Why Hate on the Five Fold Hip-Hoppers?

[Read/Study 1st Samuel 18:5-7]

Why do you Hate me?

Why do you Hate me?

By ReAsOn DiSciPLe


Don’t religious folks just get on your nerves? I mean seriously, don’t they just irk you? They drive me crazy! I’m not going to lie to you. On my Facebook page, when I find religious people in my “friends” list they get deleted. They can’t hide who they are. From the evil treasures of their hearts is made know their beliefs and doctrines, or shall I say leaven.


They just suck the life out of you until you are in bondage to their every whims and wishes. And it is even worse for us who are in the Hip-Hop Ministry, Industry, and Culture. There are churches, ministers, ministries, and Christians out there who still think what we do in hip-hop is the most demonic thing to them. We are Christians until they find out we rap.


They say, “That worldliness doesn’t belong in the church!” They just nag! Who wants to be around that? I know I don’t. So what do we do? We form hip-hop churches and hip-hop ministries. Then what do they call us? Cults! We have been called cults because we want to reach a generation that these religious people have failed to reach because they don’t understand today’s youth and don’t want to learn how to be relevant with the times. Forget the fact that this is how they treat every new move of God.


It’s even worse in hip-hop circles! They become religious because God is doing something new in music by calling forth the Five Fold Hip-Hop Ministry. God is calling forth these Davidical Prophetic Warriors of Praise and Worship to go out there into the world and do some awesome and major exploits. Who wouldn’t love that in the Church? Obviously, not everyone loves that idea. We got some Saul type of ministries out there who are Pharisee and Sadducee in nature.


But what if you are truly called to function as a Five Fold Hip-Hop Minister or Entrepreneur in the music ministry, industry, and culture? That’s what we are going to find out today. Here are three tips for you

Continue reading   http://www.ricardoequips.com/130592/why-hate-on-the-five-fold-hip-hoppers-by-reason-disciple-3/

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