“Its not about the old ways. It’s about the much older ways.” Our movement is 100 percent dedicated to restoring Christianity to the life changing religion it was meant to be, not the dead powerless religion it has become.
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About Our Movement

“Its not about the old ways. It’s about the much older ways.” Our movement is 100 percent dedicated to restoring Christianity to the life changing religion it was meant to be, not the dead powerless religion it has become. What we have today and what we read in the Book of Acts do not match. “Give me that old time religion. Its good enough for me.”

The Points


1. Yashua (Jesus) is GOD who became man. He was sacrificed for the remission of the Sins of Mankind.
2. Yashua is the only head of the church. Not a pope, pastor, bishop or any other man.
3. Traditional Christian holidays are all pagan in origin and must not be observed.
4. Churches must not require tithing.
5. All Christians have the right and the responsibility to preach and teach the gospel.
6. Churches must allow the Holy Spirit led worship services, NOT a set guide.
7. The building you worship in is not the church/temple. We are.
8. No man or woman should be paid to do GODs work.
9. We must allow the Holy Spirit to teach us. Not seminaries and Bible colleges.
10. The family is the first institution ordained by GOD. Our community will not change until our families come together and change.
11. The black family can not rise to greatness until the black woman rises to greatness.


1. Freedom. Despite what many think, we still are not free. That goes for all races. They may have taken the chains off of our wrist but the brains remain on lock down.

2. Education. Even in “rich” communities” the education system in the United States is greatly flawed. Text books contain information that is out dated and proven to be false. Teachers are under qualified. History classes are one sided.

3. An end to government corruption. The government’s set up is that corporations are the ones that benefit the most. Not the average American citizen.

10 Daily Duties of Christians

1. Pray (Mt. 6:11; Lk 11:3)

2. Take Up Your Cross (Lk. (9:23)

3. Continue In One

Accord(Acts. 2:46)

4. Teach (Mt. 26:55; Lk 19:47)

5. Win Souls (Acts 2:47; 16:5)

6. Preach Jesus (Acts 5:42)

7. Search The Scripture (Acts 17:11)

8. Discuss The Scripture (Acts 19:9)

9. Carry Responsibility (2 Cor. 11:28)

10. Exhort One Another

The Church is Dead

True authentic Christianity died long ago. This thing that is paraded before us is not the church that was built by Jesus and the Apostles. It’s a cheap counterfeit lifeless religion. In fact if you take what we have today and match it with the church seen in the book of Acts and the Epistles you will notice that what we have now and what they had then conflict one another. What they had then was a living, breathing, earth changing movement. What they had back then was unity in the body. Today’s so called church is riddled with division. Why are there so many different denominations all going in different directions, preaching and teaching different ideas? There is one GOD, one faith, one baptism, so there should only be one creed…The Bible. We have developed a “gang mentality” were all we care about is what’s going on inside our building. What we must understand is this Satans trick. He wants us divided. He wants us to focus on things that have nothing to do with GOD and his kingdom. This fake church is entertaining. The more entertained we are, the more we are not focusing on what matters most. The goal of our movement is the resurrect the dead church, to bring back a life giving, life changing church and 1.To proclaim the Gospel throughout the world and make disciples of all kinds of people. (Matt. 28:19-20: Mark 16:15) 2. To serve as a community of worship and fellowship — to manifest the presence and love of Jesus (Matt. 18:20; Mark 12: 30-31). 3.To mature believers and prepare them to perform works of ministry. (Eph. 4:11-12 Rom. 12:6, 1 Cor. 12:14-31).4. To represent the interests of the Kingdom of God in the world, and to influence our society with the ideals of the Lord (Matt 5:13-14)

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  • Well Sister that is a good question. GOD Word was written by men and women who did not have such formal training. All but two men. Paul and Moses. Those who wrote GOD's word were led by The Holy Spirit filled these men as they wrote GODs Word. So then the only way to learn and understand GOD's Word is under the influence of the Holy Spirit, Not in the schools of men. It was the learned men of the Bible who rejected The Son of Man. It is also because of all these formal training that we have so manly man mad laws just like they did in biblical times. Not all schools are bad but they have to be rooted in GOD's word only and not there own thoughts and man made ideas. And we must not trust the Holy spirit to teach us. Your so right about the false prophets and teachers. They are everywhere. That's why we must trust GOD to teach us not man.
  • Question. Why don't you agree with institutional teaching? Although I have not attended seminary I have taken a couple of biblically based classes that taught foundational Christian beliefs and another (that I did not fair so well in) taught hermeneutics and how to properly search the scriptures. I found both of these classes to be very helpful. While I do believe that the holy spirit provides guidance in reading the scriptures, I also believe wisdom and spiritual discernment can only be properly reinforced with the ability read the scriptures within their context and the ability to back scripture with scripture. Most people aren't taught that without formal trainining. False prophets are having a field day with us for this very reason. For lack of wisdom our people perish.
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The Mis-Education of the Christian; What True Christianity is and How We have been Misled (Part 1)

Do you feel something missing from your Christian walk? Do you know who you serve and fully understand why you serve him? Do you feel fed days after leaving worship service? Do you feel you can defend your faith and your beliefs? For many Christians, the answers to these questions is no! Why? Because the church that was founded by Yasua (Jesus was his name in Greek. His name in Hebrew is Joshua. The language of the Jewish people 2000 years ago was Aramaic. In Aramaic his name is Yehosua ,Yasua…

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