Hip-Hop Sons of David


[Study Matthew 1:18-25]

By ReAsOn DiSciPLe


You are not an accident Davidical Hip-Hop artists of God! Your hip-hop music ministry is not an accident either. You were created and born for such as time as this. God has supernaturally gifted you from birth with an ability to rap, scratch records, spin on your head, pain up walls with spray cans, and take age old records and re-create sounds creating different genres of music that the YOUTH will listen to.


I don’t care what your church believes about hip-hop. I don’t care what the world believes about the negative impact that hip-hop has had in the past or even as we speak! God has created you to be change agents, problem solvers, and Kingdom pioneers in the music ministry (holy hip-hop in the church), the music industry (or business), and the music culture (the underground and streets).

Whatever it is that you do whether you have a Christian or Holy (which ever title you choice) hip-hop magazine, free mixtape website, a clothing line, a mime or step dancing team, a barbershop, or a car club in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ; this makes you a Davidical Hip-Hop Son or Daughter of David. Jesus was a Son of David according to the flesh. And just as He is, then so are we says 1st John 4:17.



Be Encouraged

Just like the son of David, Joseph who was to wed Mary in our verses to read, he almost didn’t believe. So the Lord sent Him an angel to confirm what he felt, gave him a word and then encouraged him to move forward into the Lord’s plan. This is what every Hip-Hop son of David needs in their ministry.


We question ourselves on whether we heard God right. We ask Him, “Lord is this Gospel rap is of you, could you please give me a sign or something!” I know I did. When I first started doing it while in prison, God approached me when I was going to give music up all together. Personally, I didn’t think there was a such thing as Christian hip-hop. It was unholy and I was a new Christian trying to live holy.


But if you have ever heard or read my bio/testimony before, then you already know what happened.

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