What Would You Do For Holy Hip-Hop Harmony?

[Read/Study 1st Samuel 18:1-4]

Get your copy of The MC Part 8 – Fellowship and Unity in Hip-Hop e-Book by Ricardo Butler NOW AVAILABLE @ http://www.ricardoequips.com/ebook-store/fellowshipandunity/

Get your copy of The ‘MC’ Part 8 – Fellowship and Unity in Hip-Hop e-Book by Ricardo Butler NOW AVAILABLE @ http://www.ricardoequips.com/ebook-store/fellowshipandunity/

By ReAsOn DiSciPLe


In the recent years, through the birth of social media sites such as MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Ning Network, WordPress, Revebnation, Soundcloud, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+, Meetup, and many, many more, the world has gotten smaller. And not only that, it is much quicker to get information out to people within minutes.


Many in the Body of Christ have taking these online tools and used them greatly to advance the Kingdom of God. Never has there ever been a time in history where Kingdom strategies through the birth of the Five Fold Ministry and the Priesthood of the Believers could be passed around the Church so quickly. The body is uniting in greater measures as people of like minded passions over certain portions of God’s plan come together to fulfill visions that have taken years to materialize and become flesh.


Some of the three greatest cries that I have heard all year for 2012 and what the people of God want more of in 2013 are:


  • A closer walk and relationship with the Father and the Son,
  • Financial Breakthroughs.
  • And greater Unity in the Body of Christ.


Well in this blog post we are going to talk about 9 ways to building greater unity on social media and in face-to-face relationships throughout and across the body of Christ. We are going to use an example of the Life of King David (as usual) and the relationship he had with Jonathan.


Let’s read our text from The Message Bible.


“By the time David had finished reporting to Saul, Jonathan was deeply impressed with David—an immediate bond was forged between them. He became totally committed to David. From that point on he would be David’s number-one advocate and friend. Saul received David into his own household that day, no more to return to the home of his father. Jonathan, out of his deep love for David, made a covenant with him. He formalized it with solemn gifts: his own royal robe and weapons—armor, sword, bow, and belt.” (1st Samuel 18:1-4).


So let’s talk about how we can unify intentionally with and support others in the Hip-Hop Ministry and Industry!

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