Expresses topic's on world, books, music & poetry. Join for all the latest info on his work & Word of expressions & encouragement for better understanding for a brighter future...

Expression’s Of Poetry:

Encouraging words to those in need of motivational and inspirational words of expressions. Poetry delivered towards the youth and young adults battling with insecurity and acceptance. Also motivating stories to deal with death, love and friendship. Encouraged to all ages, Expressions Of Poetry is a power enforce on teens dealing with matter's thats effecting our world today, helping them coat with many obstacles and being able to overcome them.

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You Changed Me!

So Much Of Me...Shall I say, you have changed me! Made me a very wise and handsome young man. Giving me a dream, so honesty and true. Sharing and delivering your purpose, enlightens bought our hearts, so true. I never believed in love at first sight, until I let you into my soul. Oh my friend forever, never leave my heart, because you changed so much of me…

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