this Wednesday, even if you can only take small steps, take the step and make your dream a reality.

16. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love. Rock Bankole, How to Be Happy
Friendship Quotes
Inspirng words to remind us to do good deeds, to be courteous and kind to all you meet this Wednesday.

Wednesday will either make you or break you. You are either on the upward trend or the downward slid to the end of the work week. Give it all you got this Wednesday! Catherine Pulsifer

17. Wednesday will either make you or break you. You are either on the upward trend or the downward slid to the end of the work week. Give it all you got this Wednesday! Catherine Pulsifer
Motivational Quotes for Work

18. A champion is someone who does not settle for that day's practice, that day's competition, that day's performance. They are always striving to be better. They don't live in the past. Briana Scurry, Soccer Goalkeeper
Soccer Quotes
A quote in relation to soccer but also applies to our everyday lives. This Wednesday are you striving for "better"?

Enthusiasm is the electricity of life. How do you get it? You act enthusiastic until you make it a habit. Gordon Parks Wednesday is hump day, half way through your week, be enthusiastic today!

19. Enthusiasm is the electricity of life. How do you get it? You act enthusiastic until you make it a habit. Gordon Parks

20. You are forgiven for your happiness and your successes only if you generously consent to share them. Albert Camus

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Prince Malachi is the founder of The Oracle Network and the Streetwear brand Y.A.H. Apparel

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